Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1960 A thousand days of learning is not enough, but a day of bad learning is more than enoug


Chen Xin'an directly took off the box and said with a smile to everyone: "Someone made a prank!

I'll see who sent it, and I'll settle the score with him! "

"Master..." Grasshopper still wanted the music box, but Xiao Zhang glared at him with a straight face.

He saw the change in Chen Xin'an's face just now, and he naturally knew that the matter was not as simple as Chen Xin'an said.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said to Grasshopper and Feng Zhongcheng: "If you want a music box, Master will buy you a better one.

This kind of thing that promotes violence is not suitable for you to play with. "

"I got it!" The two little guys were both sensible children, so they didn't continue to pester Chen Xin'an.

"You guys eat first, I'll take the things in!" Chen Xin'an stood up with the box, told everyone, turned around and walked into the bedroom.

When he came out, everyone was drinking too.

Chen Xin'an laughed and joined in.

The brothers hadn't seen each other for a long time, and with Li Qi joining them, everyone was very happy and drank a little more.

But it was not excessive. After all, there was a wedding to be held tomorrow. Everyone was drunk and went back to their rooms after eating and drinking.

In the bedroom, Chen Xin'an took a bath to get rid of the smell of alcohol on her body.

After coming out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel, my daughter-in-law, who was sitting in front of the dressing table drying her hair, was now looking at the music box.

Chen Xin'an walked over, picked up the thing calmly, put it aside, hugged her and smiled:

"What are you doing, wife? Are you interested in such a small toy like a child?

How about your husband buy one for you tomorrow? "

Ning Xiruo opened her hands, waited for Chen Xin'an to approach, hugged him, and asked softly:

"Honey, is this serious? We are husband and wife, and I can feel the tension in your heart!"

Chen Xin'an also hugged her, held her face, kissed her lips gently, and said softly:

"Daughter-in-law, believe me, we can handle it!

You don't have to worry about anything now, you are only responsible for Aman's wedding.

The important events in our brothers' lives must be carried out smoothly and lively.

This is the biggest thing in the world, do you understand? "

Ning Xiruo buried her face in Chen Xin'an's arms and said quietly to him: "Husband, I can ignore it, but you must be careful and take good care of yourself!"

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an bent down, picked up his wife in a princess hug, turned around and gently placed her on the bed, and said with a smile: "Before you love yourself, you must first take good care of your wife!"

"Oh, you're annoying! I'm telling you something serious! Be gentle, your clothes are torn!"

"There is nothing more serious than loving your wife! You won't wear pajamas after taking a bath from now on, right? It's really troublesome to take them off!"

"It's so bad! People will wear pajamas from now on!"

"Did that bastard invent clothes? It's so troublesome to unbutton these buttons. It's so comfortable and convenient when you're naked!"

"Big pervert!"

Late at night, the community became quiet, and most people had fallen asleep.

Chen Xin'an opened her eyes and looked out the window.

The wife beside him was already fast asleep, her lotus-rooted arms still resting on his chest.

There seemed to be sweat left from excitement on the tender skin.

Chen Xin'an covered her with a quilt and quietly got dressed.

He walked out of the door quietly and was about to go downstairs. The door next to him opened and Xiaojiu walked out in black night clothes.

When he saw Chen Xin'an standing in the big living room, he was stunned for a moment.

"Master!" Knowing that the slightest movement just now could not be hidden from Chen Xin'an's consciousness, Xiaojiu didn't hide it any more and ran over openly.

Chen Xin'an pinched her nose gently and said softly: "Go in and sleep, and leave everything to me!"

"But I want to know if it's the person who broke the door!" Xiaojiu said with a little pout.

Chen Xin'an said with a straight face: "Except for you, no one in Kyoto City dares to walk on the 30th or 40th floors with suction cup gloves!

Anyone who has the courage does not have this equipment. Anyone who has this equipment is definitely not the one who broke your door! "

Xiaojiu pouted and stopped talking.

She only heard the sound of someone crawling outside the window, and she was still wondering who was so brave and dared to come to this community to work?

If you find out it's the person who broke the door, you'll have to break his legs!

But the young master could tell that the person came down wearing suction cup gloves, and his skills were much deeper than hers!

When Xiaojiu went back, Chen Xin'an narrowed his eyes, turned around, walked to the stairs, and went down to the first floor.

Arriving at Luo Xiaoman's home on the 35th floor, Chen Xin'an took out her cell phone and sent him a message asking him to open the door.

After a while, the phone rang, and Luo Xiaoman sent a message: I'm not at home, I'm here in Erleizi!

Depend on!

Chen Xin'an had no choice but to get into the elevator and go to the top floor.

Knocking on Dao Lei's door, it was Luo Niu who came out.

The guy looked around and saw no one, then waved to Chen Xin'an and said, "Come in!"

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, with a baffled look on his face.

What the hell are you doing, so mysterious!

After entering the door, Luo Niu locked the door.

Chen Xin'an looked up and was stunned.

A group of men are watching TV!

Dao Lei, Luo Xiaoman, Xiao Zhang, Luo Qianhe, Li Qi, and Yu Zetao who lowered his head and fiddled with a remote control!

Chen Xin'an asked with a puzzled look: "You are here..."


Everyone raised their index fingers at him and put them to their mouths.

Chen Xin'an had no choice but to shut her mouth.

Xiao Zhang rubbed his hands and said excitedly: "It's out, it's out, it's about to start!"

On the TV screen, the originally dark screen gradually became clearer as the lights came on.

It seemed like a man and woman came out of a bathroom, laughing and playing, and fell on the bed in the bedroom.

Luo Xiaoman said with a dissatisfied look on his face: "Xiao Tao, hurry up and move closer. This is too far. What can you see?"

Yu Zetao said helplessly: "I can't help but stay outside the window.

You can't fly in, right?

People have to call the police! "

"Stop making noise, let's start!" Dao Lei clenched his fists excitedly and shouted: "Can you zoom in? Zoom in on the picture!"

Yu Zetao manipulated the console and said: "If you zoom in any further, the clarity won't be enough!

The first sister also said about this issue, I am going to replace it with an imported camera! "

"Take it off, take it off! It starts!" A group of men shouted excitedly.

Then a strange voice came from the screen: "Oh! Yes! Ma is mean! Fakemi..."

Chen Xin'an's face turned dark!

These bastards are gathering together to watch a movie?

Can you imagine how terrifying it is for a group of big men to stay up late at night and watch this together?

"What the hell are you doing!" Chen Xin'an was furious, and he raised his fingers and dug in one by one!

"Moral decay! Human nature is twisted! Despicable and dirty! Vulgar and shameless! How can you do such a thing again! What is this?"

A group of people held their heads and fled in panic.

Chen Xin'an looked at Li Qi with a heartbroken look and cursed: "Aqi, you disappoint me so much! How come you were led astray by these guys so quickly?

It’s true that a thousand days is not enough to learn well, but more than one day is enough to learn badly! "

Li Qi blushed and said, "Boss, I didn't know this thing was used for this at first!"

Chen Xin'an said angrily: "Whose thing is it? Where is it now? Smash it! Tell me, have you ever peeked on the 36th floor?"

Yu Zetao rubbed his head with a grimace and said, "Brother An, this is my drone.

Just bought it and am currently debugging it.

This family saw it accidentally. Brother Xiao said it was in vain if he didn't see it! "

"You betrayed me with your special brew!" Xiao Zhang's face darkened and he cursed at Yu Zetao.

Seeing that Chen Xin'an's eyes were about to burst into flames, he quickly said: "Brother, am I that kind of person? How could I spy on our own family!

Besides, the entire thirty-sixth floor is equipped with one-way glass, so you can’t see it from the outside! "

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