Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1905 I’m not sure if you are friends

In other words, the mobile phone produced by Popuda allows some special institutions to circumvent the encryption function of the mobile phone and extract the user's personal data at will!

Chen Xin'an asked Qin Jiahui strangely: "You are already the vice president of Popuda. Isn't it easy to find out this kind of thing?"

Qin Jiahui shook his head and smiled: "Actually, a vice president like me is equivalent to production supervision.

He has a good reputation and sounds good, but he doesn't have much real power.

There are five such vice presidents in Popuda.

It’s hard for me to get to the real core details. "

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked, "What do you want to do? What do you need me to help you with?"

"Get absolute control of the Kyoto branch!" Tan Jiahui was not polite and said to Chen Xin'an:

“My sister can arrange the staff.

I only need to control most of the work in the branch to understand the core content of Popuda.

At that time, I can use the dragon shield to counterattack Popda and drive it out of China! "

Chen Xin'an was silent for a while and said to him: "If you were asked to support Popuda alone now, would you be able to control it?"

"It's possible, but it's unrealistic!" Qin Jiahui said to Chen Xin'an: "I can be assigned by the headquarters to take charge, and the headquarters will also send engineers to assist.

There is no authorization if you manage it independently, and the headquarters will not agree to it. "

Tan Hanya said from the side: "As long as there are no major and obvious violations at the headquarters, the officials cannot intervene.

When it comes to foreign companies, officials will be cautious in everything they do.

Therefore, it is impossible for Jiahui to obtain independent control of the branch factory! "

"I didn't say it was the independent control of the branch factory!" Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "I said it was the Xihe headquarters!"

Tan Hanya and Tan Jiahui looked at each other, and then laughed out loud at the same time.

Qin Jiahui shook his head and said with a smile: "That's even more impossible! Let alone Popuda not agreeing, even the Xihe official and the entire Haidong official can't agree!"

Tan Hanya also smiled at Chen Xin'an and said, "Junior brother is still young and energetic!

It's okay to say such big words in front of me, senior sister won't argue with you.

But you must remember that you must not talk nonsense in front of other brothers.

Especially those big words that you are unable to achieve, it is easy for everyone to feel that you are an unreliable person.

Some time ago, Miss Jiang came here and specifically mentioned you to me.

That's why I brought my brother here to meet you today.

From now on, you will be the owner of the Bronze Master Medal. You must not have such a habit of talking big words! "

Miss Jiang?

Jiang Yu?

No wonder Huang Hexiang appeared in Qingniu Town, stayed for two days and then left.

It turned out that they had arrived in Haidong.

Chen Xin'an didn't pay attention to these teasing remarks about the siblings.

Now all he was thinking about was how to deal with Popda.

The three of them walked out of the box without talking any more.

When I just passed by the bathroom, someone shouted: "Brother Ang!"

It's Ono!

"Zhang Ye, what are you doing here if you don't drink? Are you following me?" Chen Xin'an joked to Xiao Ye with a smile.

Ono smiled, looking a little hesitant, as if he was hesitant to speak.

Chen Xin'an said to him: "That boy Luo Niu asked you to go to Kyoto to play. How about you come with me this time?"

"Let's talk!" Xiaoye laughed along with him, glanced at Chen Xin'an and said, "Actually, I want to find Brother An..."

Seeing him like this, Chen Xin'an slapped him impatiently and scolded: "When you entered the city hall, you didn't learn anything else, so you learned this kind of grinding temper?

You and An Geer still want to sound official here, right?

If you have something to say, just say it. If you keep talking like this, I will ignore you!

Are you short of money?

How much?

Or do you want An Ge'er to help find someone for you, and use your connections to make you an official in the city government? "

"None of them!" Xiaoye quickly explained, looked around and said to Chen Xin'an, "Brother An, do you remember Teacher Kelly?"

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment and said to him: "Of course I remember the dance teacher from the National Arts University.

She taught me how to dance.

Speaking of which, I should go and say sorry to her.

I went to Kyoto for the International Dance Competition and was too busy, so I couldn’t participate.

I heard Feifei and Jiaqi say that she found a temporary dance partner, but she failed to make the top three, and she was very disappointed at that time!

By the way, you're not from the Art University, how do you know her? "

Ono said calmly: "She held a modern dance training class, and I was the first student!"

Chen Xin'an looked at him and smiled: "I'm afraid it's not just students, right?"

Xiaoye blushed, lowered his head and said, "I like her very much and want to chase her, but she didn't give me a chance!"

"Brother An will take care of this!" Chen Xin'an patted his chest and said, "My little brother Chen Xin'an, there is nothing wrong with his character!

I will go find her in the afternoon, and then you and I will go to the Art University..."

Ono said: "Brother An, Teacher Kelly is now at the People's Hospital and has just passed the critical period!"

Chen Xin'an frowned, looked at Xiaoye with burning eyes, her face darkened, and asked him, "What's going on?"

Ono took a deep breath and said to Chen Xin'an: "Some time ago, Teacher Kelly went out with her friends and was found unconscious in Sophia's box.

All his clothes were torn off, and he was tortured to the point of dying!

Those bastards were arrested the day before yesterday and were released after only staying for a few hours.

I think Cha was also warned by the office director.

This matter was deliberately covered up, and it was impossible to let it go!

I went to see Kelly in the morning. She had regained consciousness, but her whole body...

I was trying to figure out what happened that night, but Kelly wouldn't tell me anything!

In the past, An Geer learned dance from her, but I was not sure whether An Geer and her were friends, so I was a little hesitant..."

Chen Xin'an looked gloomy, patted his shoulder and said, "When the matter here is over, I will go to the hospital to see her."

The banquet was still going on, and Chen Xinan sat back next to Ning Xiruo.

Seeing his serious expression, Ning Xiruo asked in a low voice: "Husband, what's wrong?"

Chen Xin'an whispered: "When the wedding banquet is over, you and I can go to the People's Hospital to meet a friend."

Ning Xiruo didn't ask any more questions, nodded and said, "Okay!"

Department of Surgery, People's Hospital.

Two girls said to several men in suits: "Go away!

I told you that Teacher Kelly can’t visit now.

Why don’t you listen? "


A man in a suit raised his hand and gave a girl a big mouth, and cursed her fiercely:

"I'm so embarrassed for you, right?

I told you that I am from the Chamber of Commerce, and why are you trying to stop me?

Do you know how much we sponsor your school every year?

I gave you food and clothing, how dare you stop me? "

"Why are you hitting people!" The girl covered her face and cried, "I'm going to find a doctor!"

The man in a suit scolded coldly: "Get away! Don't be afraid of whoever comes after you!"

Which doctor do you think dares to take care of it? "

The ferocious appearance of this group of men frightened another girl, and she quickly hid aside, not daring to stop them.

Without even looking at the two girls, several men in suits opened the door to the ward and walked straight to Kelly's bed.

At this moment, Kelly's body was covered with tubes, like a dying patient.

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