Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1929 Boarding the pirate ship

Seeing Li Qi's confused expression next to him, Chen Xin'an and the two night market stall owners all laughed.

"This little brother can do it, he looks like a master!" Shunzi sat down, pointed at Li Qi and said to Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an laughed and said to him: "The elite of Patrol Eagle, do you think they are masters?"

Shunzi and the black-faced man stood in awe, brought two empty glasses, poured a glass of wine into them, held the glasses in both hands, and stood up to toast Li Qi.

"Can't stop it!" Li Qi quickly stood up, clinked glasses with the two of them, and the three of them drank it all.

Sitting down, Li Qi smiled bitterly and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, I'm still confused!"

Chen Xin'an laughed loudly, pointed at Shunzi and the black-faced man and said:

“These two used to drive illegal ambulances.

From Xihe to Dongshan, they can collect 100,000 yuan!

Just like tonight, you dare to charge me 100,000 yuan for a pot of beef offal!

But Ah Qi, do you think this hundred thousand is worth my money? "

Li Qi looked around, nodded and said, "It's worth it!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "So back then, I gave them three hundred thousand!

I think I still got an advantage and it’s great value for money!

Master Meng and Master Luo from Kyoto, thanks to them, were able to leave Xihe alive!

I also made two friends from Bajimen, and I made a lot of money!

But I'm curious, why did you two brothers come to work at the night market instead of driving an ambulance? "

Shunzi and the black-faced man both lowered their heads and stretched out their hands to slap their faces hard.

Chen Xin'an smiled and scolded: "What do you mean? It's not as good as selling offal to make more money from a black ambulance?"

The black-faced man said with a shy look: "The car was impounded and I lost two hundred thousand!

If it weren't for your 300,000 yuan, we brothers would have been kicked out of the school! "

"Don't mention that!" Shunzi rubbed his face and said to Chen Xin'an, "You're in great trouble now!

Even if I go to Kyoto, Haidong will never lack your legend!

Last year, you were also named the son-in-law star of Haidong Man.

It’s quite popular on the Internet..."

"Shut up!" Chen Xin'an's face darkened.

What the hell is the son-in-law star, and why is it such a weird choice among friends?

I didn’t know it was organized by that boring person!

Chen Xin'an said to Shunzi with a straight face: "Brother Yuan and Third Brother Wu, if you do something for me, the reward will still be one hundred thousand!"

Chen Xin'an took out a card again, slapped it on the table in front of her, frowned and said, "Find someone.

Yang Maozi, his real name is Robert!

He was physically injured and was disabled by me. He was previously staying at the Mining Hospital.

But later, his father went through the discharge procedures and was admitted to all tertiary hospitals in Xihe.

I'm not sure which one it is now, I want to find it before dawn! "

Shunzi glanced at Wu Laosan and said to Chen Xin'an, "Is this the foreign boss that Braid Si'er mentioned?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "He is also the president of Popuda. I want him to be killed in Xihe!"

"Okay!" Shunzi pushed the card and said to Chen Xin'an: "There is no charge for this, it's just an errand!"

Chen Xin'an grinned, pushed the card forward, and said to him:

"Rent a relatively large place for Bajimen to use as a gymnasium in Xihe.

If it’s not enough, I still have it here. I’m short of everything except money! "

Shunzi laughed angrily, grabbed the card and threw it into Chen Xin'an's hand and cursed: "Just let us brothers help you, don't pay attention to my master!"

Chen Xin'an cursed, but still put away the bank card.

Shunzi waved, and a young man sitting at the table next to him ran over.

The two whispered a few words, and the young man nodded, turned and left.

Shunzi turned his head and said to Chen Xin'an: "It's time to eat, it's time to drink, just wait for the news!"

Chen Xin'an nodded to Li Qidian, turned to Shunzi and the black-faced man and said, "Second brother, third brother, I may need your help later..."

Shunzi at least said: "Chen Xin'an, would you like to have some face? It's just one hundred thousand yuan, and you treat us like donkeys?"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "I have money. I will give you as much as you want. The key is you don't want it!"

Shunzi laughed loudly, patted Chen Xin'an on the shoulder and said: "Chen Xin'an, just stop it when you see it!

I know what you think, but I advise you to forget it.

If you want to win over sects like ours, money is important, but it is not the most important.

What's more, we brothers cannot represent the sect, so we don't want to cause trouble with the sect! "

"Second brother, your words are a bit hurtful!" Chen Xin'an said with a straight face: "How can you cause trouble by working with me?"

The black-faced man snorted and said unceremoniously: "You are a big trouble in your own right!"


Li Qi laughed out loud!

Chen Xin'an looked embarrassed and kicked him under the table.

After sitting for a while, Shunzi's phone rang. He took it out and answered it, and said to Chen Xin'an:

"The person you are looking for has been found. He is still in the Mining Hospital, just in a different ward!"

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi looked at each other and cursed in unison: "Fuck!"

This old fox is such a special dog!

The two stood up.

Chen Xin'an put the bank card she just took out on the table, grabbed Shunzi's phone without any reason, pressed her own number, and said with a smile:

"Second brother, keep the money.

Whether you do something or not is up to you two.

My connections here are pretty good.

If you want to join the army or go to Dragon Shield, you can.

I have to take the test at the police station, but there is nothing I can do about it.

But if you want to find a job, there are a lot of opportunities here, from all walks of life.

Second brother and third brother, I think you are right to be careful.

But don’t rest on your laurels.

You can avoid causing trouble to the sect, but you can't hinder the development of the sect, right? "

After saying these words, Chen Xin'an nodded to Li Didian, and the two of them turned and left.

After a while, Chen Xin'an heard Shunzi scolding behind him: "Damn, I got on a pirate ship!"

The inpatient department on the 16th floor of Xihe Mining Hospital.

It was already twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, and there were still wailings coming from the special care ward.

A young nurse ran out covering her face and ran into the nurse's station with tears in her eyes.

But then a fashionably dressed blond woman chased her out, pointed at her and cursed:

"Did I let you out?

Get back here! "

The nurse cried loudly and said, "Mrs. Glaery, I'm sorry, I really can't do it. Please find someone else!"

The blond woman pointed at her and cursed: "Damn Chinese! I spent so much money, but you just can't do a small thing, why don't you die!"

I say it again, either you do it, or you find someone to do it for me!

Now my son is in pain, you have the responsibility to resolve the pain for him!


immediately! "

The little nurse cried and shook her head.

The head nurse came over quickly, and the doctor in white coat came over and cursed the little nurse angrily:

"Xiao Zhuo, what's going on? Why did you make the patient angry again?"

Xiaozhuo cried and said: "Doctor Song is the patient in the special care unit.

Originally, a catheter was inserted, but their family members did not agree.

Now let me use my mouth to help him clear it, but I can't do it! "

Greili cursed: "You despicable Chinese!

What do you think you are!

You do whatever I ask you to do!

What right do you have to say no? "

Doctor Song also snorted coldly and said to the little nurse: "Xiao Zhuo, don't forget that you are a nurse and don't forget your responsibilities!

What you are doing now has gone against your original intention of being a nurse!

It is a discredit to our hospital!

I order you now to return to the ward quickly and fulfill your obligations! "

Xiaozhuo shed tears and shook his head, crying and said: "I'm sorry, I can't do it!"

"You despicable bitch!" Greili yelled.

She rushed directly into the nurse's station, grabbed Xiao Zhuo's hair, and dragged her out!

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