Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1918 He is just a child

Red and white liquid splashed everywhere, and Conrad was killed with one blow!

Sun Guofu and Bai Sanniang looked at the thing splashed on themselves and were stunned for a while before they realized what it was!

The two of them screamed at the same time, then lay on the ground and kept retching!

Chen Xin'an turned her head, looked at Bai Sanniang who was slumped on the ground and said:

"You asked me just now, if your son is disabled, how will he live in the future?

I'll tell you the answer.

It's very simple, just let him become a corpse like this foreigner! "

Bai Sanniang was frightened, climbed down, hugged Chen Xin'an's right leg and cried:

"No! Chen Xin'an, I beg you, let my son go, he is still a child!"

Sun Guofu was even more depressed.

He was a dignified president of the Haidong Chamber of Commerce. When he met Chen Xin'an for the first time, this guy asked him to change his name!

But now he no longer dares to confront Chen Xin'an.

This guy is moody. Although he brought many people, they were all outside and couldn't get in.

Even if he rushed in, there was no guarantee that this guy Chen Xin'an would suddenly attack him before they arrived!

"Chen Xin'an, you have something to say!" Sun Guofu is a flexible person. He knew that he could not irritate the guy in front of him now, so he immediately softened his tone.

“Everything is negotiable.

Don’t you just want money?

Five million, I will deliver it to you before dawn.

How about you let our father and son go?

He was just a child and didn't deserve such punishment.

If you go to the hospital now, everything can still be done in time! "

"Hahaha!" Chen Xinan suddenly laughed, looking at Sun Guofu and Bai Sanniang with eyes full of contempt.

"Child? You mean the two of them?

No, they are not children, they are beasts!

Do you want me to show you how miserable those women were who were tortured by them?

Do you think that because you are rich and powerful, your children can do whatever you want and be domineering?

So whatever they did out there, you guys thought it was no big deal.

It's just something that can be settled with some connections.

Even if the trust relationship is useless, in the worst case, just bite the bullet, spend more money, and spend it!

What you two so-called children are doing is really not the work of children!

So since you don’t educate, let society whip them.

Let them know that many things cannot be solved by spending money and finding connections!

For example, you offended me! "

Sun Guofu realized that this time, it seemed that his power was really useless!

He asked in a trembling voice: "Chen Xin'an, who are you standing up for? Why did my son offend you?"

Chen Xin'an snorted and said, "Teacher Kelly, you are my friend!

If you think this relationship is not enough, I can tell you that Xu Qing, the captain of the municipal bureau's administrative brigade, is my sister.

Just three hours ago, you two lovely children forcibly injected my sister with blue potion.

He also beat her until her pants were covered with blood, leaving her hanging for life.

Come on, come on, tell me, should I spare you two children? "

Sun Guofu and Bai Sanniang were stunned.

They never dreamed that their son would get into such a big trouble!

Without Chen Xin'an, the captain of the criminal investigation brigade of the city bureau would be nothing.

At most, he is ruthless. Even if he bleeds once, it is not impossible to deal with it.

But now that Chen Xin'an has intervened, this matter has become a big deal!

Chen Xin'an squinted her eyes, looked at the two of them and said, "I'll tell you another piece of news.

My sister has a grandfather named Xu Huaqiang.

You must have heard of it, right? "


Sun Guofu also collapsed on the ground!

This time Chen Xin'an didn't need to take action, he wanted to strangle his precious son to death with his own hands!

It would be strange if he, the president of the Haidong Chamber of Commerce, didn’t know who Xu Huaqiang was!

Beating someone's granddaughter like that, it doesn't matter how big the move is, even taking out all the family property is useless, it can't be settled!

Bai Sanniang also let go of Chen Xin'an's legs and collapsed on the ground, her whole head going blank.

I originally thought that with the help of this Sophia, she could make a comeback.

It can even be developed in Dongshan.

She never expected that her son would cause such a catastrophic disaster and drag her directly into the abyss!

Now she is really starting to regret it!

I know my son is naughty and likes to cause trouble.

If I had given him a little discipline back then, I wouldn't have fallen into this situation!

"Mom, don't listen to him!" Bai Shaobo was still hanging and cried:

"I feel so much pain! He cut me! You must not let this bastard go!"

How can I play with women in the future?

What's the difference between me being alive and being dead?

Mom, didn’t you bring someone here?

What are you afraid of him doing? Kill him!

When I get better, I have to get his sister and play with his whole family of women again!

I want him to know..."

"Son, shut up!" Bai Sanniang yelled, trying to stop her son's nonsense.

Unfortunately it's too late!

Chen Xin'an turned around and beat Bai Shaobo hard!

The punching power of the fourth level of internal power is simply terrifying when it hits the human body!

The fist hit Bai Shaobo's chest, but big bumps formed on his back!

And with every punch from Chen Xin'an, the organs in Bai Shaobo's body exploded one by one!

When Chen Xin'an withdrew his fist, there was nothing unusual about Bai Shaobo except that his face was bloodless and his chest was deflated.

But if you could take a picture at this moment, you would find that this person's body is already empty!

All the organs have turned into blood and flowed out of the body along with the seven orifices!

The good thing is that Bai Shaobo was already dead when Chen Xin'an punched him the second time!

So he looked scary after death, but he didn't suffer much pain.

"Son!" Seeing her son die in front of her, Bai Sanniang cried out and threw herself on Bai Shaobo!

She turned her head, looked at Chen Xin'an with gritted teeth, and shouted loudly: "You surnamed Chen, kill me if you dare!

Where are people? Come on in!

Kill this bastard and give him all my property! "

My son is gone, and it doesn’t matter how much money I earn.

Bai Sanniang now had nothing but hatred in her heart. She turned around and rushed towards Chen Xin'an, spreading her fingers with both hands, trying to take off Chen Xin'an's eyes.

Chen Xin'an had no good impression of this person from the first time he met her.

Arrogant, domineering, and unreasonable.

No wonder he would educate a son like Bai Shaobo.

So of course he wouldn't be polite to her. He grabbed Bai Sanniang's wrist with two clicks.

Then he took her arms and kicked her in the chest!


Bai Sanniang spat out a mouthful of blood, and the color quickly faded from her face.

But the men in black outside also heard Bai Sanniang’s shouts and rushed in desperately!

Sun Fugui raised his hands and stepped back, shouting to Chen Xin'an: "Chen Xin'an, you are not mine and have nothing to do with me!"

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, looked at him sideways and said, "In order not to end up like Bai Sanniang, you didn't even care about your precious son?

Aren't you afraid that I will kill him with a few punches like Bai Shaobo in front of you? "

Sun Fugui blushed and remained silent.

Sun Liangjun's face was gloomy, and he turned his head to look at his father.

Compared with the pain on his body, his father's actions made him more painful and chilling!

Sun Fugui coughed dryly and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, please make a condition!

I know the dog's life or death is not important to you.

As long as he lives, you can set whatever conditions you want! "

Chen Xin'an grinned and said to him: "My condition is to let him die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he punched Sun Liangjun in the heart, causing his heart to burst instantly!

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