Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1895 Remember to be a good person in the next life


Zhang Fulong and Zhang Hongniu felt their eyes darken and almost collapsed to the ground, with expressions of despair on their faces.

It doesn't matter who you hit, they can all be settled.

But how dare you attack Chen Xin'an's wife?

There are so many big leaders here, and if you do something like this under their noses, I, not even your biological father, can protect you!

Zhang Guanghe was still on the ground, shouting to the two of them: "Uncle, second uncle, don't be stunned, take me home quickly!"

Go back to the village and call for help to destroy Chenjia Village!

You can't let me be beaten like this by them in vain!

Let Chen Zhanqiang's daughter and this beautiful woman serve me!

I can’t let them back until they are well..."

Zhang Fulong couldn't stand listening anymore, so he rushed over and kicked Zhang Guanghe in the mouth, with red eyes, he cursed: "Shut up! Do you want to kill me?"

Zhang Guanghe was kicked until his mouth was full of blood and he was stunned!

How is this going?

Why would the uncle hit him?

And they seem to be afraid of these Chen family members?

Then, his eyes widened!

Zhang Fulong knelt in front of Chen Xin'an with a puff, pointed at Zhang Guanghe and said:

"Mr. Chen, you believe me!

This bastard is actually a second-rate scoundrel, a big scoundrel, and has nothing to do with me! "

Zhang Hongniu also nodded vigorously and said: "This kind of disaster is also hated by people and ghosts in Malan Village!

There is nothing we can do. What Mr. Chen does is tantamount to eliminating harm for the people! "

Isn't it?

You are my eldest uncle and second uncle, how can you sever ties with me like this!

No matter how rogue I am, it's because of you. If you didn't support me from behind, would I dare to do this?

Zhang Fulong said with a pleading face: "Mr. Chen, give me a chance to correct my mistakes. I will send him to the Public Security Bureau now and let the law punish him!

And after all, he is from Malan Village. I will instruct Malan Village to compensate your wife and the injured Chen family!

Let them compensate...three hundred thousand, okay? "

Zhang Hongniu's body swayed, three hundred thousand, could the village afford it?

But he is not stupid. He knows that if he doesn't grit his teeth now, he will never be able to pass this level!

He nodded vigorously.

Chen Xin'an said expressionlessly: "So that's it! Then I understand, since he is so disgusting, there is no need to live!

There is no need to send him to the police station, provoke my wife, or injure my Chen family relatives, I can convict him! "

Zhang Fulong and Zhang Hongniu looked at each other, not understanding what he meant by this.

Chen Xin'an ignored them, stood beside Zhang Guanghe, lowered his head and said to him coldly:

“When you reincarnate in your next life, remember to remind yourself to be a good person!

The most important thing is, never provoke the Chen family again! "

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Xin'an had already raised his right foot and stamped it hard!

Zhang Guanghe anticipated something bad and shouted: "What are you doing...ah!"


With a muffled sound, Chen Xin'an's right foot stepped heavily on his back!

Along with a clearly audible sound of fractures, Zhang Guanghe's back collapsed!

The spine was instantly disconnected, and the broken ribs pierced the heart and lungs!

He vomited blood and died on the spot!

There was silence all around!


Wu Dalong collapsed to the ground, his pants were wet!

Zhang Fulong and Zhang Hongniu turned pale and fainted on the spot!

The Chen family members around them all opened their mouths. For a full minute, no one dared to speak!

It was Chen Rong who reacted first, took Chen Xin'an's arm and shouted: "Brother, run!

When the big leaders ask, we won’t talk nonsense!

You should take your sister-in-law and leave Chenjiacun right now! "

Chen Xin'an grinned, rubbed her head and said, "Don't worry!

Your brother has killed many people.

Such a bastard is just like an ant.

Just crush him to death, no one will care! "

He took off his coat and wrapped it around Ning Xiruo.

Ning Xiruo wrapped Chen Xin'an's clothes tightly and said to Chen Rong: "There is no need to pity or worry about this kind of person who comes to your door to die.

Even in front of the big leaders, he dared to do this! "

Everyone around was shocked in their hearts!

Zhang Fulong, Zhang Hongniu and Wu Dalong were so frightened that they didn't even have the strength to stand up.

Thinking of all the bullying they had done to Chenjiacun in the past, they now wished they could leave their hometown immediately so that they could escape far away and never see this terrible person!

Chen Xin'an did not let them go, and said to Zhang Fulong and Zhang Hongniu: "Call someone to come and clean up the bodies!

You three, come over for a drink? "

The three of them were stunned!

How dare I sit and drink with you?

Is this guillotine? Road drink?

Zhang Hongniu tremblingly took out his mobile phone and called the village to summon someone.

Wu Dalong said to Chen Xin'an in a tearful tone: "Chen, Mr. Chen, I'm not hungry, this wine is just..."

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and said calmly: "If you don't want to drink, then go back and find someone in the village who can take charge? Just give him the village chief!"

Wu Dalong's face turned pale, he swallowed his saliva, and finally sighed, lowered his head and said, "Okay, I'll drink!"

Without looking at the dead man on the ground, Chen Xin'an turned around, waved his hand, and shouted to everyone:

"Let's go back and drink!"

"Okay, let's go have a drink!" Chen Hong greeted loudly, holding his head up and chest high while walking.

Today, the people of Chenjiacun are truly the most proud they have been in decades!

Back in the courtyard, everyone sat down.

A table and chairs were rearranged and wine and food were placed.

Zhang Fulong, Zhang Hongniu, and Wu Dalong were specially placed next to Chen Xin'an, and Chen Zhou was also invited out and sat next to him.

Ning Xiruo took Chen Rong and sat over with her. Aunt Guilan, who had washed herself and changed her clothes, was also specially called over.

At the same time, Chen Huang, Mu Jinrong, and Yao Zhifeng also came out of the room and sat at this table.

Looking at this battle, Zhang Fulong, Zhang Hongniu, and Wu Dalong couldn't even sit still!

What kind of account is this being calculated?

Ning Xiruo first said: "Don't be nervous, you three. I invite you to come here to discuss cooperation!"


The three of them looked at each other.

Ning Xiruo recounted her next investment and plan in the village, and the three of them were dumbfounded.

After she finished speaking, Chen Huang continued: "I would like to add one more thing.

I plan to invest in Chenjiacun Primary School and build it into an integrated primary school to junior high school.

Then build a martial arts school.

The three of us will stay here to teach for one year.

We didn't leave until school got back on track. "

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment. He had just learned the news.

"No!" He frowned and said, "Your and my master's bodies..."

Yao Zhifeng patted his hand and said, "As your junior sister said, there will be no more poison!

Done for tonight! "

Chen Huang looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "I owe this to the village!"

Chen Xin'an wanted to say something, but she remained silent.

He understood Chen Huang's intention.

Back then, he caused a gap in Chenjiacun that affected two generations, and now he is using this method to make up for it!

He wants to complete the most complete inheritance of Chenjia Quan in Chenjiacun!

Chen Xin'an really couldn't refuse this kind of thing!

But Zhang Fulong and the other three were dumbfounded.

After a long while, Zhang Fulong gained the courage, looked at Chen Xin'an and asked: "Mr. Chen, you won't hold us accountable?

Won't you withdraw us? "

Chen Xin'an smiled lightly and said to them: "Whether you withdraw or not is a matter of one sentence to me.

But you know each other well. After dealing with each other for so many years, you all know what the other person’s temper is like.

So some things are easier to do.

Replacing it with a new person will delay even more time. Do you understand? "

What an unexpected surprise!

The three of them suppressed their excitement and nodded vigorously.

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