Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1899 I agree with everything you said

This is embarrassing!

Liang Chunyan looked at Ning Xiruo blankly, she really couldn't say the word "go"!

She could only blush and scolded Ning Xiruo: "Is this how you take care of the Ning family?

I leave the family business to you but let outsiders take it away. If your grandma is alive, she will not let you go! "

Ning Xiruo frowned and looked at her and said: "Second aunt, if grandma is alive in heaven, you should be the first to deal with it!

Her grandson is no longer named Ning. Do you think grandma can let you go? "

"I am... doing it for the convenience of going to school!" Liang Chunyan said with a guilty conscience.

Ning Xiruo ignored it and continued: "To me now, you are the outsider!

In fact, you don’t have to think too much about Second Aunt, the Ning family is still the Ning family, my husband doesn’t want it.

It's not that he can't get it, it's that he doesn't like it at all.

Because my husband’s assets are not comparable to those of ten Ning families.

But even if he doesn't want the Ning family's assets, his words in the Ning family are still useful.

Because the Ning family's current business depends on him to take care of it.

Do you understand? "

Liang Chunyan swallowed and looked at Chen Xin'an in horror.

She didn't expect that in just a few years, her husband-in-law, whom she had always despised, would become so powerful!

She looked at Ning Xiruo awkwardly and said: "Xiruo, you said that the second aunt is an outsider, this really chills the second aunt's heart!

The second aunt has been married to the Ning family for decades. She is diligent and diligent. Even if she has no merit, she still has hard work!

Now I just want you to arrange a few brothers from your mother's family, but you are pushing back. Isn't this too heartless? "

Ning Xiruo frowned and said to Liang Chunyan: "Second Aunt, do you think this is okay?

I can help tell the third brother to let them enter the factory and work for a while.

If they are really capable, let the second brother reuse them and join the company as a manager.

After all, if you want to work in a company, you have to understand what our company does, right?

Entering our winery is the fastest way to understand the company, what do you think? "

"Ning Xiruo, what do you mean?" Liang Chunyan lowered her face, glared at Ning Xiruo and said:

"If they come into the factory, do I need you to introduce them?

Isn’t it possible to enter easily?

Besides, look at the three of them. How can they look like they can do hard work?

Just let them play with their brains and let them work with those workers. What can they do?

Our family is here to help organize your uncle's wedding, waiting for you to come back, just waiting for your words?

If people who come to the wedding know that you, Ning Xiruo, are so heartless and cold-hearted, what do you think they will think? "

"Second Aunt, you..." Ning Xiruo looked at Liang Chunyan with tears in her eyes and frowned.

Chen Xin'an took her over, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with her hands, and sighed:

"Look, you have completely given up on this so-called second aunt, right?

After all this time, she still has that virtuous and evil spirit! "

"Chen Xin'an, what are you talking about!" Liang Chunyan also took the risk and turned her face completely, pointing at him and scolding:

"You are the culprit for the Ning family to be like this!

For so many years, I have swallowed my anger and endured the humiliation.

Now I am even more aggrieved and begging you to help me arrange some brothers from my mother's family.

If you don't even agree to this little thing, are you still a human being? "

Liang Chunfu also raised his head, looked at Chen Xin'an and said: "Chen Xin'an, if you are a man, answer me openly, did you kill my brother-in-law?"

Chen Xin'an looked at him with squinted eyes and said nothing.

Liang Chunfu snorted coldly, and then asked: "Did you also kill my nephew Ning Zhe?

My niece Ning Yuan is still in a vegetative state, and it was you who caused her, right?

You entered the Ning family as a son-in-law, but the Ning family has never let you feel aggrieved by being dependent on others.

But how did you repay the Ning family?

As the second oldest son of the Ning family, my brother-in-law was brutally killed by you.

Two sons and one daughter, one was killed and the other maimed by you!

However, in just one year, the entire Ning family was torn apart, and both families were destroyed.

Chen Xin'an, do you admit this? "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Yes, I did it!"

Liang Chunfu showed a trace of ecstasy on his face, and continued to ask Chen Xin'an: "Now, as the families of the victims, we are just here to demand some of the most basic and deserved rights. Is it wrong?"

"Brother Chunfu, what you said is a bit..." Yue Zhihua walked over with a smile and said to Liang Chunfu.

But before he finished speaking, Liang Chunfu pushed him directly, pointed at his nose and cursed:

"Shut up! It's none of your business here, don't get involved!

Are you qualified to advise us?

Just because you are that Yue Mei's brother, you can buy this 700,000 house without blinking an eye, and you want to buy another one too!

My brother-in-law is also from the Ning family, but he got nothing until he died.

The remaining orphans and widowed women just wanted some of your leftovers, but they were deliberately made difficult.

I just want to ask, are you still human?

Can you bully an honest person to the point of death? "

Liang Chunsheng, a strong man, walked over, knocked Yue Zhihua aside with his body and blocked him with a gloomy expression.

Then he suddenly kicked Liang Shuo.

Liang Shuo reacted and burst into tears.

He rushed over and kicked Chen Xin'an hard and cursed: "You bad guy! Give back to my father! Give back to my brother! Give back to my sister!"

"Xiao Shuo!" Ning Xiruo covered her mouth, tears streaming down her face!

Liang Chunfu's eyes were red and his eyes were looking straight at Chen Xin'an, and he said coldly: "Do you recognize all of this?"

Chen Xin'an looked at him coldly, looked at the crying little boy in front of her, and said calmly: "Admit it!"

The Liang family looked at each other and saw surprise in each other's eyes. They did not expect that Chen Xin'an would plead guilty so easily!

"Husband..." Ning Xiruo hugged Chen Xin'an's arm and said guiltily:

"You don't need to listen to what they say, because you are doing it all for me..."

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to her, "Of course it's for you!"

The Liang family was stunned again.

What's going on? This son-in-law who comes to visit doesn't want to take the blame?

Are they going to fight among themselves?

This is really a surprise!

But Chen Xin'an continued: "It's not because of you, why should I care about these things? It has nothing to do with me!"

Ning Xiruo looked gloomy. It was indeed the bad things at home that had affected him.

Chen Xin'an continued: "But you have become my wife, and then these things become my business!

Whoever bullies my wife is bullying me.

Since I was bullied, I should do whatever I should, right? "

"Husband..." Ning Xiruo bit her lip and looked at him dreamily.

Chen Xin'an smiled at her, turned to look at the Liang family members and said:

"I admit everything, I did it, but don't you know why it got to this point?"

Liang Chunfu waved his hand and said: "Those are not important anymore. Anyway, you can say whatever you want, everyone is dead, and there is no proof!

But as long as you still have a little bit of humanity, you should no longer consume your dead relatives!

Stop pouring dirty water on them!

You can be rich and unkind, but at least you have to insist on being a human being! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "I have always been an upright person.

But you, the Liang family, are really worse than animals!

They will take advantage of such ignorant children! "

Liang Chunfu's eyes were a little flustered, and he shouted sternly: "Chen, don't talk nonsense!"

Chen Xin'an sneered and said, "What's wrong? Did I tell you right?"

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