Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1977 An Geer asked me to protect you

The door to the ward was pushed but did not open. It was locked inside.

But this doesn't stop people outside.

He just bumped the door with his shoulder.

The sound startled Kelly who was lying on the bed!

Alke stood at the door, turned around, closed the door, and then locked it.

Turning around, a lewd smile appeared on his originally gloomy face, he looked at Kelly and said:

“My dear, I’m sorry that uncle disturbed your rest.

Because my cell phone is out of battery, I want to borrow your cell phone to make a call.

You won't object, right? "

Kelly looked panicked and subconsciously took the mobile phone placed on the bedside into the quilt.

But Elke ran over, lifted the quilt off her body, and then held her arm down!

Kelly screamed in pain: "Uncle Elke, you hurt me! What do you want to do?"

Elk smiled ferociously and said: "I just want to borrow your mobile phone to make a call.

You won't refuse me this little request, right? "

While he was talking, he had already forcefully snatched Kelly's cell phone, checked the call records, and sure enough he found a number signed by Chen!

Elke shook his head, sighed and said to Kelly: "Dear little baby, you really hurt my heart!

I thought you could love me as much as I love you, but why did you betray me?

Why should we inform the enemy? "

"Enemies?" Kelly looked at Elke with a puzzled face and asked, "Uncle Elke, you are just a doctor, where did you come from as an enemy?"

"Hahaha!" Elk laughed, shook his head and said to her:

"My dear child, you are so innocent!

I can't bear to teach you a lesson!

Do you really think that Peroses spent so much effort and invested so much?

For me, I became the honorary dean and honorary citizen of Kyoto City in China.

Do you just want me to be a doctor here to treat illnesses and save people?

That Chen Xin'an is the target we must get rid of.

I'm just curious, how do you know him? "

Kelly huddled in the corner of the bed, shook her head and looked at him and said: "Elke, I don't know what your background is and what grudges you have with Mr. Chen.

But for the sake of father, I remind you that your plan will not succeed!

Mr. Chen is unkillable.

I don’t know how many people wanted his life, but these opponents all died in his hands in the end! "

"Shut up! My dear Kelly!" Elk said coldly:

"Don't forget, you are an Eagle Banner man!

Your heart should be towards the Eagle Flag Country, instead of being a shameful traitor! "

Kelly had a sarcastic look on her face, looked out the window and said:

"Traitor? Haha!

Yes, I am an Eagle Flag man, but what has the Eagle Flag country brought to me?

My best dance partner, my most beloved person, was captured by the Eagle Flag Police when I needed him most.

They told me that he had been sent back to China.

So I came to China to find him.

It was only after so many years that I discovered that he had never come back at all!

My father passed away and I asked for help.

But in the Eagle Flag Country, no one was willing to lend a helping hand.

I came to China, a place you say is the most sinful.

But what the people here give me is warmth that I have never received before!

I did receive the most terrible injuries here.

But the person who hurt me is the Eagle Banner Man!

Even your uncle, who was once my father's best friend, is plotting evil against me!

When I needed help the most, Mr. Chen was the only one who helped me.

The ones who keep hurting me are my country and my compatriots!

If you say I am a traitor, then I will admit it!

I just treat myself as a human being and don't want to hurt those who really love and protect me! "

Alke grimaced, looked at Kelly coldly and said:

"In this case, I can only say I'm sorry, my dear little baby!

I can't let people know my identity and leave evidence.


An evil smile appeared on his face, he took out a scalpel from his pocket, opened it slowly, and rushed towards Kelly with a grin!

Kelly knew she couldn't hide, so she didn't hide at all.

She closed her eyes as if appointed, waiting for death to come, and whispered:

"Mr. Chen will not let you go!"

Elk smiled ferociously and said: "Don't mention that damn guy again!

Now your life is in my hands!

What do you gain by tipping off that guy?

He is just using you!

But don’t worry, I won’t kill you just like that.

I love you the most, Uncle Elke!

So I will give you the greatest happiness between men and women.

Let you meet God in that unparalleled ultimate enjoyment! "

"You bastard!" Kelly gritted her teeth and yelled at Alke angrily.

Even though she already knew that she was doomed tonight, she didn't want to be insulted by this old beast before she died.

She glanced at the window, mentally calculating the distance.

If Alke rushed over, she would just break away and jump out of the window!

Alke seemed to have read through her thoughts and blocked her retreat with his huge body.

Holding a scalpel in one hand, another hand reached over and grabbed her arm!

At this moment, there was a bang and the ward door was knocked open.

A group of people rushed in. Without saying a word, they raised their machetes and slashed at Elk!

Elke was stunned, and Maiben didn’t know who these people were!

But he was not stupid, and immediately grabbed Kelly's arm, trying to pull her over as a hostage.

Kelly screamed loudly and shrank back as hard as she could.

There was a flash of cold light, a thud, an arm was cut off, and Kelly fell on the bed!

Looking at the severed hand on her arm, Kelly turned pale with fright and shouted loudly.

Elke lowered his head and looked at his half-remaining arm, which was still spurting blood, with a look of disbelief on his face.

A middle-aged man with braids held up a machete that was still dripping with blood and said to him with a grin:

"My name is Master Luo! What I like to do most in my life is to chop off those stupid hands!

How about it, is it irritating? Not having enough? "

Dao Lei came over and said to Kelly: "Miss Kelly, I am Dao Lei.

An Geer asked me to pick you up!

Don't worry, with us here, no one can hurt you! "

"Thank you!" She didn't expect that she could survive the desperate situation, and Kelly shed tears of excitement.

She pointed outside and said to Dao Lei, "Those people are in the operating room above! I'll take you there!"

"No need!" Dao Lei chuckled, shook his head and said, "The other brothers have already passed!

Don't worry, he can't run away! "

Kelly breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at Elke who was standing by the window, and asked Dao Lei:

"What are you going to do with this guy?"

Alke endured the severe pain and shouted loudly: "I am the honorary president of the Joint Hospital and an honorary citizen of Kyoto!

You can't do this to me!

I want to file a complaint against you! "

"You're a fart!" Master Luo looked at him with disdain and cursed:

“Do you believe that tomorrow morning, you bullshit dean and bullshit honorary citizen will be disqualified?

Honorary dean and honorary citizen?

You even protected the killer, but you still have the nerve to show these certificates?

Go against my boss, no matter what your honor is, I will strip you naked! "

"Go to hell!" Alke knew that he couldn't escape, so he took the knife in his right hand and stabbed Master Luo fiercely!

"Hahaha!" Master Luo laughed.

He refused to dodge, and twirled the machete in his hand.

A slash of the knife struck him, and with a thud, Elk's right hand was cut off at the wrist!

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