Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1904 You are indeed worthy of your reputation

At this moment, Chen Xin'an's eyes flashed with light.

Still remaining calm on the surface, he stretched out his hand to Ning Xiruo and shook hands with him.

After chatting for a while, he was invited to sit with Han Bing.

The ceremony on the stage has ended, the food and wine have been prepared, and everyone begins to eat and drink.

Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo sat at the main table and met Zhou Connie's parents.

The old couple have good temperaments and have obviously seen some of the world.

Although he lived a very poor life, he was very polite and generous, showing no sign of inferiority, nor the arrogance of a villain who succeeds.

"Mr. Chen, Mrs. Ning!" Zhou Connie's father Zhou Mao said: "Qi Hui and I have heard of your names for a long time.

This time, my daughter can finally get married to Zhihua, thanks to both of you!

Connie has already told me, so I always wanted to find an opportunity to thank you both.

Today, on the occasion of my daughter’s wedding, I would like to toast Mr. Chen and Mrs. Ning..."

Chen Xin'an quickly said: "Zhou..."

He was stunned, what to call?

Uncle Zhou?

Grandpa Zhou?

Zhou Mao smiled and said: "We all have our own things to do.

What Zhihua calls us has nothing to do with you two. "

Chen Xin'an laughed, nodded and said, "Okay, then call me Uncle Zhou.

You are the elder, there is no need to toast us.

Seeing that they can come together, we should do everything we can.

In the future, you will have a son-in-law who will honor you and buy another house in this campus.

You two don’t have to do anything and just enjoy your happiness here..."

Before he could finish speaking, Zhou Mao waved his hands, smiled and said, "We won't come to live in the city.

Dongshan is a sad place for both of us. We said we would never come again.

If it hadn't been for our daughter's wedding, we would never have visited this place again in our lives, let alone stayed here! "

Ning Xiruo asked strangely: "Uncle Zhou, what happened to you in Dongshan?"

A member of the Zhou family nearby said: "My uncle and my aunt turned out to be teachers at Dongshan No. 3 Primary School!

Because of the matter of professional title evaluation, I was maliciously targeted for fifteen years!

The classes they brought out have produced many Dongshan top scorers in the college entrance examination.

But because he was too honest, he was jealous and ostracized, and his job title remained unchanged for eight years.

Not to mention, they didn’t even get a share of the school’s welfare housing!

The two of them resigned angrily and returned to their hometown!

Later, the principal of the third primary school came and wanted to re-employ my uncle and my aunt, but they rejected them! "

Aunt Qihui said to the young man with a dissatisfied face: "Shanzi, there's no need to say that!

It’s been several years, I’ve given up long ago!

Today is your sister’s big day, why are you bringing this up! "

Shanzi muttered: "What are you putting down?

You don’t know how to farm or do business. Don’t you know what your life is like?

You are embarrassed to say it, let me tell you!

They are all family members anyway, so there is nothing to be embarrassed about!

Mr. Chen, my sister said that you and your wife are both very capable people and know many people in Dongshan.

Can you help my uncle and my aunt find a school?

They all have teacher qualification certificates and have been teachers all their lives.

It would be a shame not to do this!

Whether it is primary school, junior high school or high school, they have teaching experience.

As long as it's not a third primary school, it doesn't matter which school you go to! "

Zhou Mao's face was gloomy and he scolded Shanzi: "Are you talking too much? Mr. Chen and Mrs. Ning are doing such a big business. It's not easy for them to come back once. Why are you causing trouble!"

Chen Xin'an thought for a while and said to Zhou Mao: "Uncle Zhou, it doesn't take much trouble.

I'll make a few calls this afternoon and I should be able to resolve this matter! "

"Mr. Chen, I'm not being polite to you about this!" Zhou Mao waved his hand and said with a wry smile:

"Now that we have gone out, Qi Hui and I have no intention of coming back!

Although we are poor and have a hard life, we have a clear conscience!

Once I return to Dongshan, I will always have the opportunity to meet my former leaders and colleagues.

When people say that we are where we are today because of our relationship with our daughter, the two of us..."

Ning Xiruo smiled and said, "Uncle Zhou, Aunt Qihui, what if they weren't in Dongshan?"

The old couple was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Ning Xiruo meant.

But Chen Xin'an understood and felt happy.

Yes, why did you forget this one!

He smiled and said to the two of them: "My hometown, Chenjiacun, will soon build a primary school.

So far, the teachers are still in preparation.

If Uncle Zhou and Aunt Qihui have this intention, I would like to invite them to be the principal and teacher.

Salary is not an issue, it’s just...

The school is in Beishan Town, Qizhou, so the admission rate shouldn't be high, right?

So it’s hard to teach! "

Zhou Mao and Qi Hui looked at each other, and Qi Hui asked with a smile: "How many children are there?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "I don't know. But the scale is based on the town-level school!"

Zhou Mao looked at his wife beside him, and there seemed to be some movement in their eyes.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "Uncle Zhou, Aunt Qihui, think about it, it will take some time before the school is completed anyway.

Let me give you a phone number. Her name is Mu Jinrong, and she is my grandma.

You contact her directly, and I will call her later to tell her about this. "

"Okay!" Zhou Mao nodded.

It could be seen that both he and his wife looked a little excited, as if they had found their target.

Everyone drank happily, and Chen Xin'an also accompanied the two newcomers and drank a lot with everyone.

"Drink less!" Ning Xiruo rolled her eyes at him and said, "I drank so much in my hometown two days ago, and now I'm drinking again, and my body doesn't want it anymore?"

Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said with a smile: "It's okay, wife, I know it! I'm going to the bathroom!"

After walking out of the restaurant, Chen Xin'an went to the bathroom, but did not go in. She turned around and walked to an empty private room.

There was actually a person standing here already, it was the vice president brought over by Han Bing, Qin Jiahui!

There was a woman sitting on the chair in the corner next to her. Chen Xin'an saw her but said nothing.

Chen Xin'an looked at him calmly and said, "Number?"

Qin Jiahui smiled slightly: "5543! 857 is my senior and has a good relationship with my master!

But it was my sister’s arrangement that I came to see Mr. Chen! "

"Your sister? Is that her?" Chen Xin'an pointed to the woman in the corner.

The man's body was shaken and he said in surprise: "I am sitting here without moving, and Mr. Chen can actually see me!

It is indeed well-deserved..."

Chen Xin'an said impatiently: "I don't have to wait for you to say hello next time. As long as you act like a fool here, I will smash you over with a stool first!"

The woman looked embarrassed, lowered her head and said, "Huan Shen disciple Tan Hanya has met my junior brother!"

Huan Shen is not Chen Xin'an's master, but he is the master of the Bronze Master Medal.

So it's not too much for Tan Hanya to call him junior brother.

Chen Xin'an glanced at her and felt a little headache.

It seems that those who came from the Huan Shen Cult prefer to dress themselves up as middle-aged women?

Konoha is really like this, and so is this Tan Hanya!

Chen Xin'an nodded, looked at Qin Jiahui and said, "So it's your mission to enter Popuda?"

"Yes!" Tan Jiahui said: "The base sent me to investigate Popuda and I think there is something wrong with this company."

The corners of Chen Xin'an's mouth twitched.

If someone asks you to investigate, it would be better for you to just make yourself the vice president!

"What did you find out?" Chen Xin'an glanced at him and asked.

Qin Jiahui's face darkened and he said to Chen Xin'an: "Starting from this year, Popda will start producing the latest mobile phone chips.

I suspect that Popda’s technical department has deliberately left a surveillance backdoor in every mobile phone! "

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