Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1898 Are you still determined to give up?

The commercial car was driving fast on the highway. Chen Xin'an rested his head on Ning Xiruo's lap and slept comfortably.

Mombova was lying in the back seat, and she was already asleep. Guan Fei sat next to her, fearing that she would fall off the seat.

Guandu took out his headphones and plugged them into his phone to listen to music.

I brought one earplug myself and gave the other to Chen Ying.

Yan Shuisheng sat in the passenger seat and watched Li Qi drive.

He was going to Kyoto with his boss to get his driver's license first.

I don’t know if it was because he had been a fisherman, but Yan Shuisheng was very curious about various means of transportation and wanted to try them out himself.

At noon, the car returned to Dongshan and drove directly into Panlong Bay.

Oddly enough, there wasn't much jubilation.

Except for the word "囍" stuck on the door and window, there is nothing else. The house has not changed.

And at this time, it’s time to have lunch, but there’s no one at home!

What happened?

Chen Xin'an took out her mobile phone and called Yue Zhihua.

The connection was quickly connected, and within five minutes, Ning Chen ran over from the community, took out the key and opened the door, and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Let's leave the car and things at home first, and let's go to Building 26 together! My uncle bought a house there and we are all eating there! My aunt has returned to her parents' house and will pick her up for the wedding tomorrow."

I see!

Chen Xin'an asked Li Qi to drive the car into the yard. Ning Chen walked to Ning Xiruo and called out with some hesitation: "Sister..."

Ning Xiruo helped him take away the rice grains from the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, "What are you doing? Are you short of money?"

Ning Chen shook his head and whispered to her, "Second aunt is here! She also brought several family members with her!"

Ning Xiruo was stunned for a moment, with a calm expression on her face, nodded and said, "I understand!"

Despite living in Panlong Bay for so many years, let alone Chen Xin'an, even Ning Xiruo seems to have never visited the entire community!

This is known as the largest community in Dongshan, but the 26 buildings are not far from the villa, less than a hundred meters away.

In unit 202, the door was open and the dining table inside was full of people.

Seeing Chen Xin'an and others coming in, they all stood up.

Yue Zhihua said to Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo: "I will ask Zuixian Tower to prepare new meals and send them to the villa later. You can go and eat there."

Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said, "No hurry!"

The place here is not too small, with three bedrooms and two living rooms, about more than 130 square meters, and the key decoration is quite new.

Chen Xin'an smiled and asked: "Uncle, what do you mean? This is a new house?"

Yue Zhihua nodded and said with a smile: "This family has not lived in it since it was renovated.

Something happened in my hometown, so I need to raise money to go back.

I bought it the same day it was listed.

It just so happened that you asked Connie to get back the money she lost from gambling, in full, less than 700,000.

Connie wants to treat this place as a new house, and leave the villa to Master Meng and the Chunfu brothers!

I still have some spare money, and I heard that the house across the street is for sale, so I plan to buy it.

Let Connie bring her husband and mother-in-law over. Then the whole family will live together, which is very convenient! "

Chen Xin'an frowned, looked at Ning Xiruo next to her, and asked Yue Zhihua:

“I have no objection to you moving out and buying your own house as a new home.

Which brother is Chunfu?

Why live in the villa? "

"Xi Ruo, feel at ease, Chunfu is my brother!" Two people walked out of the toilet, it was the second aunt whom they had not seen for several years and Ning Shuo, who had obviously grown taller.

"Second Aunt..." Ning Xiruo's nose felt sour and tears welled up.

At this moment, the second aunt has completely lost the high-spirited look of a rich lady wearing gold and silver when she was in the Ning family.

The clothes are all old, and the jewelry she wears is obviously not of good quality and is a cheap imitation.

She looked very downcast in her attire, just like an ordinary middle-aged woman who would not be recognized in a crowd.

Ning Shuo is also much thinner than when he was a child. He has short hair and is a bit slovenly. His chest is covered with oil stains from eating.

He looks at people with indifferent eyes and doesn't speak much.

"Xi Ruo, feel safe. It was all Second Aunt's fault in the past. Second Aunt admits your mistake!" Second Aunt pulled Ning Shuo, walked to Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo, and bowed to them.

Ning Xiruo quickly supported her and said with tears, "Second Aunt, don't be like this! What happened in the past is in the past!"

Chen Xin'an didn't speak, just looked at him calmly.

Ning Xiruo bent down, touched Chen Shuo's hand and said, "Ning Shuo, don't you recognize the fifth sister? Are you in the second grade now?"

"My name is not Ning Shuo!" the little guy said as he pushed Ning Xiruo's hand away.

Ning Xiruo was stunned for a moment.

The second aunt said with an embarrassed look: "Xi Ruo, that... Xiaoshuo's surname is no longer Ning. In Xihe, for the convenience of going to school, he took my surname. Now his name is Liang Shuo!"

The second aunt's name is Liang Chunyan, and now Ning Shuo has become Liang Shuo, and Ning Xiruo also fell silent.

Seeing the cold scene, Ning Chen quickly said to Ning Xiruo: "Sister, the second aunt wants her brothers from her mother's family to join Liangmao Company."

Liang Chunyan smiled and said to Ning Xiruo: "Yes Xiruo. It's the same at home anyway... You guys, stop playing and come here!"

Three young people were sitting at the dining table and playing with their mobile phones. The young man came over reluctantly.

Liang Chunyan pointed at them and said: "This is my biological brother, Chunfu. These two are cousins, Chunsheng and Chunyu."

You have to call them uncle.

But you are about the same age. You are both young and easy to talk to.

Being idle at home is also idle. I just play with my mobile phone all day long, so why not go out and do something?

We happen to have our own company, so don't always take advantage of outsiders. Let's see if we can arrange for them too! "

Ning Xiruo smiled a little reluctantly and said to Liang Chunyan: "Second aunt, actually I have handed over the company to third brother, he makes the decision now.

If you want the three of them... to join the company, just ask the third brother. "

Asked to call these three young men uncle, she really couldn't do it.

Chen Xin'an on the side didn't say anything, but just took out his mobile phone and handed it to Li Qi behind him.

There was a trace of anger on Liang Chunyan's face, but it only passed away briefly.

She put on a smile and said to Ning Xiruo: "Your third brother said that he still needs to discuss this with you.

Moreover, your uncle never cared about you before, but now that he is older and has more lenient control, he will not let us enter the company.

I have no choice but to take your three uncles and wait for you directly at home.

I happened to meet your old uncle getting married, so I wanted to help him.

Xiruo, I’m not bragging, these three uncles of yours are all very smart!

There is definitely nothing wrong with what you do.

After joining the company, you can assign a supervisor or department manager to them, which will definitely save your third brother a lot of trouble!

The salary doesn't need to be too much. Eight thousand a month is enough for them.

When the time comes, let them live here in the east building. Lao Meng is here and can help you take care of them.

It’s the best of both worlds!

Also, if you know a lot of friends in Dongshan, Xiruo, could you please let Xiaoshuo go to Dongshan Primary School to study?

This is not a big deal to you, right?

I think the schools over there in Xihe are still far behind those in Dongshan.

Letting your child go to the best primary school in Dongshan will also help him get into college in the future, right? "

Ning Xiruo looked at her and said nothing.

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, looked at her and said, "Liang Chunyan, are you determined to seize the family property?"

Liang Chunyan's face changed, she looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "What do you mean by this?

I came here this time to apologize to you sincerely!

Xiruo, does the Ning family's son-in-law Chen Xin'an have the final say now?

If you say yes, I will take the people and leave immediately! "

Ning Xiruo took a deep breath, nodded and said, "Yes!"

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