Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1928 Friends, long time no see

Li Qi wanted to get up, but Chen Xin'an shook his head and said with a smile: "Don't worry about anything!"

People on both sides all walked towards the stall owned by Chen Xin'an and Li Qi, and then stopped at the same time.

A man with pigtails raised his long knife, pointed at Chen Xin'an and Li Qi from a distance and said:

"Shunzi, the foreign boss offered one million to kill these two people! I want to take them away now!"

Shunzi looked at him with a smile and said: "Sir, get out!"

Braid Si'er's face darkened, he glared at the middle-aged man and cursed: "Second Elder, I'm going to say it again.

The foreign boss gave a bonus, one million, for one person!

Two people are two million!

As a favor to you and Wu Laosan, I will give you one million!

Interesting enough? "

Shunzi ignored him at all, placed two bottles of Snow Beer on Chen Xin'an and Li Qi's table, and said loudly: "Two bottles of Snow Beer will be given to you, boss, please use them slowly!"

Huang Mao, who was carrying a big knife, shouted impatiently: "Fourth brother, what are they doing!

Two million people are sitting there, let's go over and look at their heads!

Come on, brothers! "

A group of people cheered and rushed forward, raising their swords.

At this moment, the black-faced man by the stove grabbed the hot oil on the stove and poured it directly on the crowd!

Hot oil was poured on their heads, and the first few people who ran in the front were soaked in the rain. They screamed loudly and turned around to run away!

The people behind were still rushing forward, and the two sides were huddled together.

At the same time, Shunzi suddenly rushed over and pushed the two of them away with a backrest.

It hit the crowd, and everyone fell on their backs!

Li Qi was dumbfounded and exclaimed: "Holy shit!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "Bajiquan, stick to the mountain!

I have been practicing for thirty years! "

The people on both sides quickly backed away, and their eyes changed when they looked at the two people.

Braid Si'er gritted his teeth and cursed: "Second Elder, Elder Wu, you two are just against me, right?

You really thought that I was still the ignorant fool that I was a few years ago and would let you do anything, right?

I will decide the fate of these two people today.

It has nothing to do with you, so how dare you go against me for them?

Or do you want to keep these two million for yourself? "

Shunzi sneered coldly, looked at him and said: "These two are my guests!

You know my rules. Anyone who dares to harass my guests, no matter who you are, will be punished! "

Braid Si'er took a long breath, nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll be waiting.

I don't believe that they can eat it all night! "

Shunzi said with a smile: "Then just wait, I'll just let them continue to do business!"

Braid Si'er was completely angry, pointed at Shunzi and cursed: "Second Yuan, you are deliberately going against me!

I used to respect you as my senior brother and didn't want to argue with you.

Now that you are blocking me from getting rich, don’t blame me for attacking you! "

The black-faced man turned his head and said to him: "Zi Si'er, you have been expelled from the school!

There is no one like you in Xihe Bajimen! "

Braid Si'er gritted his teeth, pointed at the two of them and cursed: "You are all a bunch of old antiques!

A bunch of old diehards!

What on earth did I do all those things for?

Can’t you see those old antiques? Don’t you still know?

You are noble and great, can you let me do the evil thing?

If it weren’t for me to help the sect these years, the Baji sect would have been finished long ago!

Now you are crossing the river and burning the bridge?

Okay, you are unkind and I am unjust too!

If the Baji Sect is in trouble in the future, don’t come looking for me!

Today I will ask you both again, let me let you or not? "

Shunzi grinned and said, "No! Just come and fight. What nonsense!"

"Damn!" A bald man said to Braid Si'er: "Fourth brother, there are only two of us, including those two, there are only four of us!

There are so many of our brothers here, why are we still afraid of them? "

Shunzi grinned, tilted her head and looked at him and asked, "More than people?"

He put two fingers in his mouth and blew hard.

Sharp whistles resounded through the night sky.

Then, a large number of people rushed out of the shops on both sides of the road, all holding kitchen knives and shovels!

At the same time, a group of people also appeared at the intersection on both sides, darkly surrounding the braided four's group of people!

Surrounded by both inside and outside, the group of people with braids could only shrink continuously.

Each one holding a big knife turned into an obstacle, making it impossible to squeeze through, let alone swing it!

Shunzi sneered coldly and said with disdain: "There are more people than me in the night market street, who gave you the courage?"

He turned around and walked towards Zhu Si'er calmly.

The thugs on both sides held long knives, but no one dared to attack him. Instead, they all backed away.

Shunzi walked straight in, stood in front of Braid Si'er, then raised his arm, aimed it at his face, and slapped him hard in the face!

Braid Si'er was so angry that he punched Shunzi in the face and cursed: "I'll go to hell with your senior brother!"

Shunzi seemed unable to dodge this punch and was hit in the chin.

But at this moment, Shunzi's arm was also wrapped around Braid Si'er's right arm, and he lifted the joint upward!

With a scream, Shunzi punched the opponent's forearm!

There was a click, and Braid Si'er's right arm was broken on the spot!

Braid Si'er screamed loudly in pain, but Shunzi grabbed his left arm expressionlessly and did the same!


Braid Si'er's right arm was also broken!

Braid Si'er opened his mouth wide and let out a painful howl. He looked at Shunzi with horrified eyes and cursed with bloodshot eyes spitting out: "Kill me! Kill me if you dare!"

Shunzi said expressionlessly: "You are no longer a member of the Baji Sect, so you are no longer worthy of using the Baji Sect's skills!

From now on, you have nothing to do with Bajimen! "

Braid Si'er whimpered like a beast and kept saying: "I'm not wrong!

In today's society, making money is the most important thing!

Only with money can the sect have the confidence to develop, and will not be unable to afford the gym because of the high rent!

You are noble and look down on what I have done. I don’t blame you.

But you can't say that I'm wrong. It's not just driving me out of school, but also destroying me..."

"Braids!" Shunzi sighed, looked at him, shook his head and said:

“From the beginning to the end, including Master, no one said it was wrong for you to make money.

But you are using the wrong method!

On the first day you enter the master's school, the first thing the master tells you is that martial virtue is more important than a mountain, and fame and fortune are trivial.

You do whatever it takes to make money, working as a thug or a killer for others, these sects can tolerate it.

But now, for two million, you are dealing with our Chinese compatriots on behalf of foreigners.

I can't bear it, the third child can't bear it, and my master can't bear it even more!

You are forcing your disciples to become traitors!

Money is a good thing, but the prerequisite is that you have to earn it standing up!

You're a dog-legger for Yang Maozi. If you throw this money on the ground, we shouldn't pick it up. Do you understand? "

Braid Si'er lowered his arms, with a sad and angry expression. He glanced at Shunzi and the black-faced man, sighed, turned around and said to everyone around him: "Let's go!"

A group of people fled in panic.

The people around them didn't stop them, they just watched them leave.

After they disappeared, Shunzi clapped his hands and shouted around: "Thank you brothers, keep working!"

The shops on both sides closed their rolling shutters one after another and continued to set up stalls to attract customers.

After a while, the entire night market street was filled with smoke, and the bustle returned to its previous state.

Shunzi and the black-faced man came over and stood beside Chen Xin'an and Li Qi.

Chen Xin'an stood up, hugged them one by one, and said with a smile: "Friend, long time no see!"

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