Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1896 Everything is just like first love

Several big leaders had already left, and the people from Longdun also took a helicopter back.

Before leaving, Chi Rui took Chen Xin'an's arm and called him aside.

"I want to go back to Xihe Pingshan and visit your grandpa's house.

Qingzhu is buried here. No matter what, you must tell your grandpa! "

Chen Xin'an frowned and said to her: "Grandma, my grandpa is in Xihe, why haven't you mentioned it?"

"My brother..." Chi Rui shook his head, snorted and said, "Forget it, go see him when you have time, and I will give you the address then.

It doesn't matter if you don't have time, you haven't seen him since you were a child anyway.

Your mother was forced out of the house by your grandfather.

Your grandparents, how should I put it, are a bit vain.

I just want your mother to marry a rich man or a foreigner.

I introduced a foreign teacher to your mother, who is twelve years older than your mother!

Your mother escaped.

Unexpectedly, they immediately severed ties with your mother.

There has been no contact for decades, and I really feel like I have lost this daughter!

Seriously, I'm annoyed by both of them.

Forget it, I'll go over and tell them about it. I don't care whether they come to take a look or not.

Don't go to Xihe either.

With your temper, if you go and start a fight with their family, you should just pretend not to know the existence of these people! "

Chen Xin'an scratched his head, but neither agreed nor refused.

Chi Rui touched his head and said: "Peace of mind, I will go back to Kyoto directly from Xihe.

Your grandpa is very busy during this time, and I can't leave him for too long.

If anything happens, let’s talk about it back to Kyoto.

Let me tell you one more thing.

Huan Shen and your grandfather... your current attitude is not good.

We can't ignore it, their feelings are a bit complicated.

I know you actually have resentment in your heart, but outsiders can't explain it in one sentence or two.

Today, Huan Shen will kneel down to your grandma!

Do you know what it means?

This is the great gift that our Haidong, the concubine of the former lord, gave to the deceased lady when he wanted to become the first wife.

No matter what kind of emotional entanglements people of their generation have, Huanshen is qualified to be your grandfather's official wife based on these eight kneelings.

Your grandpa's body... really hasn't been able to live happily for a few years.

Even an outsider like me can see that the Martial Saint has spent his entire life as a soldier.

I lived a hard life and was never truly happy.

But if you can make him happy, it will be a great boost to his spirit.

Think about it for yourself, I'm leaving! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and watched Chi Rui get on the helicopter.

The three helicopters flew away, and Chenjiacun returned to its former peace.

Things here have been dealt with, but Chen Xin'an can't leave yet.

In the evening, Mengbowa was going to inflict the last poison on Chen Huang and Yao Zhifeng, which was also the most important one.

It depends on tonight whether the poison in the two old men's bodies can be removed.

Everyone was full, only Mombova was still eating.

There was a large bowl of meat in front of him, and Chen Xin'an was a little tired of it now.

Even the Guan brothers and sisters couldn't eat anymore, and she was the only one who still stuffed it into her mouth.

There is no way, the life Gu has been very tired during this period, and must absorb nutrients.

But eating a pound of meat can absorb less than 1% of the life Gu.

If you want it to become strong and fat in a short period of time, you must continue to increase its food intake.


As soon as Mombova swallowed a mouthful, she spit it out, and the stuff she spit out was all dark brown!

"Bowa, don't eat it!" Guan Fei ran over and grabbed Mongpowa's wrist.

Ning Xiruo also frowned and said to her: "Bo Wa, you have already hurt your stomach by eating, you can't force yourself to eat anymore!"

Mombova waved her hand, shook her head and said: "No, tonight is very crucial, I have to prepare to be more confident.

Senior brother, you have a way to prevent me from spitting it out, right?

Please help me, the life Gu is too weak now, I'm afraid it won't survive tonight. "

Guandu asked puzzledly: "Why can't you wait until tomorrow?

Mompowa shook her head and said, "It's like drinking medicine. It only works if you drink it continuously. If you drink it this time, if you drink it again in a few days, the disease will still not be cured!"

Chen Xin'an was a little hesitant, but still gave Mongpowa an injection to stop her vomiting, and said softly:

"Junior sister, don't worry, senior brother will be by your side tonight!"

"Okay!" Mombova nodded.

As night falls, the house where Chen Huang lived when he was a child has now been tidied up.

Chen Huang and Yao Zhifeng were each lying on a bed, and Mengbowa was standing in the middle of the two beds.

Except for Chen Xin'an who was beside her, everyone else was outside the door and refused to come in.

As the door was closed, Mongpowa began to cast poison. Chen Xin'an stood aside and watched quietly without making a sound.

Outside the door, Guan Du brought a bench for Mu Jinrong and Ning Xiruo and asked them to sit down.

Mu Jinrong took Ning Xiruo's hand and said, "Xiruo, I went to the hospital when I arrived.

Ye Zhen is now responsive to the outside world, much better than before! "

"Really?!" Ning Xiruo looked surprised.

Mu Jinrong nodded, took her hand and said, "I have a daughter from this old age, and this is my treasure, so I will entrust her to you!"

Ning Xiruo's face turned red and she said guiltily: "Grandma Mu, I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of her..."

Mu Jinrong shook her head and said to her: "This is her calamity and has nothing to do with you!

Now that she got through it, she won't have much pain in the future!

Xiruo, I have not been happy in my life.

It seemed that the happiest days were the few days I spent with Ah Huang.

Believe it or not, Ahuang and I were not happy together before.

And neither of us is happy.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been hiding from me for so many years..."

Ning Xiruo opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

Mu Jinrong took her hand and said, "I feel so good when I see you and Xin'an like this!

This is what I imagine people in love looking like together!

So I envy you both.

Not everyone can achieve happiness by sacrificing their lives for each other.

Young people often say that being together is like first meeting.

This is actually not rigorous.

The first meeting is not necessarily a beautiful one.

Everything should be just like first love.

This first love is not the first person you fall in love with in your ignorant youth.

It's the moment you and the one you love fall in love for the first time.

Very few people can do it, but you two did it. "

Ning Xiruo recalled every bit of her acquaintance with Chen Xin'an, with a happy smile on her face.

Guandu felt the strange eyes from the side and turned his head to forget about Yan Shuisheng.

When she found that he was looking at her without blinking, her face suddenly turned red.

Mu Jinrong patted Ning Xiruo's hand gently and said, "Xiruo, agree to my request.

Try to let the child Ye Zhen live a happy and heartless life, and don't let her experience the pain of love!

With her temperament, she can't afford it!

I don't want her to be able to carry on the Mu family's family lineage. It's not her turn to do this.

So don't let her go through this and take care of her for the rest of her life.

Regardless of seniority, treat her as your sister.

May I? "

Ning Xiruo bit her lip, looked at Mu Jinrong and said, "I'll try my best!"

She really couldn't answer this question with certainty.

Because as an adult, unless outsiders say no to feelings, it may not happen.

Mu Jinrong gave her a big problem.

And maybe there was something she didn't understand, but Ning Xiruo knew it very well.

Konoha's true feelings for Chen Xin'an are a kind of abnormal emotion that goes beyond family affection!

If Ning Xi was not a child, she couldn't dig a hole for herself to accommodate her mistress just to please Mu Jinrong!

Mu Jinrong seemed to have guessed what Ning Xiruo was thinking, holding her hand and sighing:

"Don't worry, what you are worried about will never happen!"

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