Chen Xin'an didn't calm down until he was sitting in the car.

That's not right, I should have gone to raise an army to hold him accountable!

Why did he get a lesson from this foreign girl when he got to the back?

"What's wrong?" Ning Xiruo asked quickly when she saw that his face was not good.

Chen Xin'an shook his head, smiled and said, "It's okay!"

Of course, you can't tell others about your embarrassing things, not even your wife.

But sooner or later, I have to teach that foreign girl a lesson!

No matter how reasonable what she said is, no matter how trendy society is now.

Such things are so common and so common, but for Chen Xin'an, it is still a bit unacceptable.

It's not that he has never seen it before, let alone women, he has also encountered it between men.

He can be an outsider and provide enough understanding.

But once it happened to her, or even to her own relatives, Chen Xin'an knew that she was not as enlightened as she imagined.

It does look weird, as awkward as you want it to be.

So he had to stop this.

Returning to the Four Seasons Flower City, Li Qi's mouth immediately became round as soon as he saw the entire ring floor on the thirty-sixth floor.

He Lijuan giggled and took him into the prepared room. She was like this when she first came here.

Now the two of them live in House C, with Xiao Cuihua and Mo Ling.

The room Ning Xiruo arranged for Li Qi was in House E, which was also where his grandfather and master lived.

It was originally a three-bedroom and two-living house.

When the three elders are at home, there is always one room that is empty.

Li Qi lives in this room. He is also the first man to live on the 36th floor, not counting the male owner Chen Xin'an.

The dinner was very sumptuous.

Knowing that Chen Xin'an was back, a group of people came over.

Originally, Chen Xin'an wanted to teach Luo Xiaoman a lesson.

But seeing him using a cane, I felt a little distressed and scolded him!

"You have such a semi-crippled virtue, and you still play with me in a wingsuit. Have your brains turned into a mess?"

Luo Xiaoman looked unconcerned and curled his lips and said: "Old Chen, a bumpkin like you doesn't understand how high-end people like us play!

You only get married once in your life. It would be too boring to just have such an ordinary ceremony! "

"I agree!" Dao Lei grinned and nodded.

"Shut up!" Chen Xin'an glared at Dao Lei angrily, pointed at Luo Xiaoman and cursed:

"You're such a high-end ass! You're just trying to die, and you're dragging Qianxue along with you.

Qianxue is also in a trance and agrees to play this with her big belly.

If I were Mr. Li, I would just call the security guards to whip you two out!

Tomorrow you will marry Qianxue conscientiously, don't mess around.

Did you hear that? "

Luo Xiaoman said helplessly: "You have said so, what else can I say?"

He turned his head and said to Li Qi: "Brother, stay at my place tonight.

Don't live with Lao Chen in the future, he will easily turn you into an old-fashioned person!

The reason why he was so opposed to this matter was mainly because of the psychological distortion caused by extreme jealousy in his heart.

After all, he is afraid of heights, you know that! "

"Get the hell out of here!" Chen Xin'an was so angry that his lungs were about to explode.

Ning Xiruo said to everyone in a dumbfounded voice: "It's like this as soon as I come back! Do you want to eat or not?"

Let’s discuss the business. Are you ready for tomorrow’s wedding? "

Luo Xiaoman stood up from his seat, handed her a piece of paper and said:

"The wedding company arranged it, take a look.

This is my first time getting married, so I have no experience and don’t understand this. "

Li Qi, who was facing the door, suddenly saw a strange scene. The door was opened silently, but no one came in, and then it was gently closed again!

Li Qi's eyes widened, and just when he was about to remind everyone, he saw a monkey suddenly jump onto Chen Xin'an's lap, and then squat on his shoulder.

It turns out that Erpolezi’s family is also here!

Everyone seemed not to be surprised.

Seeing Li Qi, Er Zhanzi jumped onto the table and picked up a cup.

Li Qi widened his eyes and smiled: "Has this guy learned to drink?"

Chen Xin'an said helplessly: "Smoking, drinking, and picking up girls, it has all the problems that men have!

Later, I was beaten up for smoking, and I never dared to smoke again.

I don’t drink too much. I’m an old friend after meeting you, so I’ll be fine if I just have a couple of drinks. "

Even though this was not the first time Li Qi had dealt with Er Pangzi, he was surprised to hear Chen Xin'an's words.

Is this monkey a spirit?

After having a drink with the second pole, Li Qi pointed at the second pole and said, "You don't care if it picks up girls?"

Everyone burst into laughter.

Xiao Jiu said with a smile: "Where there is no need for the young master to take care of it, the little sweet girl will take care of it and take care of it!

Watch TV and look at the female monkey twice, and her face will be scratched by the little sweet girl.

They didn't dare to stay in House D anymore, so they all ran downstairs to Brother Man and Brother Zhang's house to take refuge! "

The door was opened again, and Xiao Zhang's family came over.

"Master!" Grasshopper and Feng Zhongcheng threw away their schoolbags and ran over, throwing themselves into Chen Xin'an's arms.

Chen Xin'an rubbed their heads, pinched their arms and legs, nodded with satisfaction and said, "Not bad, I'm not lazy, my body is starting to become stronger!"

Grasshopper said proudly: "Of course Master, Chengcheng and I run to and from school every day."

Du Yunyan clicked her tongue and said: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, it's more than 20 miles away, and there is no pick-up or drop-off every morning and evening, and you run back and forth by yourself!

I would really hate to leave my child alone! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "This is good! I think it is very good for training children and it is worth promoting!"

Xiao Zhang walked over and flicked Du Yunyan's head with his hand and said, "Your sister-in-law always follows behind in a car!

Also, don’t act like this, give birth to one by yourself, everyone is waiting! "

Du Yunyan rubbed his head and cursed angrily: "Sister-in-law, don't you care? Brother Zhang is even more verbose than my mother!"

Wu Yan snorted and said, "Your mother called me this afternoon to inquire about your situation and asked me to help you introduce a handsome doctor to you in the hospital!"

Ning Xiruo smiled and said: "Yunyan's mother was not in good health some time ago, so Yunyan took her to Zhenghe Hospital and stayed in it for a few days.

It happened to be Sister Yan who was taking care of her, and within a few days the relationship became as good as a family. "

Aunt Xiao said from the side: "By the way, boss, someone sent a congratulatory gift. I'll get it for you!"

Mo Ling said to her: "I'll go, Mom, just sit down."

"Congratulations?" Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo were both a little surprised.

They were not the ones getting married, so how could there be a congratulatory gift?

Could it be that they asked us to hand it over to Luo Xiaoman and his wife?

Soon Mo Ling brought over a shoebox-sized courier and handed over a pair of scissors.

Chen Xin'an unpacked the package and opened the box.

Inside is a music box.

On it are two men-like dolls holding daggers.

One of the men dances around the other to the sound of music.

Everyone looked at each other.

What are you doing?

A man and a woman can still understand, what the hell are two men?

And the melody of this music is a bit weird, not the kind of music that makes people happy as soon as they listen to it.

Chen Xin'an frowned and was about to turn it off.

But at this moment, the music stopped and the man who was spinning in circles also stopped.

It stood behind another doll, then suddenly raised the sword in its hand, and chopped off the head of the doll in front of it!

"Ah!" All the women screamed.

Grasshopper and Feng Zhongcheng clapped their hands and laughed: "It's fun! Master, can you give us this music box?"

Chen Xin'an didn't say anything, but she picked up a piece of paper under the box and took a look, her face changed drastically!

There is a pattern painted on it.

Under a terrifying skull, there are two crossed knives.

Black list killer order!

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