The ambulance has arrived downstairs.

Chen Xin'an asked the Guan brothers and sisters to come over and send Xu Qing and Lan Lan to the hospital.

Li Qi entered the box and found the switch that controlled the rope hook.

The rope hook was lowered and two new ropes were put on.

Then he hung all four people up!

Just high enough for their toes to touch the ground.

The box door was open, and there were chaotic footsteps outside.

Sofia's manager rushed up to the fourth floor with more than thirty onlookers.

Seeing the situation in the box, the manager became angry, pointed at Chen Xin'an and cursed:

"Who are you? Let them go!

I don’t even want to ask where the hall is…”

Chen Xin'an looked at him sideways and cursed: "Shut up! Get away!

Don't interfere in this matter!

You are not qualified yet!

The manager was angry and scolded Chen Xin'an: "Who are you saying is not qualified?

What do you think you are!

Brothers, do you know who are in the box?

These two mountain cannons popping out from nowhere dare to deal with our big boss like this. What do you think we should do?

Don't stand still, come on! "

After he finished speaking, no one behind him moved.

The manager got angry, turned around and cursed at the thugs: "Are you all so stupid? Or are you deaf?

Can't hear me?

Don't want the bonus? "

One of the thugs whispered: "Manager, we want bonuses, but we want our lives even more!

We can't afford to offend this person, and we can't control this matter! "

The manager's expression changed, he glanced at Chen Xin'an and Li Qi, pointed at the four people who were hung up and said:

“Our big boss is there!

Don't you know their identities?

In front of them, are there people in Dongshan that we can't afford to offend? "

The thug said with a grimace: "Not many, but this one is one of them!

He is Chen Xin'an!

The person Dongshan should not mess with!

Manager, you are from out of town, so you don't know how terrible he is.

Three years ago, the entire Dongshan was turned upside down by his influence.

Little people like us, it’s better not to get involved in this matter! "

Another thug also nodded and said, "If I offend you, I'll lose my job at worst.

If you offend Chen Xin'an, your family will be destroyed!

The Lu family is awesome, right?

Just let him run away, and both sons were killed!

You want me to provoke Chen Xin'an for thousands of dollars?

I won't do such stupid things! "

The other thugs also nodded and gave up, turned around and left.

Soon there were not many people around the manager!

The manager was dumbfounded!

He looked at Chen Xin'an in shock, thinking that he would not let him go, but he didn't realize that the other party ignored him at all!

Chen Xin'an stood in front of Sun Liangjun and Bai Shaobo who were hanging together, and nodded to Li Diding next to him.

Li Qi turned on his cell phone camera and started recording.

Chen Xin'an took out a silver needle and injected it into the bodies of the two people in front of him. Soon they both began to wail in pain!

The silver needle was lifted, and the two of them gasped for breath.

Sun Liangjun had tears and snot running down his face, crying: "Who the hell are you! Do you know that my dad is the president of the Chamber of Commerce?"

"I know!" Chen Xin'an nodded sincerely and said, "That's why I asked you to call your dad just now!

Is he halfway there now?

It doesn't matter, I'll play with you slowly and wait!

Answer me a question first, what are these things used for? "

He pointed to the box next to him.

Sun Liangjun paid no attention to his question and cried out: "Put me down! Otherwise my dad will kill you..."

Chen Xin'an picked up the whip from the ground, swung it a few times, then flicked her wrist, and with a snap, the whip hit Sun Liangjun's body!

Because Bai Shaobo and he were hanging together, this whip would inevitably fall on Bai Shaobo!

With a bang, a section of their upper body clothes was torn off, and a red whip mark appeared on their bodies!

"Ah!" The two of them shouted at the same time, their bodies shaking violently as if they were being roasted by fire.

Chen Xin'an raised his arms, slapped the two of them expressionlessly, and said:

"The injuries on Xu Qing and that girl just now were caused by you using this thing, right?"

Bai Shaobo cried loudly: "It was Robert who smoked it, it has nothing to do with me!"

Sun Liangjun didn't stop speaking harshly, and nodded his head and said nonchalantly: "Yes, it was the foreigner who smoked it!

He is a pervert, and the things in the box are all props he uses to torture women!

I have long disliked him.

You don’t know how many Chinese women have suffered at the hands of this guy!

Have you heard about a woman in this box who jumped off the building and broke her leg?

He jumped because he couldn't stand Robert's abuse!

She didn't dare to call the police, so Robert took someone to her house, gave her 100,000 yuan, and drove her out of Dongshan overnight!

This matter has nothing to do with us!

Please let us go..."

This guy is really afraid of death.

Seeing that Chen Xin'an didn't care about his identity at all, he immediately gave in.

Chen Xin'an lowered his whip, walked up to the two of them and asked, "Why did you invite Xu Qing here tonight?"

Bai Shaobo's eyes dodge, and Sun Liangjun on the side quickly said: "Master Bai and Captain Xu are old classmates.

Using a new mobile phone technology, Captain Xu's attention was attracted.

According to Captain Xu, if this new mobile phone is equipped with the police force, it can provide great convenience to the police.

But this is also Popuda’s intention, which is to popularize this mobile phone in the police force and other official departments.

In this way, the entire Haidong official can be monitored.

But Captain Xu seemed a little wary.

I just want to confirm this thing tonight and capture Robert by the way.

But Robert knew her purpose a long time ago, so he used Bai Shaobo to invite her here and set a trap!

This is all their fault and has nothing to do with me! "

Bai Shaobo was angry at this guy for betraying him, and he shouted loudly at this moment:

"What the hell has nothing to do with you?

Xu Qing was fascinated by your smoke!

If it weren't for you, Xu Qing wouldn't be like this! "

Sun Liangjun scolded: "Damn you, that mist is not mine, it was given to me by Donald!

Moreover, you took the antidote in advance, and you agreed to use the smoke to confuse Captain Xu! "

"Shut up!" Chen Xin'an didn't have the patience to listen to them dog-eat-dog, so he whipped him again!

The two cried loudly in pain and begged for mercy.

Chen Xin'an looked gloomy, picked up a syringe on the coffee table, and asked the two of them, "What is this?"

Sun Liangjun and Bai Shaobo were silent, their eyes evasive.

Chen Xin'an raised the whip.

The two were so frightened that they quickly shouted: "It's happy water!

A new drug.

After one injection, you become addicted and highly dependent. "

Chen Xin'an squinted her eyes and asked, "How much did you inject into Xu Qing?"

Bai Shaobo said in a trembling voice: "It was injected by Donald, probably less than a third of it. I should be able to wash it off at the hospital..."

Hearing him speak like this, Chen Xin'an knew that Xu Qing was in big trouble!

He suppressed the anger in his heart, waved his hand, and the needle in his hand popped and pierced Donald's body!

Donald shuddered.

One of his hands was disabled and only one arm was hanging.

He had already fainted, but Chen Xin'an suddenly woke him up!

Looking at the needle that was halfway inserted into his belly, Donald let out a shrill wail!

Chen Xin'an turned around, swept his legs, and hit him hard on the head!

Donald immediately dropped his head and fainted again!

Chen Xin'an turned around, looked at the trembling Sun Liangjun and Bai Shaobo and asked:

"Kelly, the dance teacher at Haidong Art School, do you know her?

You guys handled this case, right? "

Sun Liangjun and Bai Shaobo struggled and shouted: "It was Robert who caused us to do this, he is the most ruthless!"

Chen Xin'an took out the tiger-tooth knife, nodded and said, "Just admit it!"

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