Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1961 Things are not that simple

It's a very high-tech gadget, but it was turned into a spying tool by these bastards. What a bunch of scum!

But since Chen Xin'an had never spied on his own family, it didn't matter.

With a straight face, he pointed at everyone and cursed: "You bastards, do you know what I hate?

Just do this kind of bottomless and extremely immoral thing! "

A group of people lowered their heads with shame on their faces.

Chen Xin'an then scolded: "Do you know what I hate more?

I hate it even more when you do such immoral things and don't even call me! "

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then they all grabbed the pillows on the sofa and threw them at Chen Xin'an!

Luo Xiaoman laughed and scolded: "Let me tell you, as long as you are a man, how can you resist the temptation of peeping!"

But Li Qi knew that the boss was just joking.

He really has no interest in doing such boring things.

Just like him, it's just an excuse to get along with the brothers.

He looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Boss, why are you here so late?"

Chen Xin'an slapped his head and said to Yu Zetao: "Xiao Tao, let the drone fly around the floor to see what happens!"

Yu Zetao was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay!"

The camera left the man and woman, and everyone felt regretful.

What's even more regrettable is that before leaving, they had already finished their work!

It only takes two or three minutes in total!

Dao Lei touched his chin and said: "I don't know which family I am from, but I can pick up foreign girls! It's a pity that the hardware doesn't match, it's a waste!"

Everyone nodded, feeling the same way.

The picture was a little blurry, after all, it was already late at night.

The drone was flying slowly around the building in Four Seasons Flower City.

Except for a few houses where the lights were still on, the other residents had already fallen asleep.

Luo Qianhe asked Chen Xin'an, "Senior brother, what are you looking for? Is there something wrong?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head.

Suddenly, he seemed to see a black shadow flash in the lower right corner of the screen, and immediately said to Yu Zetao: "Stop! Go down here!"

His finger clicked on the screen.

As the screen adjusted, everyone's eyes widened and they saw a black shadow flashing through a window!

The drone approached, seemingly looking for the hanging rope, but found nothing!

"Holy crap! What kind of kung fu is this? How did you do it?" Luo Xiaoman stared at this scene in surprise.

Li Qi said solemnly: "It's a suction cup glove. We have it in the special operations team, and the boss and I have played with it!"

"What do you mean?" Luo Xiaoman pointed at the screen and said, "You said he is from the special operations team?"

Li Qi shook his head and said: "This thing is not only for special forces, but also for agents and killers."

Dao Lei said with a puzzled look on his face: "Then the thief can't use it?"

Li Qi shrugged and said, "It can be used, but he can't afford it!

This kind of equipment is very expensive. What thief would be willing to buy this? "

Chen Xin'an said to Yu Zetao: "Just go in through that window! See what he is going to do!"

"Okay!" Yu Zetao nodded and flew the drone into the window.

This should be a kitchen, very clean and spotless.

Luo Xiaoman clicked his tongue and said: "This family is good, they are very diligent, and they like to be clean as much as I do!

And the taste is the same as mine, I like to use this brand of kitchenware! "

Luo Qianhe curled his lips disdainfully and said, "I am diligent, but you are lazy.

The kitchen utensils you buy are just for decoration.

I have never started a fire at home, how can I be unclean? "

Everyone burst into laughter.

The drone flew to the kitchen door, adjusted its angle, and observed the person who slipped in.

The man stood in the living room with no lights on, took out a mobile phone from his body, took it out, and seemed to be taking pictures of something in every corner of the room.

When he faced the direction of the drone, he paused.

Everyone suddenly held their breath.

Yu Zetao even controlled the drone motionless.

The man paused for a while, then finally removed his phone and continued to observe his surroundings.

"Phew!" Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The man seemed to have seen something and walked to the next room with his mobile phone.

The strange thing is that he seems to know that no one is at home, so he opens the door without restraint.

Luo Xiaoman's eyes widened, he sat on the sofa and stared at the screen, tut-tutting and said, "This family is great! Their tastes are similar to mine!"

The furniture is all my favorite style.

It's just that the living room is so messy. You can tell at a glance that the person living here is a lazy and sloppy guy!

Did you see that it was actually a new house?

There is also the word ‘囍’ posted on the wall!

It's really too much for a good wedding room to be messed up like this!

This bedroom looks relatively clean, and the red quilt is really vulgar.

Just like my mother, she insists on using this color.

There is a photo on the bedside. Xiao Tao flies up to see who it is?


This guy looks a bit familiar, right?

I always feel like I’ve seen it somewhere, and it seems a bit like me..."

Everyone turned their heads and looked at him sympathetically.

Luo Xiaoman frowned and said, "Why are you looking at me?"

Suddenly, he understood something, looked at the screen with wide eyes and said:

"This doesn't look like me, this is me!

This is my fucking home!

There's a thief in my house! "

Luo Xiaoman stood up and ran out.

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, looked at the crutches he threw aside and said, "Is this guy's legs and feet okay?"

Luo Qianhe said angrily: "His legs are fine! I'm just afraid that you'll come back to deal with him because of the hotel booking, and I'll pretend to be pitiful with you!"

"My uncle!" Chen Xin'an was even more furious and said to Yu Zetao: "Xiao Tao, keep an eye on that one..."

Before he could finish his words, the screen suddenly went black and nothing could be seen!

Yu Zetao screamed: "No! I was discovered by that kid!"

No matter how he fiddled with the controller, there was no response from the drone and the connection was lost.

Everyone quickly rushed out of the door and reached the thirty-fifth floor.

The door of Luo Xiaoman's house was open, and the boy had just entered.

Everyone rushed over together, and Luo Xiaoman came out of the bedroom and cursed angrily: "He has already run away!"

Chen Xin'an asked him, "Did you lose anything?"

Luo Xiaoman shook his head and said, "That's why it's strange, nothing was lost!"

Xiao Zhang said: "We came down in time, maybe he ran away before he could take action!"

Everyone nodded together.

"Oops, it's broken!" At the door of the kitchen, Yu Zetao squatted on the ground and looked at the smashed drone with a distressed look on his face.

Chen Xin'an patted him on the shoulder and said, "I'll give you a better one!"

Yu Zetao waved his hand and said, "No, no, Xiu Yi Xiu should still be able to use it! Brother Man, you really didn't lose anything? Check again?"

Luo Xiaoman spread his hands helplessly and said, "What can I throw away? The most valuable thing in this room is this bed. He can't take it away, can he?"

This is true.

If this guy has more than 500 yuan, Luo Qianxue will take it away.

The gold and silver jewelry are all at Luo Qianxue's place and can't be brought over until tomorrow, so there really is nothing to steal at home.

A false alarm and a drone was lost.

The other party was quite alert and left after destroying the drone.

Chen Xin'an opened the window of the living room, stuck her head out and looked out, but she had lost sight of the dark figure.

"Boss, I'll go look for it!" Li Qi said to Chen Xin'an in a deep voice.

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Check everything on the roof, corridors, gates, security monitoring, etc."

Luo Xiaoman said angrily: "If I catch that little thief, I have to break his hands!

Dare you even steal from my house?

Even if he didn't steal anything, he still had to be taught a lesson! "

Chen Xin'an frowned, feeling that things were not that simple!

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