Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1981 It’s my turn to speak now, right?

There is no such thing in China, but it doesn't mean that Li Qi has never seen it.

Some ruthless organizations, in order to prevent their members from betraying or betraying, will implant a small chip in his brain.

This thing may be smaller than a grain of rice, but it will explode.

It's not very powerful, but it's enough to kill yourself!

Listening to Li Qi's explanation, everyone suddenly realized.

Chen Xin'an looked at the two corpses on the ground with a gloomy expression.

Preliminary judgment shows that the Killer Alliance sent four people to China this time.

It is not known yet whether Elke is one of theirs.

Now two have died, and the whereabouts of the two who appeared in the hospital are unknown.

It's possible that the person who knew their hiding place was dead, and those two became two hidden bombs!

This is the result Chen Xinan dislikes the most!

The stench was spreading, and Pang Qianzhang and Gray were scared to death!

Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said angrily: "Put them down!"


The chains on the two men were loosened and fell to the ground.

Luo Xiaoman walked up to Gray, grabbed his golden hair, lifted his head, and asked fiercely: "You know where the remaining people are, right?"

Gray looked pale and cried, "I don't know! I'm just a doctor! I don't know them!"

"Oh!" Luo Xiaoman nodded, looked at him and said, "Then you are useless!"

He turned around, picked through the tool box under the big table next to him, and finally selected a large axe.

Luo Xiaoman came over with an ax in hand, squatted next to Gray, and looked at him expressionlessly.

Gray shook his head and said, "I'm not lying to you, I really don't know them!

I'm just a doctor. Elk asked us to operate on that man.

I have never harmed you, and I have also saved you Chinese people..."


Luo Xiaoman's ax hit hard, and Gray let out a shrill scream!

This ax did not chop off his head, but used the back of the ax to smash two fingers of his right hand flat!

But Luo Xiaoman didn't stop. He grabbed Gray's wrist with his left hand, continued to press his hand to the ground, and raised the ax high with his right hand!

"I really don't know! Let me go!" Gray cried and begged for mercy.

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said to Luo Xiaoman: "Aman, he didn't tell lies!"

But Luo Xiaoman didn't seem to hear him, he just stared at Gray and hit him with the ax again!

Blood spattered away, and another finger on Gray's right hand deformed!

His cries were hardly human.

"I, I really don't, don't know them..."

Chen Xin'an also wanted to stop Luo Xiaoman from torturing this unlucky guy again, but she heard Luo Xiaoman yelling:

“But you go and do the fucking surgery on that bastard!

Do you know what those bastards did?

They shot my brother five times!

It left five wounds and two bullets!

There were also eight knives and twelve wounds!

Do you know why he got hurt?

Just because he wants to catch my lucky time!

He would rather get hurt than ruin the atmosphere of my wedding.

Those bastards thought he was afraid of death, so they chased him and beat him fiercely!

Why don’t you just perform surgery on him!

So are you considered an accomplice?

Should he die? ! "

Luo Xiaoman raised his ax and hit Gray's right hand hard, smashing his right hand completely into pieces and causing the flesh and bones to explode!

Even a group of princes were stunned, looking at the crazy Luo Xiaoman with frightened expressions.

This guy usually looks like he's laughing and joking, but he doesn't have a formal appearance.

But if he really wanted to attack someone, he would be a ruthless person!

Gray cried loudly: "Elke knows them, he introduced us there!

Elke was their man, and Juliet was his secretary.

I only know these, I really don’t know the rest! "

In severe pain, he finished speaking in one breath, rolled his eyes, and fainted!

Li Qi ran over, hugged Luo Xiaoman, and said, "Brother Man, that's enough! I'm Ah Qi, don't smash it!"

Luo Xiaoman's eyes were red and he was breathing heavily. The evil aura on his body made people afraid to come close.

Under Li Qi's constant persuasion, his breathing calmed down.

He patted Li Qi's arm, signaled him to let go, and dropped the ax on the ground.

He turned around and walked to Pang Qianzhang without saying anything, just staring at him coldly.

Pang Qianzhang's teeth were chattering, he hid his hands and crawled slowly on the ground.

Luo Xiaoman looked at him coldly and asked, "What did you see?"

Pang Qianzhang was not stupid. He quickly shook his head and cried, "I didn't see anything! I'm just a little secretary. I really don't know anything!"

Luo Xiaoman looked at him coldly and said, "You and your master are both little people.

You dare to get involved in this kind of thing, you are really looking for death!

Remember, keep everything you see in your stomach!

If I hear a little bit of gossip..."

He pointed at the unconscious Gray and said to Pang Qianzhang: "That's your fate!"

"I know!" Pang Qianzhang's head kept nodding down, and he wanted to kowtow to each of these people a few times, as long as he could let him go!

Luo Xiaoman turned around, and just when Pang Qianzhang breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly turned around and kicked Pang Qianzhang hard on the head with a sweeping leg!

Pang Qianzhang's head hit the ground with a bang and he remained motionless, with blood flowing out from under his head.

Luo Qianhe walked over and felt Pang Qianzhang's pulse for a while, his expression softened.

Not dead, passed out.

Hua Youlin gritted his teeth and cursed: "Damn it, all the clues are broken!

Boss, I want to ban you!

I still don't feel confident if I don't check it thoroughly.

Keep those two scourges. I won’t be reconciled if they run away, and I won’t be relieved if they don’t run away.

We must find them! "

Xia Hongfeng and Long Sheng nodded together and said, "I agree!"

The other princes also nodded in support.

Chen Xin'an frowned and said: "Making a fuss out of a molehill! Don't mess around, this is Kyoto City!

Do you know the consequences of doing this? "

"Is this still making a fuss out of a molehill?" Long Sheng shouted with eyes wide open: "A major shooting case! This is enough for the Grand Palace to take it seriously!"

"No!" Chen Xin'an said decisively: "No matter how serious it is, you can't do this kind of thing, the impact will be too great!

Let's think of a way and we won't let them go through any more trouble! "

Yin Xiangming said angrily: "Boss, we are the ones taking the responsibility, so why are you afraid of the impact! You are not someone who is afraid of the impact!"

Chen Xin'an scolded in a fit of laughter and tears: "Get out of here! Although I'm tough, I won't do it.

You guys are just making this stupid idea. Aren’t you going to make me hate you? "

A group of princes fell silent.

At this moment, a person's aggrieved voice came from the side: "Can you please let me speak?"

Everyone turned around, and Dao Lei stood beside him with a helpless expression, like a neglected little daughter-in-law.

Xiao Zhang kicked him and cursed: "Dalei, what are you doing? What do you want to say?"

Dao Lei pointed at Juliet beside him and said, "Look at her, does she look familiar?"

"Nonsense!" Everyone gave him the middle finger.

I just came back from Xiehe Hospital only two hours ago, how can I not look familiar?

Dao Lei became anxious and said to everyone: "I didn't mean this..."

He seemed to have thought of something, his eyes lit up, he rubbed his chest with both hands, and said intoxicatedly: "Oh! Yes! Ma loves to be mean! Fakmi..."


A bunch of princes turned around and almost vomited!

Your uncle’s, it’s so eye-catching!

But Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi were stunned, staring at Juliet, and shouted in unison: "Yangma!"

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