Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1979 Let him surrender himself tomorrow

In a room that looked pretty well decorated, two people were sitting on the sofa, eating instant noodles.

The siren sounded again outside.

One of them stood up and walked to the window, carefully opened the thick curtains, and peeked out.

After a while, he came back with a gloomy face, sat on the sofa and said:

"Roy, I feel that this Chen Xin'an is definitely not an ordinary person!

Almost all the police in the city were mobilized tonight. The momentum was really terrifying! "

Roy on the sofa forced a smile and said: "Don't worry, Thomson.

You must know that we are in China now.

Guns are strictly prohibited here.

And we are still in Kyoto!

Shooting on the street in broad daylight, such a scene has not happened in China for hundreds of years!

With this alone, we are enough to make history!

So there are more police officers searching for us, which is normal!

But even if they searched the whole city, they never thought we would be here!

Even Chen Xin'an can't be found! "

Thomson said worriedly: "But how long will we stay here?

And did you see, it’s not just the police on the streets?

There are also people with even more mysterious identities!

They are by no means ordinary people. I can see that they are all a well-trained and disciplined organization!

Roy, we may have stung a hornet's nest this time! "

The room fell silent.

Roy is not a fool.

After finally escaping from the hospital, I have been observing the movements outside since I returned here. Naturally, I know that Thomson is not exaggerating.

He has carried out so many missions and visited more countries than he can count.

But there has never been such a failure as in China!

There is no target that is as difficult to deal with as this guy named Chen Xin'an!

He escaped from both assassinations.

China values ​​​​again and never again. Is there really no chance for this mission?

Roy snorted, shook his head and said, "Don't think about this anymore, we still have a trump card anyway!

If it really doesn't work, just use those things and you won't believe that he won't die!

Now we have to find a way to contact Swift!

If he falls into Chen Xin'an's hands, we will be doomed! "

"Roy!" Thomson's face darkened and he pointed at his head.

"Shet!" Roy's face turned pale and he gritted his teeth and cursed: "He doesn't dare to do that! If he wants to fight to the death, none of the four of us can even think of going back!"

After thinking for a while, Roy looked at Thomson and said: "Friend, if something really happens to me, you will attack Swift! Don't let him leave here.

Otherwise, even if he goes back, he will kill you and silence you! "

Thomson nodded.


A bucket of cold water was poured over Swift's face.

He shook his head, Youyou woke up, looked around, and was startled.

Where is this?

It's about a dozen square meters, surrounded by white tiles.

There are some car repair tools hanging on the wall, but other than that, there is no decoration.

The position where he was huddled turned out to be a large iron-topped square table.

All the limbs were tied with iron chains in a large shape, making it impossible to move.

There were three people hanging next to him, one of whom was Elke, the honorary president of the Joint Hospital.

One is the doctor Gray who came over.

There is also Pang Qianzhang, the administrative secretary.

The three of them were blindfolded and gagged, unable to see or speak.

And they are still in a coma, their heads drooped and motionless.

Not far away, a group of people were sitting, one of whom was Chen Xin'an in a wheelchair.

Hua Youlin smiled and said: "Boss, your place is great, it's too hidden.

And the soundproofing is great.

I tried it just now. I shouted at the top of my lungs here, but I couldn’t hear it outside!

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to everyone: "One-fifth of the entire underground parking lot belongs to me.

When I bought a Huandong, I brought five of them, and Greentown gave me four as a gift.

Lao Xiao, Pigeon, and Dao Lei, I bought some more at a high price.

Just built this detached garage.

Apart from parking the car, you can do whatever you want without being seen or heard from outside, which is very convenient! "

All the princes looked envious.

The boss is rich and willful.

They have everything they want, and they are not people who are short of money.

But in front of the boss, you really shouldn’t mention this thing.

Don't talk about yourself, the whole family's savings are not as much as a fraction of others!

"Ah Qi, wake them up!" Chen Xin'an said to Li Qi who was standing next to the big table.

Li Didian nodded, turned on the water pipe in his hand, and sprayed the three people who had their feet tied and fell in the air.

Cold water was poured over them and then poured back into their nostrils and mouths.

All three of them choked and coughed loudly, and then looked around in horror.

Pang Qianzhang shouted loudly: "Who are you?

Let me go! Do you know who I am?

This is a private court! You are breaking the law!

The leader will not let you go..."

Li Qi walked up to him, forced the water pipe and the halter into his mouth, and then turned on the water.

Water sprayed out of Pang Qianzhang's mouth and nostrils, and he choked until he rolled his eyes.

Seeing that his body had begun to convulse, Li Qicai pulled the water pipe out of his mouth expressionlessly.

Pang Qianzhang was vomiting heavily, coughing violently, and his face was full of panic.

Li Qi said coldly: "If you keep talking nonsense, I will stick the tube directly into your stomach!"

"Leader? Song Duanxing's person? Let Song Duanxing surrender himself tomorrow!

Every one of you is counted as one, if you dare to intercede with these bastards, all of you will get off! "

Pang Qianzhang trembled all over, his eyes widened and he looked carefully at the direction where the voice came from.

When he saw clearly the people surrounding Chen Xin'an, even though he was hanging upside down, there was no color on his face and his body started to tremble.

He could recognize a few, and that was enough.

There are not enough sofas and stools, so some people are standing and some are sitting.

But those he knew were only worthy of standing in the back.

The status of the person sitting is only high, not low!

Luo Xiaoman clapped his hands, raised two fingers, and said coldly to the three foreigners:

"I just ask one question.

How many people are here in total?

Where are those other people?

Besides Luo Su, what other internal agents do you have? "

A group of princes looked at each other.

Hua Youlin rubbed his head, frowned and said, "Why am I confused?

Brother Man, did you ask a question? "

Everyone also shook their heads.

Xiao Zhang laughed and said to everyone: "Don't be surprised, Aman's math teacher died early when he was a child.

Arithmetic is taught by the physical education teacher, just get used to it. "

Everyone suddenly realized.

Hua Youlin stood up, pushed the wheelchair, and walked to the big table with Chen Xin'an, looking coldly at Swift who was tied to it.

"When I don't have time to play with you, you should take the opportunity to kill me.

It's a pity that you are so useless!

If you didn’t seize such a good opportunity, don’t blame me!

Now that I have time, I can play with you!

Do you know why you failed?

Because you made a very stupid mistake!

That is, after accepting this mission, you dare to come to China to kill me!

So many people have died before you, why don't you remember? "

The doorbell rang suddenly, and Chen Xin'an frowned.

Zuo Meng glanced at the monitor screen, suddenly smiled, and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, Brother Lei is back!"

Chen Xin'an pinched her eyebrows and said to him: "Let him in!"

The automatic door rose, and Dao Lei walked in with a disheveled blond woman holding her head covered in one hand.

These two women, one is Catherine and the other is Juliet.

Dao Lei smiled and shouted to Chen Xin'an: "Brother An, I'll show you something good!"

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