Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1903 The wedding is in progress

The wedding is almost ready.

All the necessary things are ready in the new house.

Chen Xinan and Ning Xiruo went to the city in the afternoon and drove back a new Mercedes-Benz and gave it to their uncle.

The big villa became lively, and Aunt Ru's daughter Han Bing also came.

After not seeing each other for a few years, Han Bing has matured a lot, and the relationship between her and Aunt Ru has also eased a lot.

Now she works in a foreign company in Xihe, and it seems that her position is not low.

She exudes a capable temperament of a career woman.

She is also very polite to Chen Xinan and Ning Xiruo.

After the last incident, she has understood Chen Xinan's strength and no longer dares to have any improper thoughts.

Aunt Ru washed the fruit plate and brought it to her, and asked her: "Why are you taking a break today? Didn't you take a break the past two days?"

Han Bing shrugged and said: "I heard it was an internal inspection.

The boss got into trouble and has been dealing with his own personal affairs these days.

I'm not a senior executive, so I can't care so much.

Anyway, they said it was a holiday, so I'll just take a break!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and asked: "Xiao Bing, what company do you work for?"

"Popota! It makes electronic products and components. Now it mainly produces mobile phone accessories."

Ning Xi gave a thumbs up and said: "It's now a famous foreign company in Haidong, with more than 10,000 employees!

Sister Bing is the operations manager, already a middle-level manager.

It's an important department, with a bright future!

And I also heard that Popta's son Interested in Sister Bing.

Have you ever confessed to Sister Bing before, even though you were the only one in the office? "

Aunt Ru said with wide eyes: "Really? Why didn't you tell me?

I remember your boss is a foreigner, right?

Then his son is also a foreigner, I don't like him very much.

Even if it works out in the future, we have to move abroad, it's too far away from home!"

Han Bing said with a wry smile: "What the hell, you guys are just listening to Xiao Xi's nonsense!

I did pursue him, but there are no less than ten girls in the company who have been pursued by him!

That playboy is a veritable sea king, I have no interest in him at all!"

"Sea king? What sea king, doesn't he run a company? Why is he a crew member again?" Aunt Ru looked puzzled.

Everyone laughed, Ning Xiruo said to her: "Auntie Ru, this is an Internet term, which means a playboy!" Auntie Ru suddenly realized and said to Han Bing: "That's even worse. We don't want men who are not honest!" "That's not the case!" Han Bing shook his head at Auntie Ru and said to Chen Xinan: "Boss, I'm going to Kyoto next month, and I'm bound to bother you then!" Chen Xinan nodded and asked her: "Does Popda want to enter the Kyoto market?" "Yes!" Han Bing said with a smile: "We are going to open the largest processing base in Kyoto, and we are going to buy land and build a factory in Maoping New District. I'm going to go there with the vice president to investigate first." Chen Xinan and Ning Xiruo looked at each other. What a coincidence? But the couple didn't say much. Even Ning Xiruo didn't know about this, which meant that Kyoto hadn't received the news, so there was no need to introduce themselves. Chen Xinan nodded and said, "Okay, you can stay at my place then, and let Xiaojiu take you to have fun!"

At night, they ate and drank enough, because tomorrow was the wedding of my uncle, and everyone didn't go out to play, and went to bed early.

Chen Xinan was indeed tired during this period, but sleeping in the room where he and his wife had their wedding, everything smelled familiar.

The couple closed the door, tossed and turned until midnight, and then fell asleep contentedly.

Early in the morning, Li Qi and the Guan brothers and sisters followed their uncle to pick up the bride.

There are many rules in the towns near Dongshan. If the groom doesn't have a few capable best men, it's really hard to carry the bride to the car!

Chen Xinan and Ning Xiruo took Ning Xi and Ning Chen to the hotel as the groom's family to entertain guests.

A lot of people came, and there were also many old friends, all of whom were specially notified by Ning Chen and Ning Xi.

For example, Wang Yufei and Su Jiaqi, as well as Xiaoqiu, Datou, and Xiaoye, all came.

"Brother An!" When the guys saw Chen Xinan, they all ran over affectionately, and then shouted to Ning Xiruo next to them: "Sister-in-law!"

Su Jiaqi, who was dressed in a fashionable style, hugged Ning Xiruo's arm with envy and said:

"People say that married women are yellow-faced women, and they will soon be old and yellow!

But sister-in-law is growing against the sky, getting more and more beautiful!

Fortunately, the whole Dongshan has chosen Ning Xiruo, otherwise we ordinary little women would not be able to survive!"

Ning Xiruo smiled and pulled her ear and said: "You are already beautiful enough!

And there is no standard for appearance. In front of people who really like you, no matter what you look like, you are the most beautiful!

I remember that you went to other places after graduation. How are you now?"

Su Jiaqi smiled and said: "The Haidong Art Troupe recruited people, and I was selected.

Now I am on vacation and come back to play for a few days."

Chen Xinan smiled and said: "Then you are a civilian now?"

"Yes, Chief Instructor!" Su Jiaqi saluted him mischievously.

Everyone laughed.

Chen Xinan nodded and said, "Jiaqi is now in the art troupe.

Feifei joined Haidong TV.

Xiaoqiu is now in Huayou Petroleum, right?

Datou is now in the tax department.

Xiaoye joined the city government!

Aquan is still in the police academy.

You millions of brothers are doing well now! "

Datou sighed and said: "But no matter what, I can never find the carefree happiness we had when we were together before!"

Everyone fell silent.

Ning Xiruo smiled and said, "People always have to grow!

There is always development and change!

It is impossible to remain a child for the rest of your life! "

Chen Xin'an smiled and scolded: "I don't care if I'm happy at work or not. Come here today and make me happy!"

It's been a while since I've been with you. Let's have a drink later! "

"Okay!" Everyone laughed.

Chen Xin'an waved and asked Chen Ying to take them in and sit down.

When they entered, Ning Xiruo said to Chen Xin'an: "Have you noticed that Datou is interested in Feifei, but Feifei seems to have a crush on Xiaoqiu.

But Xiaoqiu seems to have feelings for Jiaqi.

These little brothers of yours are quite chaotic! "

Chen Xin'an laughed and asked her, "Where did you see it? Why didn't I see it?"

"The eyes, the tone of voice, and women's natural tendency to gossip!" Ning Xiruo smiled proudly.

He said to Chen Xin'an: "Xiao Ye has always wanted to talk to you, but it seems difficult to speak."

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "I'll have a chat with them after we finish drinking!

They are all a bunch of little brothers and sisters. They have not been at home in the past few years, and their relationship has become a bit distant. That is not okay! "

The team that picked up the bride came back and filled the parking lot in front of the company.

There are twenty tables set up here in the hotel. After all, not many invitations have been sent out, so some friends don't know.

The old uncle has no other relatives except Ning Xiruo, his niece.

Those who can come basically come because of Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo's reputation.

Although there were not many guests, the ceremony was grand.

After all, the old uncle and Zhou Connie are both getting married for the first time. The biggest thing in life must be taken seriously.

Zhou Connie is really beautifully dressed, even Chen Xin'an is impressed.

After marrying such a wife, my uncle couldn't even find his eyes on his face and kept smiling stupidly.

His face had been plastic surgery while he was in Kyoto.

Although he is not a handsome man, he is no longer a hard scab after a burn.

He still looks a little handsome when he puts on a suit.

Han Bing led a man in a crisp suit over and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Brother An, this is Mr. Qin Jiahui, the vice president of Popuda.

He came to Dongshan today to do business. He knew I was here, so he came over!

Brother An, Sister Xiruo, please forgive me for making my own decisions!

Mr. Qin wants to get to know you, so I will bring him to see you..."

Tan Jiahui gently punched his chest three times with his right hand, lowered his head and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Mr. Chen, Mrs. Ning, nice to meet you!"

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