Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1956 She may be different from before

The plane landed smoothly at Kyoto International Airport.

The ambulance and police car that were already waiting below approached.

A group of police and paramedics rushed into the cabin.

The two policemen put handcuffs on Cai Xiaozhi and escorted him off the plane, regardless of his screams.

The ambulance crew watched as they carried the body and the air marshal down.

Originally, he wanted Li Qi to sit on a stretcher, but he didn't bother anyone. With Xia Ruixue's insistent support, he got off the plane by himself.

A stretched Mercedes-Benz business car was parked next to the runway.

Ning Xiruo came over with a group of people. Seeing the blood stains on Chen Xin'an and Li Qi, she asked nervously: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay!" Chen Xin'an shook his head.

Xiao Zhang punched Li Qi in the chest and said with a smile: "Brother, welcome to Kyoto!"

Li Qi's face turned pale and he coughed twice.

Xia Ruixue, who was supporting him, cursed: "What are you doing? He is injured!"

Xiao Zhang looked her over and said with a smile: "Oh, isn't this Miss Xiaoxue?

What do you mean?

Are you with Brother Aqi now? "

Without waiting for an explanation, a trembling cry came from not far away: "Brother Qi!"

Li Qi raised his head, looked at the girl with a ponytail and a school uniform not far away, and shouted excitedly: "Lijuan?"

The little girl walked over slowly, but her eyes were fixed on Xia Ruixue, and she asked in a trembling voice: "Brother Qi, is this your girlfriend?"

Li Qi was greatly embarrassed and said quickly: "No, no..."

The little girl said with red eyes: "It doesn't matter! My sister has been gone for such a long time, you should even get a girlfriend again!"

Li Qi quickly broke away from Xia Ruixue and said to He Lijuan: "Lijuan, what are you talking about?

This is the flight attendant on this flight.

I was a little injured and she helped me off the plane. She was not my girlfriend! "

"Are you injured? Where is the injury? Let me see if it is serious? Why are you so careless!" He Lijuan ran over, grabbed Li Qi's arm, and circled him.

Looking at the gauze on her head, her face that was not completely swollen, and the blood stains on her back, He Lijuan cried distressedly.

She hugged his arm and said with tears, "Are you in pain? I'll accompany you to the hospital!"

Looking at Li Qi and He Lijuan in front of her, Xia Ruixue had an embarrassed look on her face.

She felt like a superfluous person and said to everyone:

"Mr. Chen, sister-in-law, dear friends, I leave my brother to you. I'm going back!"

Ning Xiruo asked her, "Xiaoxue, aren't you coming with us?"

"No, I have a flight mission tomorrow, so I'll stay at the aviation hotel tonight!" Xia Ruixue politely said to Ning Xiruo: "Sister-in-law, next time I come to Kyoto, I won't bother you again!"

"Okay!" Ning Xiruo didn't stay too long, smiled and nodded at her.

Xia Ruixue turned her head and glanced at Li Qi again before turning around and getting on the plane.

Everyone also got on the bus one after another, and first sent Li Qi to the hospital for bandage.

Xiao Zhang drove and Guan Fei sat in the passenger seat.

Ning Xiruo hugged Chen Xin'an's arm and whispered to him: "That Miss Xia is interested in Ah Qi!"

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, curled her lips and said, "I'm following my auntie! Every catch counts!"

Ning Xiruo shook her head and said to Chen Xin'an seriously: "It's not fishing, it's true!

Believe me, women’s intuition is very accurate! "

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment.

Did you fall in love after just one flight?

Isn't this flight attendant's feelings too cheap?

Could it be because Aqi saved him?

Looking at He Lijuan opposite, who was holding a mineral water bottle and carefully feeding Li Qi water, Chen Xin'an asked in a low voice: "What about this little girl?"

Ning Xiruo sighed and said, "That's why it's troublesome! She's only a sophomore in high school!"

Chen Xin'an scratched his head and grinned: "The trouble is also Ah Qi's trouble, it has nothing to do with us!"

Ning Xiruo pinched his waist gently: "That's your brother!"

Chen Xin'an said with a straight face: "Just because we are brothers, we let him make his own decision.

I can help with anything, but don’t get involved in emotional matters! "

Ning Xiruo nodded when he heard this. This was indeed the truth.

Chen Xin'an asked: "How are the preparations for the wedding going?"

"It's almost done! The banquet is scheduled to be held at the Sovereign Hotel.

Haha, you don’t know how bad the manager’s face was when Aman went to book a table.

The security almost kicked him out! "

Chen Xin'an laughed and scolded: "What other crazy thing has this guy done?

His injury is not healed yet! "

"Who says it's not the case!" Ning Xiruo shook her head and said helplessly: "He said he wanted to have a special wedding.

I want everyone in Kyoto to see this wedding that they will never forget!

So we hired a professional wingsuit shooting team to jump off the Sovereign Building.

Put on an air show and shoot high-altitude flights.

Junhao definitely disagrees!

Mr. Li came down to scold me!

Later Qianxue called me, and I called Mr. Li in the morning, and then I agreed to continue hosting the wedding!

The key point is that this guy Aman actually convinced Qianxue to dance with him! "

Chen Xin'an: "..."

With a dark face, he gritted his teeth and cursed: "When I get back, I will let him know what it means to never forget it!"

Even if you want to commit suicide, why bother dragging Qianxue along with you!

Do you want your wedding to turn into a funeral if you fly with me in a wingsuit with a pregnant belly of six to seven months?

Why do you have such a big heart?

"Oh, that's right!" Ning Xiruo turned around, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Honey, Ye Zhen is awake!"

Chen Xin'an slapped her thigh and said excitedly: "Great! I knew the method of recruiting women would work!

I'll go over and see her later..."

Seeing Ning Xiruo's face as if she was hesitant to speak, Chen Xin'an frowned and asked her:

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with the brain?

Becoming stupid?

This was my worst fear and I considered the possibility! "

Ning Xiruo shook her head, sighed, and said to Chen Xin'an:

"We are almost at Zhenghe Hospital, you can go up and see for yourself later!

Anyway, be mentally prepared.

The Ye Zhen you see may be different from the Ye Zhen before! "

no the same?

What could be different? Isn't it because you have lost weight after being hospitalized for so long? There is no way you can't recognize her, right?

When the car arrived at Zhenghe Hospital, Chen Xin'an asked his wife to take Li Qi to the surgical department for bandaging and dressing change, and then went to the special care ward on the fifteenth floor of the inpatient department.

It was already evening, it was getting dark, and the lights were on in the corridors.

Chen Xin'an came to the door of the special care ward with familiarity. When she pushed the door open, it was locked!

That's weird, why is the door locked?

Could it be that Ye Zhen no longer lives here?

And through the crack in the door, you can see that there is no light on inside and it is dark.

Impossible. If he really moved away, his wife would definitely tell him just now.

Chen Xin'an frowned and banged the door hard several times with his hand.

A nurse came over and asked him, "Who are you looking for?"

Chen Xin'an asked strangely: "Where are the people inside?"

While he was talking, someone came over with a bag. When he saw him, he shouted in surprise: "Uncle! You are back!"

Chen Xin'an raised her head and said with a smile: "Zhao Di, long time no see! What are you..."

Guo Zhaodi picked up the bag in her hand and said to him: "Sister Ye Zhen wants to eat fried chestnuts, I will go out and buy them for her.

Uncle, why don’t you go in..."

Her eyes saw the locked ward door, her face changed, she turned to the nurse and said:

"Is Catherine in there? When did she go in? Speak! Forget it, I'll call the door myself!"

Bang bang bang!

Guo Zhaodi aggressively slapped the door of the ward several times and shouted loudly: "Open the door! Otherwise, I will kick the door down and get in!"

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