Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1897 This is my hometown, this is my root

I don’t know why Mu Jinrong said such a thing.

She didn't elaborate, and Ning Xiruo didn't ask further questions.

"Junior sister!"

Chen Xin'an's cry suddenly came from the room.

Everyone pushed the door open and saw Mombova lying in his arms with bleeding from her mouth and nose.

"Xiao Fei, take Bova to the next room!" Chen Xin'an shouted.

Guan Fei walked over quickly, picked up Mompowa, and walked out of the room.

Mu Jinrong walked to Chen Xin'an and asked him nervously: "Xin'an, is everything going well? What's the situation now?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to her: "Don't worry, the poison between them has been eliminated.

But now my body is very weak.

I'll write a prescription and a recipe later.

I will send someone to buy it. Within a month, I will take the medicine strictly according to the prescription, and follow the recipe when eating and drinking.

This month, I have laid a good foundation for my body and will slowly take care of myself from now on! "

"Okay!" Mu Jinrong nodded.

Ning Xiruo came over, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and asked in a low voice, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" Chen Xin'an shook her head and said, "The hardest and most dangerous thing tonight is not us, but Bova!

I want to stay with her and help her evolve her natal Gu smoothly.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for her to pass this level! "

Chen Xin'an didn't lie. Mongpowa's situation that night was really scary.

Just from vomiting blood, he vomited a whole basin.

Chen Xin'an and Guan Fei guarded her all night. At dawn, Mengbowa finally woke up.

Guan Fei wiped Mombova's face dry with a wet towel.

She said to Chen Xin'an with a guilty look on her face: "Brother, I am so useless, I have made you worry all night.

If the master had taken action, people would not be so frightened at all! "

Chen Xin'an held a bowl of noodle soup and said with a smile while feeding her: "But even if the master comes, he will not clean the poison from my grandfather and master so cleanly.

Because she doesn't dare to make up her mind at a critical moment like you and dare to take a gamble! "

Mombova smiled shyly.

Chen Xin'an didn't mean to say nice things. Indecisiveness was indeed a character flaw of Master Gu King.

If not, she wouldn't have been forced to that point by her senior brother and ended up like this!

Guan Fei touched Mongpowa and pointed to her belly.

Mompowa blushed, nodded and said, "Evolved!"

Guan Fei chuckled, looking happier than winning a million-dollar jackpot.

Chen Xin'an walked to Chen Huang's room. He and his master were already awake.

Sitting beside Yao Zhifeng's bed, Chen Xin'an asked, "Have you decided to stay here?"

Yao Zhifeng said with a smile: "It's only been one year, it passed quickly! Mainly because of Old Ghost Chen, he wanted to..."

"Old Yao!" Chen Huang glared at him.

The poison in his body has been removed, and although his face is pale, his complexion is much better than before.

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked with a straight face: "Is there anything else you are hiding from me?"

Mu Jinrong came in with two bowls of corn porridge and said to him: "There is nothing to hide from Xin'an!

Dragon Shield needs blood replenishment. Since Gongsun has already mentioned it, the three of us will help.

Find some children here and send them to Dragon Shield! "

Chen Xin'an's face twitched and he cursed angrily: "You are so determined to never give up!

Have you forgotten that you have been locked away by Chenjiacun for more than thirty years?

Still doing this? Do you want the entire Beishan Town to kick you out? "

"It won't happen this time!" Chen Huang waved his hand and said to him: "Chenjiacun has become like this, and people outside can only envy it.

Moreover, our recruitment principle remains unchanged, focusing on orphans and children living in difficult circumstances.

This time, the consequences will be explained clearly, and the choice is theirs! "

Yao Zhifeng and Mu Jinrong both nodded.

Chen Xin'an wanted to scold them, but she didn't know what to say when she opened her mouth.

For such people with faith, sometimes you think they are stubborn and stubborn, and they may suffer a bloody blow but still remain true to their original intention.

I have lived my whole life, no matter what I say, I hate that place.

But in my heart, I have been thinking about it.

He dedicated his whole life to that place!

They are respectable, even Chen Xin'an has to admire them!

Taking a deep breath, Chen Xin'an said to the three of them: "I'm going to Dongshan soon!

If you need anything, call me.

I have arranged everything, so you don't have to worry about anything.

Just tell me what you need and I will arrange for someone to deliver it to you then!

Grandpa, grandma, master, I'm leaving! "

After Chen Xin'an finished speaking, she turned around and walked out.

The three people in the room were stunned.

After a while, Chen Huang's eyes turned red and he said to Yao Zhifeng in a trembling voice: "Old Yao, did you hear just now? What did he call me?"

Yao Zhifeng also nodded excitedly and said, "Grandpa!"

"Hey!" Chen Huang agreed.

Yao Zhifeng's face darkened and he yelled: "Old ghost Chen, get out of here! Take advantage of me!"

Chen Huang wiped his tears and said: "I didn't react just now, but now I react! Ah Rong! Ah Rong?"

Only then did he realize that Mu Jinrong was sitting by the window, covering her face with her hands.

Gently pulling her arm away, Chen Huang realized that Mu Jinrong was already in tears!

He immediately realized that what his grandson called just now was grandma, not grandma Mu!

Nothing makes her happier than being recognized by her grandson!

The two old men, who had been feeling guilty for half their lives, were finally relieved and cried excitedly while holding each other's hands!

At the entrance of the village, it was dark and filled with people seeing him off.

Chen Zhou helped Chen Xin'an put away his clothes and said to him: "When the small building in the village is built, I will leave a set for you and Xiruo and I will find someone to clean it every day.

Even the house you two have in the village, no one wants to leave!

In the future, when I feel tired from running outside, I will come back and stay for a while.

This is my hometown, this is my root, don’t forget it! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "Don't worry, Fifth Grandpa, I will come back often.

When Aunt Guilan gets the card back, the funds will be in place.

At that time, there will be dedicated people responsible for factory construction and planning.

You and Aunt Guilan need to worry more about finance and logistics.

Don't worry about management, Rongrong will not let you down. "

"Brother An!" Chen Liang wiped the corners of his eyes and said to him, "Shui Lian invited me to watch a movie in town tonight!"

Chen Li slapped him on the head and cursed angrily: "She wanted to get rid of you before, but now that our village is better, she wants to flirt with you again!

Why do you act like a stick and still fall for her? "

Chen Liang lowered his head and said, "I think Shui Lian is good!"

Chen Li still wanted to hit him, but Chen Xin'an said: "Okay, brother Li, Liangzi is right. The reality of women is not wrong at all. The key is how to get along with each other in the future!"

Chen Liang looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Brother An, you won't come back to see us for several years, right?

If I get married to Shui Lian, can you come to the wedding? "

"It's necessary!" Chen Xin'an laughed.

Chen Li slapped Chen Liang again and scolded: "Are you stupid? My uncle, aunt and grandma are all in the mountains. Xin'an has to come back every year to pay homage. Isn't it easy to meet?"

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that?" Chen Liang rubbed his head with surprise on his face, and immediately realized:

"Brother Li, you hit me again!

Originally, Shui Lian had an unmarried cousin, who was so beautiful!

I also want Shui Lian to lead you and beat me every day, no matter what! "

"No, brother Liang, are we two brothers like this? Come on, I'll send you your head. Brother Liang, you can beat me in different ways, I won't be annoyed at all!"

"Brother Liang, does Shui Lian have other cousins? Your brother Yang is also single!"

"Brother Liang, I don't want a cousin, I want a cousin! Introduce me, and you will be my biological brother from now on!"

"Damn, Uncle Haizi, are you a bit shameless now? You're such a senior!"

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