Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1908 Those who frequent nightclubs are no good people


Chen Xin'an frowned, is it Popda again?

He asked Kelly: "How many people are there in total?"

Kelly closed her eyes and shook her head and said: "That was a nightmare, I don't want to remember it anymore!

Those who can remember are Robert and his good brother Donald.

There are also two Chinese people, one surnamed Sun, who seems to be the son of the president of the Chamber of Commerce.

There was also a man named Bai, and they all called him Mr. Bai.

The others are their friends, a dozen or so..."

Ning Xiruo held Kelly's hands tightly.

Just now she checked Kelly's injuries for Chen Xin'an and found that she had been seriously violated by at least a dozen people!

As a woman, she could not imagine the cruel torture Kelly had experienced.

I am really lucky to be able to survive!

The matter was not complicated, but Chen Xin'an was full of guilt.

If he hadn't given up his qualification to participate in the dance competition, Kelly wouldn't have found another dance partner.

Naturally, he would not have contacted that beast Robert, and such a tragedy would not have happened!

For this reason, Chen Xin'an will take care of this matter!

Asking his wife to accompany Kelly, Chen Xin'an took out his mobile phone and walked outside to make a call.

The call was quickly connected, and Lei Guang's voice came over: "Isn't your uncle getting married today? Why do you still have time to call me?"

Lei Guang did not arrive at the wedding scene, but sent someone to send a congratulatory gift and money.

Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "The city bureau should know about the case of Kelly, the dance teacher from the art school, right?"

Lei Guang immediately understood what Chen Xin'an meant, sighed and said, "I found out yesterday.

Both the Chamber of Commerce and Xihe have said hello.

I am also in a dilemma now. It is neither possible to investigate nor not to investigate.

I just called Mr. Fang.

What Mr. Fang means is that since they are all foreigners, let them handle it themselves. I am going to contact their ambassador!

Xin'an, why are you asking about this?

Do you want to take care of it? "

"Yes!" Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "The person who was hurt is my friend!

Please let the city bureau leave this matter alone.

Now that their people have been notified, let the other party come!

You guys are borrowing the donkey from Poxia, just let it go! "

Lei Guang smiled bitterly and said: "I would like to do this, but your sister Xu Qing snatched the case and took it over yesterday. Can she persuade her to do anything?"

Chen Xin'an also had a headache. No wonder she met Xu Qing yesterday. She said there was a case involving foreigners, and it turned out to be this one!

He helplessly said to Lei Guang: "Okay, I'll take care of Xu Qing's side, you just say hello to the officials and don't worry about this matter!

Even if those people call the police, they will just use the ambassador to deal with it! "

"Okay!" Lei Guang responded and hung up the phone.

Chen Xin'an walked back to the special care ward and said to Kelly: "I will arrange for someone to protect you.

Don't think about anything during this period, just rest in peace and recuperate.

Once this matter is settled and your injury is healed, go to Kyoto to relax.

Then you can decide whether to stay here or return to your country, okay? "

Kelly shed tears, shook her head and said: "Dear Chen, no one does this to me, why do you..."

Ning Xiruo covered her hand with both hands and answered for Chen Xin'an: "Because we are friends!"

They wanted to keep the Guan brothers and sisters in the hospital, but Ono came and volunteered to stay and take care of Kelly.

Chen Xin'an was happy to do this smooth favor, so she took Ning Xiruo out of the hospital.

After getting in the car, Chen Xin'an took out her mobile phone and called Xu Qing.

It's still working time, and her phone is turned off!

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an said to Ning Xiruo: "Daughter-in-law, my uncle's affairs are almost over. You and Yingying should go back to Kyoto. They are busy there too!"

Of course Ning Xiruo was reluctant to give up. But she knew very well that once Chen Xin'an asked her to leave first, something big would happen!

Of course she would not hold back her man. She nodded and said to him: "Okay, then I will book a flight for tomorrow..."

"No need!" Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "Take your own plane back.

It's time for Brother Duan and the others to rest. They have to go to work after returning from a trip to Kyoto.

I'm not sure when to leave.

It can take as little as two or three days and as long as half a month.

There are several things to do. "

Ning Xiruo rested her head on his shoulder and said, "Husband, just do whatever you want, I support you.

But no matter what you do, you must put your own safety first.

I am selfish and know that you are right to stand up for your friends.

But I never feel that it is right for you to fight for your friends.

If there is really danger, I would rather you be blamed by your friends than see you risk your life for them! "

Chen Xin'an gently touched her smooth and flawless face and said softly: "I promise you, no matter what you do, you will protect yourself!"

Ning Xiruo said no more, just held his hands tightly and leaned quietly in his arms.

As soon as he returned to the big villa, Chen Xin'an's cell phone rang. When he took it out, he saw that it was Xu Qing calling.

It was already dark, and Xu Qing should have gotten off work at this time.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "Captain Xu, your habits are a little different from others! Why did you get off work..."

Before he could finish speaking, Xu Qing on the opposite side whispered: "I am following a big case and it is not convenient to speak.

If you have anything else to do, please wait until I finish my work. I’ll hang up now! "

Before Chen Xin'an could understand, the call had been hung up.

But before hanging up, Chen Xin'an heard someone calling Xu Qing: "Qing, they are already at Qiandao Lake!"

Then there was a busy signal on the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an frowned slightly.

Big case?

The bigger the case, the more dangerous it is. How could Xu Qing follow up on it himself?

Who is this man calling her?

He seems to have a closer relationship with her.

Entering the big villa, my uncle and Zhou Connie were also here. After all, the place here is bigger, so it was very lively.

Ning Xi was talking to Ning Xiruo. When she saw Chen Xin'an frowning, she asked strangely: "Brother-in-law, what are you thinking about?"

Chen Xin'an asked: "Do you know Qiandao Lake?"

Ning Xi was stunned for a moment and asked strangely: "Isn't it the name of a place?"

Chen Xin'an rolled her eyes.

Of course this is a place name, but I just don’t know where it is!

It can't be in another province, right?

Connie Zhou, who was wearing a red cheongsam, said: "It seems to be one of Sophia's private rooms, on the fourth floor!"

"Yes, yes!" Ning Xi said with a look of realization: "I remember that box, something happened before!

A girl jumped off the building and broke her leg.

Later it was said that it was being renovated and it has never been opened again!

Brother-in-law, why are you asking this?

Could it be that...there is something fun to do again tonight?

Have you already booked a cabin? "

Ning Xiruo grabbed her ear and said, "Don't go to places like that in the future!"

"Fifth sister!" Ning Xi pouted and said, "That's a place to relax. Have you become an antique after only three years of marriage?"

Ning Xiruo shook her head and looked at her and said, "When the fifth sister was not married, where did she often go?"

Ning Xi was stunned for a moment and stuck out her tongue.

Indeed, the fifth sister seemed to have gone there only once or twice when she was in college, and then never went there again.

Chen Xin'an looked at Ning Xi calmly and said, "Xiao Xi, I can tell you something responsibly.

No man likes a girl who often goes to nightclubs!

Whether you are looking for relaxation or excitement, the purpose is not simple.

You can try to stay as simple as possible, but it’s impossible to make everyone you come into contact with be the same as you!

There can be no good people in that place.

But none of the girls who often go there or like to go there are pure! "



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