Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1973 He is not here

At night, on the back side of the inpatient building.

Two shadows, like two big lizards, slowly crawled down from above along the outer wall glass.

The ICU ward on the 17th floor was very quiet.

Two people were lying on the two beds, both of them were asleep.

The two shadows on the outer wall glass stopped.

One person took out a pistol, used one hand and the special clothes on his body to fix his body, and aimed at the person on the bed.

The companion next to him shook his head at him, indicating that he didn't need to rush to shoot.

The man bit the gun in his mouth and lay on the glass with his companion, motionless, as if waiting for something.

After a while, a shout suddenly came from outside the ICU ward: "Who is it!"

A chaotic sound of footsteps and a shout of killing sounded in the corridor!

A group of men in black rushed towards ICU with machetes in their hands!

Li Qi stood at the door, staring at the group of people in front of him, and said coldly: "What are you doing!"

One person raised the machete in his hand, pointed at Li Qi and cursed: "I know you are the dog that Chen Xin'an brought back.

I warn you to get out of here immediately!

This matter has nothing to do with you. If you dare to stop me again, you will die here tonight!"

Li Qi seemed not to hear his words, but just looked at everyone.

Found that these guys were all covered with a black cloth, he couldn't help but sneered and said with disdain:

"A bunch of cowards! Are you worthy of threatening me?"

"Looking for death!" The man who just spoke shouted angrily and chopped at Li Qi's head with a knife!

This knife was fierce, and Li Qi could see at a glance that this guy was a martial artist, and his kung fu was not weak!

At the same time, others also raised their knives and rushed up, instantly surrounding Li Qi!

At this moment, with a few bangs, the doors of the wards next to them were all opened, and a large group of people rushed out from inside!

A group of men in black were stunned for a moment. The leader saw that the situation was not good and shouted: "There is an ambush, run!"

But when everyone turned around, they saw that many people rushed up from the direction of the stairs!

The leader Luo Xiaoman was dressed in sportswear. He kicked a man in black to the ground and cursed with gritted teeth:

"Lucky, kid!

The first person I hit after getting off the bed is you!

If you can still live tonight, go buy a lottery ticket tomorrow morning, you will definitely win the jackpot!"

He tilted his head, looked at someone in the crowd, and said coldly: "Luo Su, I know it's you, no need to cover it!"

The man in black who spoke just now took off the black cloth angrily, glared at Luo Xiaoman and cursed: "How do you know I'm back?!"

Luo Xiaoman was stunned for a moment, and said awkwardly: "I thought the one next to you was you, but it turns out this is you!

Forget it, you should cover your face, or that It's so ugly, I'm going to vomit!"

Luo Su: "..."

He glared at Luo Xiaoman and cursed: "Isn't tonight your wedding night?

Why are you here?

And these people should still be making trouble in the bridal chamber now!"

"Idiot!" Luo Xiaoman cursed with disdain: "If I didn't pretend to be so lively, how could I attract you trash?

Go and see now, the people making trouble in the bridal chamber are still there!

Luo Su, you have a good relationship with Luo Siting, so I used her to help you get my wedding process.

You also told those foreigners the location of my house, so that they stole my ring and set up this trap.

In fact, I don't blame you.

After all, the old man suppressed you very hard, It is natural that you feel uncomfortable and want revenge.

But you should never, ever seek revenge on my brother Chen Xinan instead of me and the old man!

Do you think I will let you go?

Your enemies are me and the old man! "

"Hahaha!" Luo Su laughed, looking at Luo Xiaoman with contempt and said:

"You? Are you two a match?

If it weren't for Chen Xinan, do you think you two could have lived until now?

I would have killed you long ago!

In fact, it was not my idea to deal with Chen Xinan.

He offended a terrible force and received a blacklist kill order!

You don't know what this means, right?

I tell you, it means that as long as he If he lives, the foreign assassin alliance will fight him to the death!

Mr. Yu also specifically said that he must die! "

"Puff!" Luo Xiaoman laughed out loud, waved his hand and said: "Sorry, I couldn't help it.

I just want to know, that shitty assassin alliance sent you trash?

You guys still want to kill Lao Chen?"

Luo Su sneered and shook his head and said: "Of course we are not the main force, someone will take action!

Don't be long-winded, anyway, we have met, let's settle the new and old accounts together!"

Luo Xiaoman rushed over and cursed loudly: "I'm waiting for you to say this! Ah Qi, do it!"

But Li Qi turned around and pushed open the door of ICU!

Luo Su laughed and said, "You've reacted now? It's too late!

The real killer has already entered and killed the guy named Chen!

This is the result of receiving a kill order from the blacklist!

This is the result of offending those international powers!

Our mission has been completed, you're done, hahaha!"

As he spoke, the men in black actually gave up resistance, looking at the people who surrounded them with smug smiles on their faces.

Luo Xiaoman gritted his teeth and kicked Luo Su to the ground, pointing at him and cursing:

"I used to think you were a little clever and knew how to use tricks.

But now I realize that you were kicked in the head by a donkey, right?

Do you know what the consequences will be for you if I catch you? "

Someone shouted loudly: "It's just one death! I'm worth it!"

"That's right, my family can all get green cards, and there will be bonuses. If I die, I can make the whole family happy. Who wouldn't do this business?"

"Do you really think we are fools? Are we willing to do things that are not beneficial? And we still have to sacrifice our lives!"

Looking at the men in black in front of them, they all looked proud.

Even though he knows that he will not end well, he still looks brave and fearless.

But Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang could both see the fear hidden in their eyes.

After all, no matter how big the reward is, it is very likely that I will not be able to keep my life!

"Idiot!" Luo Xiaoman rushed over, grabbed Luo Su's arm, and twisted it!

Luo Su smiled ferociously and said: "You, a sick man, want to fight with me?

Do you still think you are at the peak of your strength? "

With a flick of his wrist, the machete turned around in his hand and chopped towards Luo Xiaoman's forearm!

Luo Xiaoman didn't even try to hide, he just took his arm and gave it a strong squeeze. With a click, his right hand was broken off!

"Ah!" Luo Su howled miserably, looked at Luo Xiaoman in disbelief with his eyes wide open, and shouted in pain: "You..."

Luo Xiaoman sneered coldly, looked at him with disdain and cursed: "You are right, I am indeed not at the peak of my previous strength.

Because I have broken through to the third level of inner strength!

When I'm strong enough, it's just a joke to beat you up!

Now with three levels of internal energy, crushing you to death is like crushing an ant to death!

Are you convinced? "

Luo Su's eyes widened.

How many years has it been since the Luo family produced a master with the third level of inner strength?

If I had known that this guy was so fierce and so heartless, he would still deliberately try to harm the old man!

Li Qi walked out of the ward and said to everyone: "Someone shot outside the window. These people are just tools to contain us!"

"Hahaha!" Luo Su laughed and said, "Luo Xiaoman, so what if you break through?

Chen Xin'an is still dead!

The Luo family will soon perish! "

Li Qi looked at him like a fool and said, "I just said someone shot outside the window, who told you that my boss is dead?

He's not here. If you fire ten thousand shots, what's the use? "

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