Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1978 Don’t be so hypocritical, okay?

The door of the operating room was kicked open, and a group of big men like wolves and tigers rushed in.

There were screams and angry yells, and then there was the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

Swift was soon dragged out with a needle and thread attached to his forehead and bleeding from his head.

Gray and Catherine were also controlled and taken out of the operating room together.

"Who are you? Why do you take people away on the operating table? You Chinese people are simply bastards!" Gray yelled angrily.

The man in a suit glanced at Zuo Meng and Luo Niu and turned around.

Zuo Meng and Luo Niu walked up to Gray and looked at him coldly.

Gray sneered coldly and cursed with disdain: "What? Do you still want to use violence against me?

I am a medical expert exchanged by your Chinese Medical Association!

If you dare to touch me, do you know what the consequences will be?

Damn the Chinese! "

Zuo Meng punched the opponent in the mouth and cursed coldly: "No matter what kind of bullshit you are, if you insult Chinese people in our Chinese territory, you don't deserve a beating!"

"Woo..." Gray didn't expect that this guy would actually dare to do something, so he covered his mouth and shouted angrily.

Luo Niu bumped his knee into his stomach and scolded him coldly: "Don't think I haven't seen you two before!

I'm exchanging doctors with the hospital, why do I cooperate with the hospital to perform surgeries on people?

And you said you are not in the same group?

Since we are an accomplice, I deserve to beat you to death! "

The two of them punched and kicked each other, beating Gray until he couldn't stand upright like a shrimp. He screamed repeatedly and didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore.

Catherine was not afraid, standing next to the elevator and yelling: "You are infringing on other people's rights!

I want to sue you!

We are doctors, no matter what the patient's status is, as long as he needs help, we will not refuse!

No matter what mistakes this person made, you should not treat him like this and let him finish the operation..."

Zuo Meng grabbed the needle thread on Swift's forehead, pulled it down hard, and said to Catherine: "Okay, the operation is over!"

The wound that was already open was torn even more by this pull. It looked numb and shocking!

Swift's anesthetic had not worn off yet, but he still gritted his teeth and grinned. It seemed that the pain was still severe.

"Damn it, you are a cold-blooded executioner!" Catherine yelled at Zuo Meng.

Zuo Meng cursed impatiently: "Shut up! Don't think that because you are a woman, I don't dare to touch you!"

Catherine's chest puffed up and she shouted to Zuo Meng: "Then do it!

Don’t you Chinese men just like to beat women?

And you don’t need to think of me as a woman, I’m a man just like you! "

Her actions made it difficult for Zuo Meng to take action. His face sank and he shouted to Luo Niu beside him: "A Niu, tell her to shut up!"

Damn it, why don’t you do it yourself?

Luo Niu rolled his eyes, but he was the captain and had to listen to what he said. What should he do?

An idea struck him, and he took out his cell phone and pretended to be making a call: "Huh? I'm getting ready to go back, the person has been caught!

What, the signal is not good, I will go to the side and talk to you..."

Zuo Meng's face turned dark. Go back and deal with this guy again!

He cast his gaze on the face of the brother next to him, but found that everyone turned their heads away without even looking at him.

A bunch of heartless guys!

Just as the elevator arrived, Zuo Meng waved and asked the brothers to escort Swift and Gray into the elevator.

We are also planning to let Luo Niu take Catherine to sit in another one.

I never thought that Catherine would follow me relentlessly!

Still can't get rid of it!

Zuo Meng was helpless and could only pretend to be deaf and dumb and ignore the foreign woman at all.

If it were Gray, he would punch him so hard that he couldn't even recognize him!


The elevator stopped, Dao Lei and Master Luo stood outside, dragging the half-dead Elk, and Kelly stood beside him.

Everyone was stunned for a moment. Master Luo saw that there were too many people and was ready to make the next trip.

Dao Lei caught a glimpse of Catherine, and his eyes lit up.

Ignoring Master Luo, he pulled Kelly in and squeezed in.

As soon as this guy came in, he stood next to Catherine and said with a playful smile:

“Isn’t this Dr. Catherine?

Aren't you on duty at Zhenghe Hospital?

Why did you come here?

Okay, I get it now!

Are you the doctor who operated on this killer? "

Catherine frowned, looked at him and asked, "Excuse me, do we know each other?

Are you with them too?

Is this also a doctor at the hospital? "

Her eyes fell on Kelly.

Kailin shook her head and said expressionlessly: "I'm not a doctor.

You perform surgery on this person because I told them! "

Catherine's eyes widened, she looked at Kelly angrily, and cursed angrily: "Why are you doing this?"

Kelly glanced at her and asked calmly: "Then why do you want to help them?"

Catherine shouted angrily: "Because I am a doctor..."

"Don't be so hypocritical, okay?" Kelly turned her head, looked at Catherine and said:

“Don’t forget, I am also an Eagle Banner person!

Without enough benefits, even if he dies in front of you, you doctors won't care!

So you are either doing it for money, or you are on the same page as him!

Which one are you? "

"I..." Catherine was speechless.

Dao Lei looked at Catherine angrily and cursed: "I didn't expect you to be with these killers!"

He turned his head and said to Zuo Meng: "Mengzi, leave this foreign woman to me and let me interrogate her!"

Zuo Meng wished he could get rid of this woman and nodded quickly.

Catherine suddenly felt a shuddering fear.

When the elevator reached the first floor and the door opened, she rushed out desperately!

It's a pity that it is simply impossible to escape in front of so many masters!

Dao Lei reached out and grabbed her arm, and while she screamed loudly, he slashed her neck with his palm!

Then he put the unconscious woman on his shoulder and walked directly back to the elevator and arrived at the underground parking lot.

"Stop, what are you doing? Let him go!" Outside the hospital outpatient building, a middle-aged man with eyes hurried over followed by a blond and blue-eyed foreign woman.

Seeing the hands cut off, the dying Elk and the still unconscious Swift, the middle-aged man said with a gloomy face:

"I am Pang Qianzhang, secretary of the Kyoto Administrative Office.

I am here to inform you on behalf of Song Hao, the leader of Kyoto.

Mr. Elke is a friend of us Kyoto people!

No matter who ordered you, Leader Song will investigate what you did tonight to the end!

Now, I order you to release him immediately!

If there is any dispute, report it to Leader Song! "

The blond woman next to her kept talking to Pang Qianzhang.

Pang Qianzhang reached out and pressed her twice, and said to her: "Miss Juliet, don't worry.

I will not let go of these people who hurt Mr. Elk! "

He turned his head and shouted to the assistants who were following him: "Why are you still standing there? Why don't you loosen the man and bring him over?"

Several assistants rushed to Zuo Meng and others and shouted: "Let go! Who gave you the power..."


Before they could finish speaking, Zuo Meng and Luo Niu kicked the two assistants to the ground together!

Pang Qianzhang glared and cursed angrily: "You are simply lawless..."

Zuo Meng walked up to him calmly and kicked him!

Looking coldly at Pang Qianzhang sitting on the ground holding his stomach, Zuo Meng sneered and said:

“Listen, I don’t care what kind of bullshit secretary you are!

Anyone who dares to intercede for these people tonight, no matter what position or status you hold.

They are all enemies of my boss Chen Xin'an!

Everyone involved in this matter is a suspect and must be taken away!

have you understood?

If you are not convinced, go to the car and call your master and ask him to rescue you!

take away! "

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