Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1917 You Don't Deserve This Name

Sophia's manager is going crazy!

The box was not closed, and the screams coming from inside spread throughout the building and could scare people half to death!

He couldn't imagine what kind of identity Chen Xin'an was, that he didn't even take these big bosses seriously!

As a last resort, he had to call the police, but what he didn't expect was that the police did come, but they didn't go upstairs to deal with Chen Xin'an!

Instead, all the guests dared to leave!

Because some guests brought some contraband, the police quickly seized Sofia!

Even he can't protect himself, and now he has to be taken back by the police for investigation!

Sitting in the police car, the manager looked pale.

He realizes that Sophia might be doomed!

That Chen Xin'an is really scary!

Sophia's background is from the Haidong Chamber of Commerce, but it doesn't work now.

The police didn't go to the fourth floor at all, they seized Sophia and left!

Everything in the box had been taken out, and Robert in front of him turned into a bloody man.

But it doesn't matter, Chen Xin'an won't let him die easily from torture.

After going to the bathroom inside and washing away the blood stains on his hands, Chen Xin'an nodded to Li Didian.

Li Qi put away his cell phone, walked out, and soon came back, saying to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, here we come!"

Downstairs from Sophia, black cars came speeding up one after another and soon filled up the entire block!

With a series of door slams, a large number of men in black poured into the building.

A half-bald man and a fat woman, surrounded by a group of men in black, went straight to the elevator and went to the fourth floor!

When everyone rushed to the door of the Qiandao Lake box, they were all shocked by the bloody scene inside!

"Son!" The half-bald man and the obese woman shouted at the same time, desperately trying to rush over!

The men in black around them were also protecting them as they rushed in.

Li Qi, who was standing at the door, rushed towards the crowd and kicked the person in front of him back, knocking down two companions!

At the same time as he landed, Li Qi pulled out the Eagle Thorn and stabbed the half-bald man hard!

A group of men in black yelled in fear and backed away while protecting the half-bald man and the fat woman.

They didn't expect this guy to be so cruel. How dare a person attack first? !

After retreating three meters, Li Qi did not pursue him and retreated to the door of the box.

Chen Xin'an didn't seem to care about the outside world and said to Sun Liangjun and Bai Shaobo: "There is someone in your family!"



Sun Liangjun and Bai Shaobo cried at the same time.

"Son, don't be afraid, daddy is here to save you!"

"My baby, mom is relieved that you are still alive! Just wait, mom will avenge you!"

The half-bald man tentatively walked forward and shouted to the people in the box: "Friends, let's talk!

Who are you and what do you want? Where did my son offend you?

It doesn’t matter, you can talk about anything, I can give you whatever you want! "

"Haha!" Chen Xin'an smiled and said lightly: "Sun Guofu, Bai Sanniang, you guys came very slowly! Ah Qi, let them two come over!"

"You actually know my name!" Sun Guofu frowned and hesitated when he wanted to come over.

Bai Sanniang, who was behind, didn't care so much. She hurried over and cursed:

"I really want to see who dares to treat my Bai Sanniang's son like this!

I don't care what grudges you have between you. If my son is injured, I will take your life to pay for it! "

Seeing how she didn't care, Sun Guofu had no choice but to risk it, but he still winked at the man in black next to him.

Once something goes wrong, rush forward and protect his safety at all costs!

A group of men in black still wanted to follow, but Li Qi held a sword in his hand with the eagle thorn in his hand, and stopped in front of everyone. He raised his eyelids and uttered a few words: "Get away!"

The men in black all looked angry. If I hadn't been a thief, so many people would have rushed up and chopped you into mincemeat in minutes!

Li Qi didn't care what they thought. He stood at the door and asked them all to retreat three meters away!

Seeing the tragic condition of their sons at close range, Sun Guofu and Bai Sanniang almost fainted from fright!

This is still their son!

It has simply turned into a blood gourd!

His body was covered in scars and there was almost no good piece of meat!


Sun Guofu and Bai Sanniang both discovered the most serious wound on their son's body. Their eyes widened and they howled horribly!

"Son of a bitch! You crippled my son?! I want your life! I want to kill you!"

"How dare you do this to my Bai Sanniang's son! He has not had a father since he was a child, and now you have made it impossible for him to even have a son! I, Bai Sanniang..."

Looking at Chen Xin'an, Bai Sanniang's stern expression suddenly froze, and she screamed: "Are you Chen Xin'an?!"

Sun Guofu next to him was also startled and looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief.

This guy is Chen Xin'an who asked him to prepare five million this afternoon?

Of course he had heard of this person.

I just didn't take it to heart.

So he was not prepared at all for the five million.

Who is he?

The newly appointed president of the Haidong Chamber of Commerce.

If you were frightened by a son-in-law with a little reputation and just obeyed, then the president would be completely embarrassed by him!

Ignore this boy's provocation and let him retreat.

If he goes too far and doesn't understand the rules, then don't blame him as the president for being ruthless!

You have already left Dongshan, so go back to Kyoto!

Still think this is your territory?

But he never expected that just a few hours later, this guy would give him such a big blow!

His son was actually crippled by this guy!

Chen Xin'an looked at Bai Sanniang with a sneer and said, "Bai Sanniang, do you recognize me?

Long time no see, you really haven’t changed at all!

Still so arrogant, it seems that the lesson learned last time was not enough! "

Bai Sanniang's face turned green and white. She glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed:

"Chen Xin'an, my Huatai Famous Banquet has been suppressed by Shen Changsheng and closed down!

You don’t have to hold on to it!

If you want to deal with me, come at me, don't do this to my son! "

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, shook her head and said, "Bai Sanniang, let me tell you.

In fact, neither you nor your son are worth mentioning in my eyes!

The reason why I treat him like this is because he provoked me!

If a little ant like this offends me and doesn't teach him a lesson, do you think I, Chen Xin'an, am easy to bully? "

Bai Sanniang cried loudly and cursed: "Even if you teach him a lesson, you don't have to be so cruel, right?

He is only so young, and if you treat him like this, how will he live in the future? "

Sun Guofu gritted his teeth and looked at Chen Xin'an and shouted: "My surname is Chen, I, Sun Guofu, and you are sworn in!

No matter what issues my son has with you, if you treat him like this, I will never let you go! "

Chen Xin'an smiled, looked outside, and said a little disappointed:

"Only you two little fish and shrimps are here?

Diesel didn't come? "

The dignified president of the Haidong Chamber of Commerce was called a small fish by this guy!

Sun Guofu felt that he had been greatly insulted. He glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Chen, you don't want to leave here alive today! I..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xin'an suddenly reached out and grabbed his throat, lifted him up, and said coldly:

"You want to kill me? Is it you or the trash outside?

I'm afraid it's not enough!

Listen to me, starting from today, you can change your name.

Because you don't deserve this name, understand? "

Throwing Sun Guofu to the ground casually, Chen Xin'an turned around, looked at Robert and Conrad and said:

“It seems like your family doesn’t care about you, does it?

So you two are useless, one of you will die!

Well, it’s you! "

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly punched out and instantly smashed Conrad's head!

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