Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1974 You said they were gangsters?

A group of people in black were dumbfounded!

After struggling for a long time, no one is inside?

Kill Chen Xin'an and you will lose your life.

But it’s still worth it if my family abroad can have a good whereabouts.

I have been busy for a long time now, but it was just a trick.

In the end, I didn't catch anything and even lost my life. How frustrating is this?

"Impossible! Chen Xin'an didn't expect that we would dare to come to the hospital to kill him. Someone must have tipped off the news!

Luo Siting!

That bitch betrayed me!

Xiaoman, for the sake of us being cousins..."


Luo Xiaoman kicked him in the stomach, kicked his feet off the ground, and threw him to the ground, vomiting blood!

"I don't have a cousin with your name!" Luo Xiaoman's face was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and said to Luo Su:

"For your son Luo Wei, you betrayed the entire Luo family.

Si Ting was taken advantage of by you. After knowing that Chen Xin'an was seriously injured, she hanged herself at home! "

Luo Su covered his mouth, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said: "So, our actions were discovered, wasn't she the tip-off?

That's right, although this stupid girl is being used by me, I won't believe her.

So I didn't tell her anything, how did she know we were coming to the hospital?

If it wasn't her who snitched, who would it be? "

His eyes were like poisonous snakes, scanning the faces of the men in black in front of him one by one.

The group of people all shrank their necks.

"Boss, we were all told to go to places before we set off. It's impossible to tell the truth!"

Luo Su thought about it carefully and felt that it made sense.

But who can leak the news?

It can't be those foreigners, right?

Before he could think clearly, Luo Xiaoman punched him in the face!

His head hit the ground crookedly, and his body slid several meters away on the ground!

The people in black around them all fled, with looks of horror on their faces.

Luo Su spat out a large mouthful of blood, mixed with a few teeth.

He looked at Luo Xiaoman angrily and shouted, "Why did you stab me..."

Half of his face looked swollen, and his speech was somewhat slurred.

Luo Xiaoman stepped on his foot again, gritted his teeth and cursed:

"I was telling you just now that Siting hanged herself at noon today!

She didn't even attend my wedding, she ran home and committed suicide!

Apart from her dad, this girl is the closest to you!

Just because you used to hug her when she was little!

But you used her to betray the Luo family and frame Lao Chen!

She committed suicide because of this guilt, but you didn't even ask, are you still a human being? "

Luo Su's face showed a hint of guilt, and he sighed and said:

"He is also a stupid boy!

How is she doing?

I know she's not dead, otherwise you wouldn't be standing here right now.

After all, he is a child of the Luo family..."


Luo Xiaoman stepped on Luo Su's ankle with force and cursed at him: "You don't deserve to ask!"

"You are so crazy!" Luo Su hit his head on the ground and screamed in pain!

If I don't ask, I'll be beaten, but if I ask, I'll be told that I don't deserve it!

You are the one who talks about feelings, and I will be beaten on both sides!

Luo Xiaoman looked at him, then at the men in black, and said coldly:

“You just have to answer me one question!

Where are the people who shot? "

Luo Su endured the severe pain, glared at Luo Xiaoman and shouted: "Don't even think about it! Kill me if you dare!"

Luo Xiaoman turned his head, looked at the men in black around him and asked, "Do you think so too?"

A man in black said cautiously: "We don't know!"

Others nodded.

Luo Xiaoman chuckled, waved his hand and said, "Then hit me!"

The people around him were already impatient with waiting, and they all rushed forward with shouts of killing!

Facing an enemy several times his own, the man in black wanted to resist at first, but he gave up completely after less than three seconds!

There were too many enemies, and I couldn't even use the guy in my hand, so I was surrounded and beaten wildly!

Soon the people were beaten until they were lying on the ground, unable to move.

"We really don't know!" The man in black who spoke just now shed tears.

I didn’t expect that I would be beaten even if I told the truth. Is this even justified?

"Okay, no need to fight!" someone suddenly said.

Everyone stopped and stared in the direction of the elevator entrance with wide eyes in disbelief.

Ning Xiruo and Chen Rong pushed Chen Xin'an over, followed by Gongsun Feiyang and Sun Jialuo.


"Old Chen!"

Li Qi and Luo Xiaoman walked over at the same time and complained to him: "How dare you get out of bed when you are like this?"

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, shook her head and said, "Since I'm not dead, I'm not so squeamish anymore!"

He turned his head and looked at the men in black and said, "Okay, they are just being used. I really don't know where those people are, let them go!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, looking at Chen Xin'an in disbelief.

Luo Xiaoman ran over and tore Chen Xin'an's face with his hands.

Ning Xiruo slapped his hand away and said, "Aman, what are you doing!"

Chen Rong scolded angrily: "Brother Man, what are you doing? My brother is like this and you still bully him!"

Luo Xiaoman retracted his hand angrily, glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "I even doubt whether this is him!

Old Chen, when did you become so soft-hearted?

Did you let them go and wait for them to harm you again? "

A group of men in black also stared at Chen Xin'an, wondering if they heard wrongly.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "It's useless for them to stay here.

They're just a bunch of puppets!

Don’t you want to leave?

Well, I can have you all crippled! "

These men in black finally knew that Chen Xin'an was not joking and really let them go.

Anyone who dared to stay here got up one by one, turned around and ran away.

Dao Ye and Zuo Meng each led a large group of brothers and got out of the way.

Chen Xin'an turned his head, looked at Luo Su and asked, "Aren't you leaving?"

Luo Su endured the severe pain, laughed with a ferocious face, shook his head and looked at Chen Xin'an and said:

"Chen, do you think I'm a fool?

Do you really think I will believe you let me go?

You just want to use me and those people to find those foreigners!

Mr. Chen, I advise you to give up on this idea!

It’s not just me who doesn’t know where those foreigners are, those guys really don’t know either.

Our contact is one-way, they just tell us where to go at what time.

We don’t usually contact each other.

You can't find them, everything is arranged in advance, you don't know how powerful Pyrus is! "

Chen Xin'an said expressionlessly: "Actually, you don't know how powerful I am!"

He waved his hand and said to Gongsun Feiyang and Sun Galuo: "Thank you for your hard work, you two!"

The two of them didn't speak. They just nodded vigorously, then turned and left.

"Master Dao, Ah Meng!" Chen Xin'an called out again, then waved her hand and said, "Go through all the nightclubs in the city!"

"Got it!" the two responded, turned and left.

Luo Su snorted coldly and said with disdain: "That's it? A bunch of gangsters want to find those people?

What do you think? "

Luo Xiaoman sneered coldly, looked at him with narrowed eyes and said:


Don’t you know the two people who left at the beginning?

Let me tell you, one is from Longdun and the other is from the Municipal Bureau.

You say they are gangsters? "

Luo Su's expression changed, but he didn't say anything else.

It is not easy for these people to know about the Killer Alliance.

At this moment, Chen Xin'an took out the phone, frowned at it, and pressed the answer button.

"Why are you here?

Who did you come with?

Damn, are they all here?

Okay, come on, I'm at the door of the ICU on the 17th floor! "

Five minutes after hanging up the phone, a group of people walked out of the elevator and shouted from a distance:

"Boss! Damn it, Brother Qi!"

Li Qi stared at these guys with wide eyes and shouted, "Hua Youlin? Xia Hongfeng? Why are you here?"

Luo Xiaoman laughed, looked at Luo Su mockingly and said, "You don't know me, do you?

Let me tell you, these are the most powerful princes in Kyoto City!

Do you still think they are also a bunch of gangsters? "

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