Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1972 These words sound familiar.

No wonder the teacher asked me to come to China for exchange, and I had to go to Zhenghe Hospital.

After working on it for a long time, there is such a great god here!

Gray's face looked very embarrassed, and he no longer had the arrogance he had before.

Of course he knew exactly what kind of medical skills his teacher had.

Even the teacher wants to call others master, but here he looks down on others and talks nonsense. Isn't this self-humiliating?

He winked at Catherine, and the two walked out of the operating room dejectedly.

The phone vibrated in his pocket. Gray took it out, took a look, and asked strangely: "Why is this guy calling me?"

He stepped aside to make a phone call, but Catherine ignored him and hurried toward the stairs.

Now that Guo Zhaodi is in the operating room, there is only one special nurse in Konoha.

The little nurse is easily dismissed by her, so that innocent little beauty can only obey her mercy!

Although that little girl is quite beautiful, she is also a bit silly and lacks intelligence, so she is at her mercy.

The only flaw is that he is too naive. He is simply a child who has never experienced a man and does not know that kind of beauty.

So it takes a long time for her to train.

What she really wanted most was a woman like Ning Xiruo.

She is beautiful and knows how to be charming. She is a beauty and the best partner in bed.

It's a pity that the woman was very wary of her, so she had no chance to get close!

Shaking her head, Catherine walked out of the elevator and quickly entered the special care unit.

The person is not here!

I must have gone to the garden below to play with the children again!

She hurried back to the elevator, went downstairs to the inpatient department and went straight to the small garden. Sure enough, she saw Konoha Makoto accompanied by a nurse.

"My dear, why are you down?" Catherine walked to Konoha with a smile, held her hand, and said to the nurse next to her: "You go up, I will just stay with her!"

The nurse didn't move, just glanced at the person next to her.

Only then did Catherine notice that there were many people standing next to her.

Xiaojiu, who was wearing red denim, shook her ponytail and said coldly to Catherine: "Let go!"

Everyone in the family has heard about what this foreign female doctor did to Konoha.

So everyone doesn't have a good impression of her.

Catherine knew Xiaojiu, and she had met everyone around Konoha because she often visited the hospital.

She also knew that these people did not have a good impression of her.

But she doesn't care.

Chinese people are conservative, but this is only a matter between her and Konoha, and has nothing to do with other people, so she doesn't care whether others agree or disagree.

What's more, this little girl doesn't look as strong as her, so she doesn't need to worry about anything.

So in response to Xiao Jiu's words, she just smiled slightly and said in a disdainful tone:

"What I do seems to have nothing to do with you, right?

Are you jealous, little sister?

It's a pity that I like little girls who are simple and naive in their thinking.

I am not interested in a little girl who has not grown up in figure!

Giggle! "

Catherine did not let go of Konoha's real hand, and even ignored everyone around her.

She is a foreigner, and everyone must pay three respects to her when she arrives here.

Catherine took Konoha's hand and said, "My dear, let's go upstairs!"

Konoha really blushed, looking like she wanted to resist but didn't dare, so she just shook her head.

Xiaojiu was angry.

She was originally in a bad mood because the young master was injured, but now this foreign woman dared to provoke her like this. She was looking for death!

"I told you to let go!" She flashed and came to Catherine, sliding her right hand.

"Ah!" Catherine exclaimed, letting go of Konoha's hand as if she was electrocuted.

There was a scar on the back of his right hand, and blood instantly poured out!

Her eyes widened, she looked at Xiao Jiu in disbelief and cursed: "Damn it, you hurt me!"

Xiao Jiu cursed angrily: "If you dare to touch her again, I will cut off your hand!"

Catherine got angry and scolded Xiaojiu: “Why do you people like to meddle in other people’s business?

Ye Zhen and I truly love each other and it has nothing to do with you!

Don't think I'm easy to bully, I'm a master of black karate! "

As she spoke, she let go of Konoha and punched Xiaojiu!

"Seeking death!" Xiao Jiu yelled angrily, approaching in an instant, with cold light flashing in his hands. Before Catherine could react,

It had already cut off her upper body clothes!

"Ah!" Catherine quickly hugged her arms with both hands and blocked them in front of her chest!

Xiaojiu gritted her teeth and cursed angrily: "Since you, a foreign woman, are so shameless, then I will strip you naked!"

Everyone around them stared.

Dao Lei swallowed his saliva and said, "These foreign women have really good figures!

I thought the one last night was already top quality, but I didn’t expect this one to be even more popular! "

Terrified, Catherine screamed and ran away.

Not only did I feel embarrassed, but I was also filled with panic.

If these knives had been a little heavier or a little biased, she would have been disembowelled!

Are all Chinese people so scary?

A little girl can play with a blade so well, even more skillfully than someone like her who has been holding scalpels for many years!

Seeing her twisting her body and running away, Dao Lei's nosebleed suddenly flowed out!

Xiao Zhang kicked him and cursed: "What's wrong? Are you dumbfounded? Look at you, you look like you've never seen the market before!"

Dao Lei rubbed his chin and said, "This foreign woman will definitely be exciting to take home!"

"Then come on!" Xiao Zhang scolded him: "Are you satisfied?"

Dao Lei said with an embarrassed look: "I am a foreign friend and a lesbian, how can I get in?"

"Tch!" Luo Xiaoman looked disdainful and scolded him: "What's wrong with foreigners?

What's so great about Lala?

As long as you like it, go for it!

A philosopher once said, if you like her, go sleep with her!

He raped her when she couldn't sleep, and drugged her when she couldn't force her!

What's the use of expressing your love? Isn't it just being rejected?

If I dare to fall out with you, I'll send you a photo of you!

The worst case scenario is going to jail!

You don't even dare to go to jail, but you still have the nerve to say that you love her? "

Dao Lei was stunned. He looked at Luo Xiaoman with wide eyes and asked, "I didn't say I loved her, I just wanted to sleep with her!"

"It's all the same!" Luo Xiaoman waved his arm and said nonchalantly.

Dao Lei rubbed his chin, nodded and said, "It sounds reasonable!

But why does it sound familiar to me?

I seem to have heard of it somewhere... Who is this philosopher you are talking about? "

Luo Xiaoman said seriously: "Old Chen!"

No wonder it sounds so familiar!

This is the word Lao Chen used to fool Luo Xiaoman!

But Aman is now married to Qianxue, which shows that this trick works!

Luo Qianxue and Du Yunyan walked out of the outpatient hall and said to Xiaojiu: "The discharge procedures have been completed. We can take Ye Zhen home!"

Xiaojiu nodded, pulled Konoha and said, "Sister Yezhen, let's go home now!"

Konoha really broke free from Xiaojiu's hand and said with a horrified expression: "I don't want to go with you, I want to find my sister! Have you seen my sister? It's not her! I don't want her!"

Following her eyes, everyone saw that the foreign woman Catherine who just ran towards the inpatient department was back again!

He wore a piece of clothing on his upper body and hurriedly walked over, but did not enter the small garden.

Instead, he followed Gray beside him and walked towards the gate!

As Gray walked, he said to Catherine in a foreign language: "I heard that there was a car accident, one died and the other was seriously injured.

Those who are seriously injured need surgery. I will do the surgery later and you will be responsible for the anesthesia!

Don't let others know about this! "

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