Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1982 It turns out that the enemy is around

No one ever dreamed that this Juliet was actually the woman they spied on with a drone last night!

She has actually been to the Four Seasons Flower City?

Or does she live here?

"Just ask her!" Xiao Zhang smiled ferociously, walked up to Juliet, grabbed her neck and asked, "Tell me, were you in the Four Seasons Flower City last night?"

Juliet didn't look at him at all, and the expression on her face was a little strange.

He seemed to be very frightened and a little numb, his eyes were empty and unfocused, and his overall mental state seemed very abnormal.

Luo Qianhe walked up to her, opened her eyelids and looked at her, then shook his head at Xiao Zhang and said:

"The dysfunction and stress response caused by the sudden abnormal discharge of brain neurons creates a protective measure against self-blockade..."

Xiao Zhang scolded with a straight face: "Talk like a human being!"

Luo Qianhe shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm so scared!"

"Damn!" Everyone looked frustrated.

I thought I had found the key, but unexpectedly I lost the clue again.

Chen Xin'an turned to Luo Qianhe and said, "Zi Zi, call Xiao Tao immediately and ask him where he is now!"

Luo Qianhe took out his mobile phone and dialed a number: "Xiao Tao, where are you now?

Four Seasons Flower City?

Very good!

Is the drone still there with you?

Take it down and go to the underground garage! "

After hanging up the phone, Luo Qianhe nodded to Chen Xin'an.

Li Qi, who was squatting next to Swift, said in a deep voice: "This micro-explosive chip is not timed, but detonating!"

Luo Xiaoman asked with a puzzled look on his face: "Then what? Is there any difference? Anyway, people are killed!"

Li Qi shook his head and said: "The difference is huge. If it is timed, it doesn't matter where he goes, the chip will explode when the time comes.

But if it is a detonator, the person who detonates it is usually nearby.

Generally, the control distance will not exceed 100 meters, otherwise the microwave waves will not be received! "

"I'll go!" Luo Xiaoman understood the meaning and said with wide eyes:

"The control distance does not exceed 100 meters?

This Yangma was also in the Four Seasons Flower City last night.

My wedding ring was stolen last night.

We have been looking for so long but still haven't found that guy.

Today Lao Chen helped me pick up the spare ring, so a shooting happened! "

Li Didian nodded and said to him: "The most important thing is that the person who stole the ring used suction cup gloves.

The two gunmen who assassinated the boss in the hospital today also used this!


Luo Qianhe said excitedly: "So the enemy is actually beside us.

Those two guys are probably hiding in the Four Seasons Flower City! "

Hua Youlin shouted: "Then what are you waiting for? Go upstairs and look for it!"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "There are hundreds of households and thousands of people in the Four Seasons Flower City, how can you find them?

Before I even found it, I had already alerted the enemy! "

The princes Xia Hongfeng and Long Sheng shouted in unison: "What should we do?"

Chen Xin'an took a deep breath and said, "Wait!"

"What are you waiting for?" Everyone was a little confused.

The doorbell rang, Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Here he comes!"

Yu Zetao walked in carrying a big box and greeted everyone with a smile.

Then he saw the body on the ground, and his face froze.

Chen Xin'an did not comfort him, let alone cover up, and said to him: "Xiao Tao, we want to see the candid video of last night, can we see it?"

Yu Zetao took a deep breath, nodded and said, "Yes, I have repaired the machine! Is there a monitor?"

"Yes!" Chen Xin'an pointed to the corner and said to him: "There is a computer over there, you can connect to it!"

Yu Zetao didn't do any ink and walked over with the box in hand.

As he passed the corpse, he closed his eyes and tried to calm down.

But his legs were grabbed, scaring him out of his body!

Almost subconsciously, he raised his foot and kicked the corpse on the ground, shouting loudly: "Fake corpse!"

Poor Gray just woke up and was kicked in the head a few more times.

He rolled his eyes and passed out again!

Everyone burst into laughter.

Chen Xin'an pointed to the bodies of Elke and Swift and said to Yu Zetao:

"Only two of them are dead, the others are alive."

Yu Zetao nodded and walked to the corner with a pale face.

Chen Xin'an looked at him and said, "Xiao Tao, I don't treat you as an outsider.

Your brother is my brother, he is a hero, so you have to get used to this kind of scene.

The first sister also needs your protection. What you do, you often encounter this kind of thing.

Understand? "

Yu Zetao put the box down and stood there thinking for a while.

Then he came back, kicked Gray on the head twice more, and said to Chen Xin'an: "Brother An, I understand!"

Everyone: "..."

No, your intention is understandable. It's like handing in a certificate. Thank you Chen Xin'an for treating you as one of his own.

But if you want to kick him, just kick the corpse. This foreign doctor is alive and he didn't ask you to mess with you. Why are you kicking him in the face?

Chen Xin'an was also a little speechless. She waved her hand and said to him: "Go over and make a video!"

Soon, Yu Zetao exported the video from the drone to his computer, and the picture appeared on the display screen.

Everyone gathered around.

The familiar scene came again, and everyone thought of Yes and Fakmi's shouts again.

Only then did a group of princes understand the origin of Dao Lei's violent behavior just now.

But what’s shocking is that this guy actually did it quite realistically!

Then there was the scene of the drone searching the entire building, and the moment when the man in black climbed into the window of Luo Xiaoman's house!

"Stop!" Chen Xin'an said to Yu Zetao: "Go back five seconds!"

Yu Zetao pulled the progress bar and fell back. Chen Xinan pointed his finger and said to Luo Xiaoman:

"Aman, did you see that window is your home!

You turned off the living room lights when you went out, but left the bedroom lights on.

Light can be revealed through this window.

The man in black is right above your window! "

Luo Xiaoman looked at the picture carefully and nodded.

Yu Zetao took out a pen and paper from the box, quickly drew a sketch, and said:

“Brother An’s home is here, and Brother Man’s home is here.

The other party should have come down from above, passed An Geer's House A, and arrived at Block C below.

The trajectory of the drone is roughly like this...

Brother An, I think the house we peeked at before should be in this place! "

He took out his pen and drew a circle on the sketch.

Chen Xin'an thought for a while, and the approximate location should be here.

Hua Youlin said anxiously: "Then go break the door!"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "Don't rush, determine the location first, and then think of a plan of action.

The location here is special, we can't let them run away, and we can't let them make a desperate move! "

No one knows what other cards these two guys have yet to show.

Rushing in recklessly and forcing the opponent to panic. Once one move comes and kills the enemy, the trouble will be big!

The people living below are their relatives and friends. They are in mid-air. If something happens, it will be too late to run away.

Among other things, once there is gas in your home, it will be a big trouble if it explodes!

Everyone also thought of this and nodded.

Anyway, we already know that the enemy is hiding in the Four Seasons Flower City, and it is the safest way to plan a move to catch the turtle in the jar.

Li Nianbei took out his mobile phone and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, I remembered something.

A batch of new equipment arrived from the General Logistics Department.

I'll make a call and have someone send over a few sets, they should come in handy! "

Yu Zetao said to Chen Xin'an: "Brother An, the drone has been repaired.

How about letting it fly up again to explore the reality? "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "Okay! Once the position is determined, come down immediately. Don't alert the enemy!"

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