Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1916 Have you ever thought about letting them go?

The screams made the entire box look like hell on earth, and the smell of blood filled his nostrils.

Li Qi looked helpless.

Am I not a cameraman?

Why do I have to do such dirty work?

Chen Xin'an was holding her cell phone and pointing at him:

"Cut it cleanly, what's the use of leaving a little bit?

Let me just say that your Skyhawk’s Skyhawk thorn has a design flaw, as it focuses too much on the picking and thorning movements.

It's just not easy to use this tiger-tooth knife, right?

You need to practice more on chopping and chopping! "

After Li Qi finished dealing with these two people, Chen Xin'an gave them two injections to stop their bleeding and let them sleep.

Handing the phone to Li Qi and taking the tiger-tooth knife, Chen Xinan had a look of disgust on his face.

He took a tiger-tooth knife and wiped the blood on Donald's body.

Then suddenly he grabbed Donald's chin and covered his mouth with his right hand!

Donald, who originally wanted to spit out a mouthful of blood at Chen Xin'an, was forced to swallow the blood in his mouth again!

Chen Xin'an punched him in the mouth again, making him look like Sun Liangjun, with all his front teeth and canine teeth falling out!

With blood in his mouth, Donald gritted his teeth and cursed at Chen Xin'an:

"kill me!

Damn the Chinese, you despicable cowards!

If you dare, kill me!

You will be hunted by Popuda's men!

Don't you dare to take action?

Then let me go!

Do you know how many Chinese people I have tortured?

There are people from all walks of life!

Your little tricks can't scare me at all!

If you don’t kill me, next time, I will kill you and your family one by one!

I want you to never dare to provoke anyone from my Bovell family in your next life! "

Chen Xin'an watched him finish shouting with cold eyes, and said in a calm tone: "Do you think you are tough?"

Donald wanted to grit his teeth, but half of them were knocked out by Chen Xin'an.

He could only bite his back molars and cursed at Chen Xin'an: "The Bovell family will never surrender!

Is this the only way you can do it?

Come on, just do whatever you want, and I'll let you know what a real tough guy is! "

Chen Xin'an gave him a thumbs up and said to him: "Okay, it's a tough one! I hope you won't disappoint me later!"

Li Qi, who was filming on the side, kicked the two people hanging next to him intentionally or unintentionally.

Donald was groggy just now, and Bai Shaobo and Sun Liangjun both had their backs to him.

Although I screamed miserably when I heard the sound, I didn't know what happened.

Now seeing the blood-stained pants of the two men, Donald understood instantly.

At this moment, his whole body went limp, with a look of fear on his face!

He no longer had the same momentum as before. Seeing Chen Xin'an approaching him with a knife, he shook his head vigorously and said:

"No! You can't do this to me!

You can kill me, but you can't humiliate me or torture me like this! "

Chen Xin'an looked at him with disgust and cursed: "Are you giving up before this even starts?

Where is the glory of your Bovell family?

Isn’t it unyielding? "

"Kill me if you are a man!" Donald shouted, "Don't humiliate me in this way!"

Chen Xin'an pointed to the box next to him, looked at him expressionlessly and said:

"Have you ever preserved the dignity of those people you abused and humiliated?"

Donald was stunned, snorted and cursed: "How can those despicable guys be compared with me?

How can they enjoy the same treatment as the noble Bovell family..."

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said to him: "Listen, I don't care what kind of bullshit family or bullshit bloodline you are from.

In my eyes, you are lower than anyone else!

Because you people are basically beasts in human skin!

You bunch of animals that haven't even shed their fur, how can you have the confidence to look down on us Chinese people? "

Ignoring Donald's begging and struggling, Chen Xin'an took the tiger-tooth knife and struck directly.

The screams rang out again, this time it was Chen Xin'an who did it himself, which made Li Qi's scalp numb.

Have you ever seen someone cut a gash and then stab it with the back of a knife?

When a dull knife cuts flesh, it cuts the most vulnerable part of a man.

That kind of pain can really make a man collapse!

That kind of scream is simply not something that a person can make!

After Chen Xin'an finished dealing with it, Donald collapsed.

Although he was seriously injured just now, he was still a human being.

But now, it's not even a human being, it's just a puddle of meat!

Chen Xin'an stood in front of Robert with the bloody knife.

At this moment, Robert's eyes were actually very calm, and there wasn't even the slightest fear on his face.

Chen Xin'an looked at him and said: "You should know, I haven't touched you, what does it mean to leave you for the end!

Tell me what I want to know, no nonsense, no lies.

Otherwise, your fate will be much worse than theirs! "

Robert sneered coldly, shook his head and said to Chen Xin'an: "Chinese people, do you think I..."


The tiger-toothed knife pierced Robert's lower abdomen, and then turned half a circle as Chen Xin'an twisted his wrist!

Robert shrank up all over, just gritting his teeth, his eyes widened, but he didn't say a word!

Chen Xin'an didn't waste any time, so she stuck the tiger-tooth knife on him, bent down and picked up the whip on the ground!

As he waved his arms fiercely, Robert's clothes were whipped and turned into strips of cloth!

And what flew out in the end was no longer cloth, but blood and minced meat!

Robert roared like a beast, his body was shaking, and he was still holding back the pain.

Chen Xin'an had already put down his whip and took out the bottle containing chemical salt.

There is no need to deliberately ask the purpose of this thing. Xu Qing and Lan Lan both have residual particles of this thing on their bodies.

Chen Xin'an was not stingy, she sprinkled all the chemical salts on Robert's body, then tore off the pieces of his blood-stained clothes, wrapped them in her hands and rubbed his body vigorously!

Robert, who was still holding back his screams just now, couldn't bear it anymore!

He screamed and struggled at the top of his lungs, but to no avail.

It looked like he had been doused with sulfuric acid, with white foam forming on his body.

Almost every piece of flesh in every wound was beating uncontrollably. There was no mercy on Chen Xin'an's face, let alone soft-heartedness.

He picked up the two clamps and an iron rod.

After just thinking about it for a while, I already understood the purpose.

Before Robert could react, he had already pulled off his belt and inserted the clip inside!

He walked behind Robert again and stabbed him upward with an iron rod!

Following Robert's shrill scream, Chen Xin'an inserted the plugs of these two things into the battery in the box and turned the current to the maximum!

Amidst the screams of ghosts and wolves, a thick smoke rose from Robert's body!

The box that was originally filled with the smell of blood now smelled of burnt flesh.

Seeing that there were still many things in the box, Chen Xin'an finally spoke.

"There are quite a few things. It's okay. We don't have to do anything tonight. I'll just give you a try on all these things!"

Robert finally broke down!

He shouted to Chen Xin'an tremblingly: "I said! Stop torturing me, just ask, I will tell you everything!"

Chen Xin'an glanced at him, shook her head and said, "I suddenly don't want to hear it anymore!

Forget it, in comparison, torturing you is more interesting. "

"No!" Robert cried bitterly: "I can't bear it anymore, please let me go!"

Chen Xin'an looked at him coldly and asked: "Let me ask you, have you ever thought of letting go of the girls you tortured like this?

Now I let you taste all the pain they have experienced, isn't it too much? "

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