Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1907 Let you know the price of being a dogleg

There was silence in the ward, and all the men in suits didn't dare to say anything!

This person is the famous Chen Xin'an!

Who in Dongshan has never heard of this name?

This person is really not easy to mess with!

Anyway, everyone who had doubts about this was killed by Chen Xin'an!

But hasn’t this guy already gone to Kyoto?

Why are you back?

And he is actually friends with this foreign girl, who would have thought?

The tall man put down the phone in his hand, looked ugly, and shook his head at his companion.

The call to my uncle didn't last more than ten seconds. As soon as I heard Chen Xin'an's name, my uncle told them to withdraw immediately!

The tall man is not stupid. He knows that his uncle has just become the president and his foundation is unstable. It is impossible to offend someone like Chen Xin'an.

So in this situation, it’s better not to go head-to-head with a madman like Chen Xin’an!

"Did I let you go?" Seeing the four of them shrinking and wanting to leave, Chen Xin'an asked expressionlessly.

The four men in suits swallowed, feeling a little nervous.

The flat-headed man said to Chen Xin'an with a straight face: "Chen Xin'an, we are all from Haidong, so there is no need to be so pushy, right?"

Chen Xin'an slapped him in the face and said coldly: "When I'm silent, I don't need to listen to your nonsense!

Otherwise, I will throw you from the window downstairs, do you understand? "

"You..." The flat-headed man's face turned blue with anger, but there was nothing he could do!

Because he knew very well that this madman could do what he said!

Not to mention hitting, couldn't you see that kick just now?

Even if the four of them go together, they are no match for me!

What's more, there are other people outside, and you can tell by looking at them that they are not mediocre!

The patients and family members next to me were very relieved to see it!

How arrogant these four guys were just now, and how embarrassed they are now!

Chen Xin'an walked to Kelly's bed and connected the oxygen tube for her.

Then he patted her hand gently and comforted her: "Don't be afraid, I'm here!"

He turned around, looked at the four people and said, "Who inflicted all the injuries on her body? Did you all take action?"

"No, not us!" All four of them jumped, and the tall man said to Chen Xin'an with a look of horror:

“It was Robert who hit him!

That guy is very perverted. He only wants to beat or torture women when he wants to play with them. That’s what gets him excited!

It has nothing to do with us..."

Chen Xin'an nodded, pointed at Kelly and asked, "Who pulled out her oxygen tube?"

The curly-haired man's expression changed as his wrist hurt so much that he almost fainted.

Seeing the scarred face next to him staring at him, he cursed angrily:

"What are you looking at me for? You just hit her on the arm!"


The curly-haired man who had just been kicked was punched out again, and the sound of his mandible breaking could be heard from a distance!

He hit the wall and passed out!

Scarface screamed in fright: "I was wrong! I didn't mean to..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an had already held his hands!

"What the hell are you!" Scarface was also anxious and simply tried his best.

A knee strike hit Chen Xin'an between the legs!

It's a pity that as soon as he raised his right foot, he was hit hard by Chen Xin'an's iron knee at the connection between the knee and the door bone!

There was a crunching sound, and not only were his wrists broken, but the knee joint of his right leg was also directly broken!

"Ah!" Scarface screamed.

But as soon as he opened his mouth and clicked, Chen Xin'an lifted his chin up.

With a pop, he bit off the tip of his tongue!

Scarface lay on the ground in pain and trembled all over, crying in pain but not too loudly.

Now he was envious of Curly Hair, at least he could faint.

But he was in so much pain that he couldn't even faint, so he could only hold on.

Both the crew-cut man and the tall man were so frightened that they dared not breathe.

This Chen Xin'an really deserves his reputation!

Chen Xin'an turned around, looked at the short-haired man and the tall man and said:

"Take this waste away and tell Sun Guofu to prepare five million and send it to the hospital in person for Kelly!

Are you willing to be a dog-legger for others?

I'll let you know the price of being a dogleg.

If Sun Guofu's five million has not been transferred to this account by eight o'clock tomorrow morning, just let him wash his butt and wait! "

Chen Xin'an threw an empty card to the tall man, pointed to the door and said: "Get out now!"

The tall man with the flat head dared to stay, but it was difficult for them to take away the two people on the ground.

Chen Xin'an was very considerate and asked the Guan brothers and sisters to come in, carry all the wounded on the ground and outside and throw them into the elevator.

After they left, Ning Xiruo called the doctor and immediately transferred Kelly to a single intensive care unit.

Thirty minutes later, Chen Xin'an covered Kelly with sheets, suppressed the anger in his heart, and patted her shoulder.

"Don't worry, I will settle this matter! Every one of your tormentors will die!"

Kelly shed tears and said to him: "Dear Chen, you can't offend those people because of me!

This matter has nothing to do with you. When I recover from my injury, I will return to China!

In fact, what makes me really sad is that in a foreign country, I would be hurt like this by my own compatriots!

It has been six years since I came to China. I have met so many good people and so many lovely children!

I think you Chinese people are the kindest people in the world!

I like it here, I like the people here.

In my country, there are many bad things to say about China.

But only by living here can we realize how ridiculous those claims are!

On the contrary, my compatriots are the real devils! "

Ning Xiruo held her hand and said, "If you like it here, stay here for a long time!

I will help you arrange it, and you can even get our Chinese residence card!

You don't need to go back! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to Kelly: "We are friends, so your business is my business!"

Kelly looked at Ning Xiruo, smiled and said, "I finally see you, my beautiful friend!

When Chen learned dance from me, I wanted to meet you.

Because I know that a woman who can let an outstanding man like Chen take the initiative to please must be very beautiful and outstanding.

Thank God, you did not disappoint me.

You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

I really envy you and Chen, you are the most well-matched couple I have ever seen! "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to Kelly: "Thank you for your compliment, you are also my best friend!

Kelly, I may be asking you to face some things that you don't want to remember.

But I must know what happened to you! "

Kelly had a look of horror on her face, as if she didn't want to recall the incident.

Ning Xiruo held her hand.

Chen Xin'an took a deep breath and said, "I heard from Zhang Ye that the person who hurt you is named Robert.

Who is this guy?

Where has he gone now? "

Kelly shook her head and said, “Robert has known me for many years!

She was already my dance partner when we were in Eagle Flag Country.

Later, when I arrived in China, I lost contact with him.

During the international dance competition, I wanted to find someone to participate with.

Just call my old friend.

He reached out to me.

I didn't expect that he would also come to China, so I agreed to his request to participate in the competition.

His movements are much worse than yours, and his understanding of dance is not enough.

There is no tacit understanding between me and him like when I danced with you.

So it didn't achieve very good results.

But we didn't cut off contact either.

But I didn't expect that he was such a devil!

Maybe it was because he was too rich that he became like this? "

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked, "What does he do? Why is he colluding with Haidong Chamber of Commerce?"

Kelly shook her head and said, “I don’t know.

In fact, he is nothing, but his father is Diesel.

He is the president of Popuda China Corporation! "

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