Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1927 Is one hundred thousand a little too little?

In the leadership office on the third floor, Chen Xin'an and Li Qi checked all the alarm records about Popuda in the past few years.

What surprised Chen Xin'an was that there were more than 20 cases involving Diesel alone.

And most of them destroy other people's marriage relationships.

But in the end, they were all confiscated and the money was paid.

Chen Xinan took pictures of these things and sent them to Wang Yufei and Wang Yi.

"Mr. Chen, do you need to report this matter to your superiors?" Li Qingyuan said to Chen Xin'an with a smile:

"Popuda is very important to Xihe's economy. I'm afraid that if I go too far, the consequences will be... very serious!"

Chen Xin'an laughed and said to Li Qingyuan: "Don't worry, Leader Li, I just want to deal with Diesel and has nothing to do with Popda!"

Li Qingyuan was stunned.

Isn't this the same thing?

Could it be that if something happens to the boss, this company can still survive?

Chen Xin'an didn't explain too much, but just told Li Qingyuan to stay out of the matter as much as possible and to keep the officials from getting involved as much as possible.

After leaving the Xihe Municipal Bureau, Chen Xin'an and Li Qi went to the Mining Hospital again.

Before we reached our destination, the phone rang.

He asked Li Qi to park the car and answered the phone on the roadside with a strange expression on his face.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an patted Li Qi on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"No need to go, Diesel went through the hospitalization procedures for Robert in the afternoon.

Now he is back in Popuda, asking others to take his son to the hospital.

However, five ambulances came out from the Mining Hospital to transfer his son to another hospital.

They went to five tertiary hospitals in Xihe, using anonymous hospitalization.

If you want to check every house, you have to spend time! "

Li Qi was stunned for a moment, then snorted coldly and said, "This old fox already knows that we are coming, right?"

Chen Xin'an nodded: "The commotion is so big, you have to know even if you don't want to know!

He also knew that we deliberately let his son go back to Xihe just to catch him, so he went to Bopuda immediately! "

Li Qi said to Chen Xin'an, "Boss, can I go and touch it?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "It's too dangerous and too time-consuming!

Ding Shoucheng, since he posted our whereabouts online, Diesel must know what we look like.

Once we are separated, it will be easy for him to deal with him alone, and then we will contain each other!

I have asked Tan Hanya to do the investigation.

Now I'm worried about Han Bing.

If Diesel knew about her relationship with me, he would definitely not let her go! "

Li Qi frowned and asked, "Why not let her withdraw immediately?"

"She said it!" Chen Xin'an shook her head and said, "She said there are still important things to do in the company.

Tan Jiahui told her that some important information should be backed up and protected in advance.

Otherwise, when Diesel is at the end of his rope, these things will be destroyed, and even if we get Popda, it will be just an empty shell! "

Li Diding nodded and asked Chen Xin'an: "Boss, what should we do now?"

Chen Xin'an shrugged and said, "Don't do anything, wait!"

"Huh? Who are you waiting for?" Li Qi asked strangely.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "Waiting for news about Tan Hanya, news about Tan Jiahui, and...waiting for Diesel's revenge!"

It was getting late, it was three o'clock in the afternoon when the two arrived at Xihe, and now it was almost eight o'clock.

There happened to be a night market street next to it, and the smell of beef offal hotpot wafted from a distance, so the two of them went over and found an empty table to sit down.

A man in his thirties, I don't know if he was the boss or the waiter, came over and gave them a pot of tea and a menu.

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and found that the other party was also looking at him. He frowned slightly but said nothing.

There was a stove on the roadside, and a dark-faced man was chopping beef offal and weighing it.

There was a sound of glass breaking from the stall next to it, and the young men on the two tables didn't know why, so they started doing it!

The people around him tried to avoid him, and seemed not to be surprised by this kind of thing.

But the black-faced man turned around and cursed: "Wall and beat!"

The young people at the two tables quickly stopped and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, third brother!"

Seeing that the black-faced man ignored them, the two tables of young people left in dejection.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi just looked at it calmly and said nothing.

The beef offal was brought up and put into the bottom of the pot that was already boiling.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi didn't have to give in. They had a bottle of beer each.

Compared with big fish and big meat, Chen Xin'an prefers this kind of street food stall, which tastes delicious.

Needless to say, Li Qi had done this before joining the army.

Two pounds of beef offal and four bottles of beer. The two of them drank slowly without being in a hurry.

Almost an hour later, Li Qi said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, it's time to arrive. Let's go?"

Chen Xin'an turned around and looked around. There were not many people in the night market street, which was originally bustling. It looked very desolate, and some businesses had even closed their doors.

Nodding, Chen Xin'an turned around and shouted: "Boss, pay the bill!"

The middle-aged man in his thirties came over with a menu.

Chen Xin'an asked: "How much?"

The middle-aged man said with a smile: "One hundred thousand!"


Li Qi spat out a mouthful of beer, stared and asked, "How much?"

The middle-aged man still looked harmless and said with a smile: "One hundred thousand!"

Li Qi's face darkened, staring at him and scolding: "Why don't you go and rob! Two kilograms of beef offal costs 100,000, golden beef offal?"

"Robbery is illegal, we won't do it!" The middle-aged man said with a smile: "We are a small business, honest and trustworthy!"

Li Qi laughed angrily.

This black shop actually blackmailed them.

He snorted coldly, turned his head and said to Chen Xinan: "Boss?"

As long as Chen Xinan nodded, he could tear down this food stall for him!

Doesn't this middle-aged man like to laugh meanly?

I'll make him look for teeth on the ground later, so that you can't even laugh!

The last few guys who wanted to blackmail 50,000 are still lying in the hospital now!

Chen Xinan smiled and looked at the middle-aged man and said: "Is 100,000 a little less?"

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "Not a small amount, just right!"

Li Qi snorted coldly, you kid can still laugh!

When the boss makes a move later, you will cry!

But he never expected that Chen Xinan actually took out a bank card from his pocket and put it on the tray in front of the middle-aged man.

Then he smiled and said to the middle-aged man: "The password is at the back."

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "Thank you, boss!

This store prohibits waste, please finish the food on the table.

Give the two bosses two bottles of Snow Beer, please enjoy!"

Li Qi was stunned!

He shouted to Chen Xinan: "Boss, you are not right? Are you really giving him 100,000?"

Of course he knew that the card Chen Xinan took out really had 100,000 yuan!

He pointed at the middle-aged man and scolded: "100,000 yuan for you, and you only gave him two bottles of Snow Beer?

Can you be more stingy?

And you let us finish eating before we leave. Do you know what trouble we will cause you if we stay here for a while?"

The middle-aged man didn't listen to what he said and turned away.

Chen Xinan smiled and said to Li Qi: "It's okay, just eat it with peace of mind!"

"But boss..." Li Qi couldn't understand Chen Xinan's reaction now.

But since the boss assured him, he didn't ask any more questions even though he had a lot of questions in his mind.

Soon, a group of people came from the two sides of the street.

They held big knives in their hands and deliberately dragged them to the ground, listening to the teeth-grinding sound of the knife tip rubbing against the ground.

There was no doubt that these people were coming for the two of them!

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