How can these foreigners regard their contributions in China as achievements?

They will only discredit this place and destroy this place.

The greater the damage, the greater the credit for them.

So Diesel has only one purpose here.

It is to use Popuda to mess up Xihe, mess up Haidong, and even affect the whole of China.

Only people like them can't do this kind of thing.

There must be internal response.

The official internal response is Cai Yingwu and those leaders.

So who is the insider here in Popuda?

Who started the fire in the factory?

Now that the whole factory has become like this, who is driving it?

Diesel froze, turned around and said to Chen Xin'an with a forced smile: "I don't know what you are talking about!

Chen Xin'an, since I have lost, I will return to China immediately and never come to China again! "

"Haha!" Chen Xin'an grinned and said to him: "You'd better run faster. If you're a step late, you may never be able to go back!"

Just when he was distracted and talking, Adolf suddenly rushed over and slashed Chen Xin'an's neck with the dagger in his hand!


A tiger-tooth knife blocked his blade, and as he slid down, the two knives made a tooth-piercing friction sound.

Feeling the strength of his opponent's grip from the edge of the opponent's knife, Adolf sneered coldly.

A person who can't even hold a knife stably still wants to play with a knife with me?

Is this the Chinese kung fu master who tormented them all night?

Of course, this person's boxing and kicking skills may not be weak.

Just playing with this kind of melee weapon, who would be the opponent for professionals like them from the Eagle Flag Country?

Adolf struck the opponent's blade with a horizontal slash, knocked the opponent back, and said with a sneer:

“Chinese warriors focus on fists and feet, but focus less on weapons.

Practicing kung fu for a lifetime is limited to the so-called martial ethics!

So you always lag behind the enemy on the battlefield and are always the weak ones who get beaten!

At your level, having a knife fight with me is just looking for death! "

As he spoke, he launched a series of attacks, forcing Chen Xin'an to take three steps back.

I almost hurt each other a few times, just a little bit.

But they were all narrowly avoided by that kid!

Seeing the other party's embarrassment, Adolf sneered: "Chen Xin'an, who killed several assassins under Pajoses, is nothing more than that!

Within thirty seconds, I will kill you by my knife! "

As soon as he finished speaking, Adolf's moves accelerated, and his sword went straight to the opponent's vital point!

Amidst the tinkling sound, sparks flew everywhere!

Every stab from Adolf hit Chen Xin'an's tiger-tooth knife accurately!

The body area is so large, but the blade is so narrow, but if there are people watching the battle, they will notice it.

Every move of Adolf seemed to be aimed, stabbing heavily on the opponent's narrow blade!

It’s evil!

Adolf himself was a little impatient, why were the swords so slightly different?

But I heard Chen Xin'an's joking voice: "How long has it been? Has it passed thirty seconds? Why haven't I died by your knife yet?"

Adolf was furious, twirled the dagger in his hand, slashed Chen Xin'an's wrist, and cursed: "Your right hand will be broken off within three cuts!"

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, and the tiger-toothed knife in his hand shook, and hit the opponent's knife with a snap!

With a loud bang, Adolf's dagger broke into two pieces!

Adolf had a look of disbelief on his face. His dagger was made of Damascus steel and was extremely hard. How could it be broken by the opponent's knife? !

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly and scolded him: "I'm giving you face, right?

You dare to tell me about sword skills?

I just want to see the level of swordsmanship in your Eagle Flag Country and give you a few tricks.

It's a good thing you put it on in front of me!

With your Eagle Flag Nation's powerful knife skills, a machete can make you lose sight of your butt!

Heavy on fists and feet but light on weapons?

Consistently lagging behind your opponents on the battlefield?

Who gave you the courage to say such a thing?

Open your eyes and see clearly what real sword skills are like! "

As soon as he finished speaking, the tiger-tooth knife in Chen Xin'an's hand had disappeared. The next second, his arm fell, and Adolf's hand tendon was cut open in one stroke!

Before Adolf could scream, Chen Xin'an's hand holding the knife snaked up his arm like a snake!

At the same time, the clothes on Adolf's entire right arm were cut open, from the wrist to the elbow, and then the large tendons and joints of the shoulder blade were picked and picked!

But from beginning to end, Adolf didn't see where the opponent's knife was.

He also seemed to be blocked from pain, as if he didn't feel anything!

This is just because the opponent's sword technique is too fast, the damage is too great, and the pain has not had time to respond!

In just the blink of an eye, Adolf's right arm was completely destroyed, with only a piece of skin connecting the three major joints of the wrist, elbow, and shoulder!

Chen Xin'an tilted her head, looked at Adolf and said, "Do you understand?

The knife must be held steadily and the knife must be used lively!

You're trying so hard, why don't you chop down the tree?

Come to me in the next life and I will teach you how to play with a knife! "

As the words fell, Chen Xin'an slashed Adolf's throat with a backhand knife and turned around to leave.

Adolf covered his throat with his left hand, but could not stop the blood from gushing out.

Blood sprayed out like a faucet, and even a large number of blood bubbles came out of his mouth.

His eyes gradually lost shape, his body swayed a few times, he lay straight on the ground, and slowly stopped breathing.

"Walker!" Diesel grabbed Walker and pulled him aside.

Walker frowned, looked at Diesel and said, "Why haven't you left yet? Have you finished handling all the matters in the factory?"

Diesel glanced at him, nodded and said, "It's all taken care of! You come with me!"

"Okay!" Walker hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

The two of them walked to the factory together and prepared to go to the east gate.

Diesel stopped, took out his cell phone, dialed a number and said:

"I'm behind the workshop in Area 3. Come and find me!"

Walker asked strangely: "Who are you calling?"

Diesel looked around and said, "You'll find out soon!"

Soon, a group of people came over, led by a long-faced man.

Of course Walker knew him, he was Cai Guangyuan, the company's vice president.

Behind him were a dozen young people wearing employee uniforms.

Diesel asked Cai Guangyuan: "Have you brought the things?"

Cai Guangyuan nodded and said: "Bring it with you, keep it all with you!"

"Okay, let's do it!" Diesel nodded and said.

Walker was still wondering, but an employee next to him had already moved!

Suddenly a knife appeared in his hand and stabbed Walker in the stomach!

Walker turned away and the knife sliced ​​his clothes.

But a group of employees nearby swarmed over!

Walker stepped back repeatedly and shouted: "Are you crazy? What do you want to do!"

Diesel snorted and said: "Your outfit looks so similar, I almost thought you were the real Walker!

It's a pity that you have the biggest flaw!

You have no idea about Walker’s true relationship with me!

So from the first moment you spoke to me, you gave it away!

I want to know, who are you? "

Walker was heavily armed with several knives, and he had already drawn his knives and stabbed three people down.

He was covered in blood and gasped: "Even if you find out, it doesn't matter.

As long as the things are not taken away by you, that will be fine!

Want to take it back?

Come on, just kill me! "

Cai Guangyuan sneered coldly, looked at him and said, "Is it difficult to kill you?"

He waved, and a group of employees behind him rushed up and slashed at Walker!

Diesel on the side asked with a gloomy face: "Who are you? Why can you pretend to look like Walker so much?

Your foreign language is very pure, I can't recognize your accent!

Who are you? "

Walker looked at him, touched the blood on his face, laughed and said, "Chinese!"

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