Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1976 You are not a good boy

Police cars on the street flashed their lights and roared back and forth.

Elke closed the window irritably and cursed angrily with a sullen face: "These damn Chinese people are really making a lot of noise!"

But after another glance, his brows furrowed.

Many cars suddenly stopped on both sides of the street in front of the hospital gate. A large group of people got off the car and quickly entered the hospital gate!

Of course he knew the true identity of the so-called assistant.

I also know that the incident on the news today has something to do with him.

So it was not unexpected for him that the Chinese came to his door.

I just didn't expect it to be so soon.

He thought it would be tomorrow morning anyway.

By then, Swift had moved on, and it had nothing to do with him.

Now that the operation had just begun, these people came, catching him a little off guard.

But Alke won’t be too panicked.

Because he has two amulets, which are enough to stop these police!

After adjusting his clothes, he took out two red notebooks from the drawer, put them in his pocket, and then strode out of the office.

A doctor on duty stopped a group of people rushing into the outpatient building and said to everyone:

“Everyone, this is a hospital.

I am Song Chenming, the supervisor on duty today. Can you tell me something? "

A man in a suit came over, took out an ID from his body, handed it to him and said:

"Director Song, I want the information of all foreigners who are in the hospital tonight!

Can you get it for me? "

Song Chenming glanced at the certificate, his expression changed, he nodded quickly and said, "Please wait a moment, I will go to each department to verify it now!"

The man in a suit shook his head and said, "Forget it, that would waste too much time. Let's check it ourselves!"

Song Chenming didn't dare to say anything and quickly stepped aside.

But at this moment, someone shouted from behind: "What do you want to do?"

Song Chenming quickly said to the man in a suit: "This is the honorary president of our hospital, Mr. Elke!

Mr. Dean, they are..."

Elke said impatiently: "I don't care what they do, I just want to know what they are going to do!

This is a hospital, get out of here right now!

Otherwise, I will call the police now! "

A man stepped forward, took out his ID, and said to him: "Mr. Elke, I am Sun Galo, the captain of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Kyoto City Bureau.

We received notification from our superiors that we suspect the murderer of today's shooting is hiding in the Collaborative Hospital.

So please cooperate and accept our search! "

"Do you have a search warrant?" Elke frowned and looked at Sungalo.

Unexpectedly, the other party just frowned and did not answer the call.

Elke was overjoyed, and sure enough, it didn’t happen!

He snorted coldly and said to Sun Galo: "If there is no such thing, then why should I let you search it?

Get out of here, I'm warning you, your current behavior has seriously disrupted the normal working order of the hospital.

Caused huge panic to patients!

You are solely responsible for all consequences! "

Sungalo frowned and said: "Mr. Elke, because at this time, we have no way to apply for a search warrant.

But I can call our leader right away and ask him to tell you, is that okay? "

"No!" Elke refused without hesitation, looked at Sun Galo and said: "You can't do anything without a search warrant!

If you dare to mess around, I will file a complaint against you! "

Sun Gallo frowned, looking embarrassed.

The man in a suit next to him said: "Okay, Captain Sun will call your people back, you don't need to intervene anymore!

We are not the police, we go search! "

Elke took a step forward, stopped him and said, "Why do you want to search? You are not the police at all.

This time is not the time for visiting. What do you want to do when you enter the hospital in groups?

I'm calling the police now!

Officer Sun, since you are here, that's just right!

If someone breaks into the hospital trespassing, do you police officers just ignore it? "

This cunning guy!

Sun Galo and the man in the suit looked at each other and cursed in their hearts, old fox!

"Ignore him!" The man in a suit said in a deep voice to his companion behind him. Just as he was about to force his way upstairs, he saw Elk take out two red notebooks from his pocket.

Elke snorted coldly, took the red book and said to everyone: "This is my certificate of being employed as the honorary director of the Joint Hospital and an honorary citizen of Kyoto.

You should know what receiving these two honors means.

Only those who have made outstanding contributions to the hospital and the city of Kyoto will have the opportunity to receive this honor!

It was awarded to me personally by the leaders of Kyoto City University!

Even if your leaders meet me, they must give me enough respect!

If you dare to break into the hospital, you will pay a severe price!

Which of you still dares to mess around? "

Sun Galo frowned and glanced at the man in the suit with a look of helplessness on his face.

The man in a suit turned around, took out a mobile phone and pressed the number.

“The leader was stopped by the honorary director of the Xiehe Hospital.

He is also an honorary citizen of Kyoto, with a special status...

okay, I get it! "

After hanging up the phone, the man in a suit waved his hand behind him and shouted: "Go up and check!"

"How dare you!" Unexpectedly, Alke had already taken out the red book, but he was still unable to stop these guys. His face changed drastically, and he shouted to everyone:

"If you dare to take a step forward, I will call the leader of Kyoto right now!"

The man in a suit looked at him and said, "You can fight! Even if you call the big boss over, you can't stop our search!"

Elke's face turned livid with anger, and he took out his cell phone to make a call.

But after just three rings, the call was immediately hung up!

"I don't believe it!" Elke said angrily and called another leader.

But what he didn't expect was that this one was actually powered off.

I dialed several people's numbers in succession, but either got hung up or their phones were turned off.

Elke finally realized that he couldn't stop these people!

Sungalo also showed a smile and said to his companions: "By the way, we are the police, we have to maintain order at this time, right?

Come on, let's go upstairs to maintain order! "

He greeted, and everyone responded in unison, walking towards the stairwell.

When Elke saw that he couldn't stop him, he stopped.

He sneered and stood aside and said: "The hospital is so big, so just take your time to find people like you!

I hope you can find the person you are looking for before dawn! "

The man in a suit who had already walked to the security door stopped, took out a walkie-talkie from his body, and said: "Another five hundred people will come from the outpatient building, and the rest will go to the inpatient department!"

After hanging up the intercom, there was a running sound outside the clinic building, like the earth was shaking!

Countless figures rushed in from outside the gate, and then began to disperse. Some rushed into the outpatient building, and some ran to the inpatient department!

Alke was stunned.

In the dean's office, Elk swept all the documents on the table to the floor, gritted his teeth and cursed:

"Damn it! These damn Chinese people!

How dare you do this to me?

Well, I won't make it easy for you! "

He took out his cell phone and wanted to make a call, but put it down.

It's useless to call anyone at this time.

"Strange, why are these people so sure that Swift is at the Collaborative Hospital?" Elk frowned and thought hard.

Suddenly, a figure flashed in his mind.

Outside the operating room, Kelly is secretly hiding at the door of the bathroom!

"My little baby, you are not good like this!

Uncle is going to spank you! "

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