Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1909 We are old classmates

Qiandao Lake private room on the fourth floor of Sofia.

Under the dim and ambiguous light, men and women hugged each other, and bursts of laughter came from time to time.

Xu Qing took a deep breath and rubbed his cheeks that should have been red.

To be honest, she was not unfamiliar with this place. After all, many police dispatches were related to such occasions.

It's just that I was a police officer at that time, but now it's my first time to sit here as a guest.

She turned her head and said to the man beside her: "Bai Shaobo, why hasn't the friend you mentioned come here yet?

Didn’t you say you would let me see new technology today?

What on earth is it? "

Bai Shaobo, who was wearing a white suit, said with a smile: "My old classmate, why are you still the same as before, so impatient and impatient!

Don’t worry, it’s not here yet!

Let’s have something to drink first and wait, we’ll be there in a minute!

Old classmates, you are already here, so don’t be restrained!

Now that you are off duty, you are no longer a police officer!

But my old classmate Bai Shaobo is also my good friend!

I have been studying abroad for so long, and I haven’t contacted any of my old classmates, but I still call you every year! "

Xu Qing glanced at him and cursed: "If it weren't for this, do you think I would come with you to such a smoky place?

Look what these people are doing?

If it weren't for your sake, I would have arrested them all!

Bai Shaobo, I'm warning you, it's time to play, don't play messy like them!

Otherwise, even if you are an old classmate, I will still punish you severely! "

Bai Shaobo raised his hands in a gesture of surrender and said with a wry smile: "Okay, my dear Officer Xu Qing!

It was you who found that thing interesting, so you asked me to bring you here to open your eyes.

Now that I have brought you here, you keep acting like a policeman. Wouldn't that scare people away? "

Xu Qing blushed, rolled her eyes at him and cursed: "Isn't this a professional habit of mine!

Okay, I won't cause any trouble to you, I know it myself! "

"Mr. Bai, your girlfriend is very beautiful!" The young man on the side with parrot hair and earrings looked at this side with a wicked smile.

He held a coquettishly dressed cheongsam girl in his arms, lit a cigar, and held it in his mouth.

Xu Qing's face darkened and he cursed at Parrot Head: "Why are you talking..."

Before she could finish speaking, Bai Shaobo held her hand, shook his head slightly, and then said to Parrot Head with a smile:

"Master Sun misunderstood, this is not my girlfriend, she is my classmate from elementary school and junior high school!"

"Oh!" Mr. Sun nodded, pushed away the girl next to him, and sat directly next to Xu Qing.

He took a bottle of wine, poured half a cup into each of the two glasses, picked it up and said to Xu Qing:

"Beauty, Mr. Bai and I are good brothers. Would you like me to have a drink with you?"

Xu Qing turned his head, looked at him with narrowed eyes and asked, "Why should I reward you?"

The cheongsam girl on the side who was a little unhappy scolded: "Don't be disrespectful!

Do you know who the person sitting next to you is?

If you hadn't known Mr. Bai, you wouldn't have had a chance to ask Mr. Sun to drink with you! "

Mr. Sun pretended to be angry, but he was actually proud and scolded the cheongsam beauty: "Shut up! Did I let you speak?"

The beauty in cheongsam hugged his arm and said softly: "I just don't want to see you rejected by an ignorant, stupid woman!

Who the hell is she? How dare she not betray Mr. Sun’s face! "

Mr. Sun turned his head, blew a puff of cigar smoke into Xu Qing's face, and said with a smile:

"Did you hear that?

In Haidong, there are very few people who dare not give me face!

Come, let's have a drink.

If anything happens in Haidong from now on, I will protect you! "

Xu Qing laughed angrily, looked at Mr. Sun with contempt and said, "Do you know who I am and you dare to say such things to me?

Are you still covering me?

How do you want to cover me? "

Mr. Sun said with a smile: "I know who you are, Xu Qing, the criminal investigation captain of the Dongshan City Bureau!

Captain Xu, am I right? "

Xu Qing's expression changed, he looked at him with squinted eyes and said, "Now that you know who I am, how dare you talk to me like this?"

When she heard that the woman in front of her was a police officer, the woman in the cheongsam turned pale with fright. She stood up and wanted to run out.

Mr. Sun smiled and said: "What are you afraid of!

Now even if you slap her in the face, she won't be able to fight back!

If you don’t believe it, try it! "

"I think you are looking for death!" Xu Qing shouted angrily and tried to stand up from the sofa.

But as soon as she leaned forward, she felt like she had been stabbed in the head, feeling painful and dizzy!

My body also seemed to have been cramped in an instant, and I had no strength at all!

She knew she was being tricked!

Turning her head, she looked at Bai Shaobo with a look of disbelief on her face.

Bai Shaobo frowned and said to Sun Shao: "Sun Liangjun, what are you doing?"

Mr. Sun blew out a puff of cigarette with an innocent look on his face and said, "I didn't do anything!

At least, I haven’t done anything until now! "

Bai Shaobo said angrily: "Sun Liangjun, I told you, she is my classmate, not my girlfriend!"

Sun Liangjun smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I will be your girlfriend soon!"

Xu Qing was panicked inside, but his face remained calm.

She has been thinking about where she went wrong and why she fell into this trap.

The police instinct kept her on guard from the moment she entered the box door.

So even if her old classmates asked her to drink water, she didn't touch these things!

But now it’s still like this!

Seeing Sun Liangjun blowing another puff of smoke into her face, she suddenly realized!

There's something weird in this cigar!

But why are they okay?

Bai Shaobo hugged her and said with a complaining face: "Qing, don't be afraid, I'm here!

It’s true of you, if you are asked to drink, just drink!

If you drink it, everything will be fine. Why are you so stubborn? "

Sweat broke out on Xu Qing's forehead, and she wanted to ask Bai Shaobo for help, but she didn't have the strength.

She gasped and said to Bai Shaobo: "Bai Shaobo, we are old classmates!"

"I know, you won't even doubt me, right?" Bai Shaobo hugged her tightly, buried his mouth in her hair, took a deep sniff, and said as if he was intoxicated:

"Qing, don't worry, as long as I'm here, you'll be fine!

I will protect you!

I have mentioned this to you several times, but you have always changed the subject.

Just promise me to be my girlfriend tonight! "

Sun Liangjun sneered coldly and said to Bai Shaobo: "Mr. Bai, I told you!

For pretentious women like this, the more you pamper them, the more they will feel how amazing they are!

Just do as I said, just play with them.

Tell them with practical actions that you are just a superficial person!

They will immediately become honest and obedient to you!

Isn’t that right, Lan Lan? "

The cheongsam woman still glanced at Xu Qing with some fear, and said to Sun Liangjun with a dry smile: "Everything Mr. Sun says is right!"

"Let me go!" Xu Qing said to Bai Shaobo with a sullen face, sweat dripping from the tip of his nose, "If you still think of me as an old classmate!"

Bai Shaobo smiled at her with disdain and said: "Xu Qing, you don't have to say this all the time!

Do you really think I don't know the purpose of your visit tonight?

Or do you think, I didn't know you had taken on that case?

You followed me here tonight just to catch Robert, right?

Xu Qing, do you think you were full after eating?

It's none of your business, so why do you have to step out and meddle in it? "

Xu Qing took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said to him: "Because I am a policeman!"

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