Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1957 She can’t remember the past now

This little girl has quite a bad temper now!

It seems that she has completely integrated into the life in Kyoto, which is what Chen Xin'an wants to see.

Soon, the door of the special care unit was opened from the inside.

Chen Xin'an's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

Because standing at the door was a foreign woman with fair skin and blond hair!

She is young and beautiful, with three-dimensional facial features and a good figure.

When I saw the people standing outside, they looked a little embarrassed, and they spoke in proficient Chinese:

"I'm checking Miss Ye Zhen, so it's not convenient for anyone to come in."

Guo Zhaodi cursed angrily: "You are not Sister Ye Zhen's attending doctor, why are you examining her?

Don't think I don't know what you're doing, get out of the way! "

Guo Zhaodi pushed her away unceremoniously and ran in.

Chen Xin'an raised her legs to go inside, but was stopped by a foreign woman.

The other party looked at him warily and said, "Who are you? Sorry, this is a women's ward and men are not allowed to enter!"

Guo Zhaodi shouted from inside: "Katherine, go away! Even if I ban you, I also ban you from coming in! He is a relative of Sister Ye Zhen, why do you stop him?"

Upon hearing this, the foreign woman lowered her arms angrily and got out of the way.

Chen Xin'an gave Catherine a strange look and walked into the ward.

Konoha was really sitting on the bed, leaning against the head of the bed.

The originally pale face now looked a little red.

The hospital gown on her body was very messy. Guo Zhaodi put down the things in her hands and was arranging her clothes.

Chen Xin'an said to Konoha with a face of surprise: "How do you feel now?

Does your head hurt?

What's wrong with your body?

Come, lie down and let me check it for you..."

As soon as his hand touched Konoha's real shoulder, he heard a piercing scream from the woman in front of him!

Konoha seemed to be frightened, avoiding Chen Xin'an, reaching out to hug Guo Zhaodi, and kept shouting: "Go away! I don't know you! Sister, help me!"

Chen Xin'an was stunned, her hands froze in the air, she looked at Konoha Zhen with wide eyes, pointed at her nose and said: "Ye Zhen, you see clearly, I feel at ease!"

Konoha shrank in Guo Zhaodi's arms, looking at Chen Xin'an with fear in her eyes, with a frightened look on her face.

Guo Zhaodi patted her back gently and said, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, he is really your relative!"

Looking up, Guo Zhaodi said to Chen Xin'an: "Uncle, Sister Ye Zhen can't remember the past now.

And the doctor said her current IQ is like that of a child around seven or eight years old..."

Chen Xin'an was stunned.

He looked at the frightened Konoha, feeling distressed and uncomfortable.

I never expected that when I finally woke up, I would be in such a situation!

No wonder my wife was hesitant to talk in the car.

In Ye Zhen's current state, he really didn't know how to tell him, or he should come up and take a look himself.

Catherine came over and said to Chen Xin'an: "She is a little repulsive to men now, so you'd better not disturb her..."

"Go away! The last person who should disturb her is you!" Guo Zhaodi angrily scolded Catherine:

"If you sneak here again, I will tell the dean to kick you out!"

Catherine spread her hands and said helplessly: "Dear sister Zhaodi, you know I don't mean any harm! I will only love and protect her more than you do..."

"Go away! Don't touch her!" Guo Zhaodi drove Catherine away with a look of disgust, as if she had encountered something disgusting.

Chen Xin'an was a little strange and didn't understand why Guo Zhaodi hated this foreign woman so much.

And when she saw the way Konoha looked at Catherine, she seemed a little scared.

More often than not, he seemed shy and his face was always red.

"Okay!" Catherine shrugged helplessly and said to Konoha:

"My dear, I'm leaving first! I'll come see you tomorrow!"

Guo Zhaodi said angrily: "Don't come tomorrow! Don't come in the future! You are not welcome here!"

Catherine smiled slightly, turned and left without paying attention to Guo Zhaodi's words.

After she left, Guo Zhaodi let go of Konoha Zhen, ran over and closed the door.

Then he walked up to Konoye Zhen and asked her, "Sister Ye Zhen, did she bully you again just now?"

Konoha blushed and nodded, and said to her: "Sister, I listened to you and didn't let her take off my pants!"

The two of them each called each other sister, and Chen Xin'an looked helpless when they heard this.

But the content of the conversation between the two was a little strange.

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked, "What's going on? Who is that foreigner? Why did she bully Ye Zhen? Why did she take off her pants?"

Guo Zhaodi's face also turned red.

She turned around and took the chestnut, peeled one for Konoha, and said to Chen Xin'an:

"I heard from the dean that Kyoto and the Balai City Medical Association of Eagle Flag Country are conducting academic discussions and business exchanges.

Send their respective experts to the other party's major hospital for consultation for a period of two months.

This Catherine is the neurologist who was transferred to Zhenghe Hospital.

On the first day she came to check on Sister Ye Zhen with the dean, she behaved strangely towards Sister Ye Zhen..."

Guo Zhaodi seemed embarrassed to say it, and handed the chestnut to Chen Xin'an with a red face and said:

"Uncle, you eat too!"

Konoha cried and shouted: "That's mine! You can't give it to him! I don't want to give it to him! I don't know him!"

Chen Xin'an waved her hand to Guo Zhaodi and said, "I won't eat! I..."

Before he finished speaking, his eyes widened.

I saw Konoha Zhen biting a chestnut in his mouth, hugging Guo Zhaodi, and put his mouth on the little girl's mouth.

Guo Zhaodi flushed with embarrassment, shook her head and said, "You can eat it yourself, I won't!"

Konoha's mouth narrowed, and the expression on his face was pitiful, as if he had been greatly wronged.

Guo Zhaodi felt sorry for her and said helplessly: "Okay, I'll eat it!"

Then she allowed Konoha to bring her mouth closer and gently bit off half of the chestnut.

The picture is too spicy, I dare not watch it!

Chen Xin'an covered her eyes and rubbed her face vigorously.

Konoha really laughed like a child and said to Guo Zhaodi, "That's how the blond one fed me!

But I don’t like doing this with her, I like doing this with my sister! "

Guo Zhaodi blushed with shame and said to her: "She is a pervert!

Ignore her from now on and don't let her touch you!

Don't imitate all her bad moves, they are all bad and perverted! "

Konoha nodded and said, "Well, I won't let her take off my pants!"

Guo Zhaodi covered her mouth, blushing and warned: "You can't take it off either! You won't let her touch you, do you understand?"

Konoha nodded vigorously and said: "I know! I only let my sister touch it!"

"Oh, I won't touch it!" Guo Zhaodi was so angry and ashamed that she didn't dare to look at Chen Xin'an.

Konoha lowered his head again and pouted his mouth, looking aggrieved.

Guo Zhaodi couldn't stand this, so she quickly comforted her and said, "Okay, I'll touch you, okay?"

Konoha really burst into tears and laughed.

Chen Xin'an on the side was dumbfounded!

What is this all about?

Why does it sound so confusing!

Is this really the same Konoha who is unruly and proud, with a hard mouth and a soft heart?

How did it become like this?

That Catherine...

A word suddenly flashed in Chen Xin'an's mind, and she looked at Guo Zhaodi in disbelief and said:

"Zhao Di, is that Catherine a lesbian?"

"What do you mean?" Guo Zhaodi was confused.

Chen Xin'an explained: "That's it...she treats Ye Zhen like a boyfriend, not like a woman treats a woman..."

Guo Zhaodi suddenly realized, shook her head and said: "No!"

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