Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1944 Men must have dignity and bottom line

"Damn Chinese!" Diesel yelled.

Seeing the embarrassed expressions of everyone around him, including Cai Guangyuan, Diesel also knew that he had said the wrong thing.

He frowned and said to everyone: "I'm not saying you... stop dawdling, kill him quickly and get the things back!

Those things must not be allowed to be obtained by others!

If you want to get what I promised you before, you must get it back from me! "

Cai Guangyuan glanced at Diesel, waved his hand and said to everyone: "Kill him, and then look for Haiyang Zai!"

A group of people responded, rushed up, and slashed at Walker with their knives!

Walker shouted angrily: "You guys are looking for Haiyang Zai?

You want to provoke conflicts among employees!

It's your purpose to cause employees to get into chaos or even fight, right?

But what good will this do to you? "

Diesel snorted and said: "It's not good for anyone, that's the result I want! Of course, the more chaotic the better here!"

Cai Guangyuan squinted at Walker and said, "Are you familiar with the factory? It seems that you are someone around us, right?

How about giving me your stuff and saving your life? "


Walker spit out a mouthful of bloody phlegm on the ground, his eyes were sarcastic, he pointed at him and the employees and cursed:

"You bastards always treat Diesel like your biological father!

Others come here to work, but you come here to recognize your ancestors!

This foreign guy farted, and you all thought it smelled good. He really disgraced me, China!

You guys are kneeling down and licking this foreign guy like this, just because you want him to get more things.

But I want to tell you grandsons.

Men, it’s okay to earn more while you’re young.

But you have to have a bottom line as a human being!

Not all money can be earned.

Don’t ask for any amount of money from selling your dignity and conscience!

This is a Chinese man! "

Cai Guangyuan slashed his arm with a knife, almost cutting off his hand and the bones were already cracked!

Vaughn stumbled two steps to the side, fell to the ground.

"What are you doing in a daze? Come on!" Cai Guangyuan looked at the employees around him who were still dazed and cursed at everyone.

Everyone swarmed forward and instantly chopped Walker into a bloody man!

"Find something first!" Diesel reminded from the side.

Only then did everyone react.

Cai Guangyuan tore at Walker's clothes and soon discovered the hidden bag on his body.

After wiping it on, there was indeed something hard inside.

This hidden bag also blocked some of the most deadly attacks that fell on him.

So Walker is still alive.

"Found it!" Cai Guangyuan forcefully pulled the secret bag off Walker's body and shouted to the people around him:

"He's useless! Hack him to death!"

Idiot, tell me about dignity?

Without money, your life would be worse than that of a dog. Take the dignity! "

Cai Guangyuan handed the secret bag to Diesel and said, "Let's see if it's these things!"

Diesel concealed the bag and opened it. What was inside turned out to be a brick!

"The thing isn't there! Don't kill him!" Diesel's face turned dark. He gritted his teeth and threw the brick on the ground. He walked quickly to Walker and cursed: "Where is the thing? Where have you hidden it?"

Walker, covered in blood, was lying on the ground, laughing happily.

"You idiots! Want to turn Popuda into a mess and leave? Have you asked me?"

Cai Guangyuan kicked him and cursed: "You are so stubborn when you are about to die! You must take out the things quickly, otherwise I will make you feel worse than death!"


Walker spat at him and cursed disdainfully: "Traitor! I'm afraid of you?

If you have any tricks, just say hello to me. If I scream in pain, I will be your ancestor! "

Cai Guangyuan was stunned for a moment. Why did this sound so awkward?

But he was also irritated. He lifted the knife with his backhand and walked towards Walker with gritted teeth.

But Diesel stopped him with a sullen face, shook his head and said, "Don't bother!

Just take off his disguise.

I saw his true face and could guess where he put his things! "

Walker's expression changed, and he immediately reached out to pick up the knife that fell on the ground.

He doesn't want to fight these people again.

He no longer had the strength to do anything again.

Instead, he would scratch his own face with a knife so that no one would know what he really looked like!

But Diesel stepped on his wrist, looked down at him and sneered:

"Can you still run away? Damn Chinese, if you go against me, there will be no good end!"

He bent down, about to tear off the disguise on Walker's face.

But I heard a cold voice coming from behind: "Really? You can run away, but why don't you run away?

Didn't I tell you that you only get one chance.

If you don't cherish it, don't blame me!

Why don't you take my word for it?

Damn Eagle Banner people, if you go against me, when will your end be better? "

Hearing this voice, Diesel felt as if a bucket of ice water had been poured over his whole body, and he felt bone-chilling from head to toe!

He turned around little by little, looked at the man walking over step by step, and said in a trembling voice:

"Chen Xin'an! Why are you always haunted!"

Chen Xin'an didn't even look at him, just stared at the man lying on the ground in a pool of blood.

This person looks like Walker, but Chen Xinan knows that this is not Walker.

The real Walker has been killed by Li Qi!

He quickly found out the identity of this person and asked, "Is it you?"

Walker on the ground nodded and said, "It's me!"

Chen Xinan glanced at his condition, nodded and said, "Hold on, I'm here, it's okay!"

Walker smiled and said to him, "Yes, it's okay!"

Both of them said it was okay, but the meaning was different.

But both of them understood what the other said.

Then they gave each other a thumbs up, nodded and said, "Good job!"

"Do you think we are just decorations?" Cai Guangyuan was angry, and cursed at Chen Xinan and Walker, pointing a knife at Chen Xinan and cursed:

"Another idiot looking for death!

Which department and workshop are you from?

Do you know me?


Before he finished speaking, he felt Chen Xinan in front of him move.

There seemed to be a flash of cold light in front of his eyes, and his arm was cold.


With a muffled sound, the severed hand holding the machete fell to the ground!

Cai Guangyuan was stunned for a moment, feeling that this hand was very familiar.

He looked at his still raised severed arm, and the severe pain spread over his body like a flame!

"Ah!" Cai Guangyuan screamed loudly, stepped back two steps, looked at the severed hand on the ground in horror, and shouted loudly: "My hand! Go, kill him for me!"

The surrounding employees rushed up shouting, and two people suddenly fell down after just one encounter!

Without exception, all of them were cut on the carotid artery with one knife, and they were killed with one knife!

Chen Xinan looked gloomy, looked at the employees and said coldly:

"What I hate most is traitors!

This kind of beast, if it falls into my hands, it will be dead!

But I killed too many people today, and I don't want to kill anymore.

So I give you two choices.

If you want to die, I will endure it and kill a few more beasts.

If you want to live, you can live if you kill him!"

An employee asked in a trembling voice: "Who are you?"

Chen Xinan sneered and said lightly: "Dongshan, Chen Xinan!"

"It's Chen Xinan!" A group of employees shouted in despair.

Then someone chopped at Cai Guangyuan with a knife, shouting: "I don't want to die, I want to live!"

"I want to live too!" All the other employees shouted, raised their knives, and chopped at Cai Guangyuan frantically!

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