Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1994 The louder you scream, the better it will be

Listen, is this what people say?

Lu Zifu has been dead for several years. Where did you send me to find him?

Zhou Guanhua covered his cheek and felt blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth. He wiped it hard and shouted in a hissing voice: "Chen Xin'an!"

"Grandpa is here!" Chen Xin'an kicked him in the stomach again, knocking him to the ground!

Zhou Guanhua sat on the ground and said to him: "This matter is not over yet, just wait for me!"

Chen Xin'an raised his foot to kick him again, but the big fat man was so frightened that he didn't dare to speak harshly anymore, so he turned around and ran away!

Even the factory director was scared. The employees didn't dare to stand up to others, and they all ran away with him!

The security guards and employees at the winery booed loudly.

Seeing the people in the pharmaceutical factory fleeing into their own factory in embarrassment and not daring to come out, the winery burst into laughter.

Among them, the one who laughed the loudest was Lu Zizi.

People in pharmaceutical companies have been too arrogant recently.

There was constant friction with the winery for various reasons.

When Chen Xin'an came today, he immediately asked them to clean up the mess.

The director of the pharmaceutical factory was slapped on the face, and the other party did not dare to fight back, so he could only give in.

The only one who can be so domineering is Chen Xin'an and Mr. Chen!

So at this moment, the employees of the winery are full of pride.

Chen Xin'an turned around, waved to everyone and said, "It's okay, go to work when you get back! Director Sun, thank you!"

Sun Yong waved his hand and asked everyone to turn around and leave, and soon the Western Wall became quiet.

Zhang Wanwan led the construction team to continue demolishing the wall.

On the basis of the east wall of the pharmaceutical factory, a west wall of the winery was built.

If you want to take advantage of me, I will let you suffer losses with profits, which is fair!

Mou Pingxuan looked at this scene helplessly, and wanted to remind Chen Xin'an:

If you act like this, the other party won't let it go.

But he didn't say it out loud in the end, because this guy is not someone who is afraid of trouble at all, okay?

He is probably eager for the other party to continue to provoke him!

Just as he was about to leave, another person walked out from the pharmaceutical factory.

It was Zhou Guanhua's female secretary and Mou Pingxuan's junior high school classmate Zhu Yanmei.

"Mr. Chen!" Zhu Yanmei walked up to Chen Xin'an and said to him with a smile:

"Mr. Zhou would like to make an appointment with you, choose a place, and have a good talk about this matter, is that okay?"

Chen Xin'an looked at her expressionlessly and said, "Go back and tell that loser that the land dispute is non-negotiable.

Anyone who offends our winery will be punished no matter how far away! "

Zhu Yanmei's eyes twitched.

Brother, is it necessary for you to do this?

She put on a smile and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, can I add your phone number?

I have something more important that I want to send privately to you..."

"It's inconvenient!" Chen Xin'an refused directly, pointed at Mou Pingxuan and said, "Just send her whatever you have. Aren't you two classmates?"

It seemed that she did not expect that she would be rejected so simply, and Zhu Yanmei also had a look of embarrassment on her face.

He glanced at Mou Pingxuan, nodded to Chen Xin'an and said:

"Then I won't disturb Mr. Chen's time!

However, Mr. Chen must be reminded that Jintai’s current background is unusual.

Maybe it has something to do with the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association!

Mr. Chen must be careful! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and watched Zhu Yanmei leave.

The pharmaceutical company is completely cowed, and no one dares to provoke anymore.

Even the security guard at the east side gate has been removed.

Chen Xin'an chatted with Zhang Baifa for a while, then turned around and left with Mou Pingxuan.

When I first arrived at Anhao Building, I originally wanted to go up and take a look, but before I even got off the car, I received a call from Ding Baozhen.

The hospital is already overcrowded, and there are several times more fever patients than last night!

Now Luo Qianhe left his Ji Shitang alone and ran to the hospital to help.

Of course Ding Baozhen didn't ask Chen Xin'an to come over and help.

Instead, he felt that this matter could no longer wait, and wanted him to take Wang Yi there and use the Internet to publish it to promote the city's epidemic prevention as soon as possible.

Chen Xin'an had no choice but to let Mou Pingxuan get out of the car by himself, and he drove straight to Zhenghe Hospital.

I called Wang Yi on the way.

Upon hearing Chen Xin'an's description, Wang Yi decisively agreed to do a program, and she and Yu Zetao arrived shortly afterwards.

Entering the hospital, all you see are adults and children who are in low spirits, with fever-reducing patches on their foreheads, and all you hear is coughing.

There are also many patients walking around with hanging bottles.

Chen Xin'an shook her head helplessly and prepared to get on the elevator.

But the six elevators were all crowded with people, and the entire lobby on the first floor was full of people, noisy and chaotic.


A middle-aged man kicked the trash can in the hall away and cursed angrily:

“I’ve been here for over an hour, and there’s not a single doctor or nurse!

I have a fever of almost 40 degrees, and no one comes to take a look?

What kind of shabby hospital is this?

They don’t even care about the patient’s life or death!

Do you still have any conscience? "

At this moment, an old man not far away from him suddenly shook, and the people beside him quickly helped the old man!

"Mom, how are you? Don't scare me! Sit down for a while!"

Chen Xin'an walked quickly to the side and said to the family members: "Let me take a look!"

The family member was a woman in her forties. She looked at Chen Xin'an, who was dressed in casual clothes, and asked, "Excuse me, are you..."

A nurse passed by and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, the dean is waiting for you on the fifth floor..."

Chen Xin'an said without looking back: "I'll go up later, let him wait first!"

The nurse didn't dare to say anything more. She was too busy to touch the ground, so she just nodded.

The woman next to him looked at Chen Xin'an in shock. The person even the dean dared to ask him to wait for must be a famous doctor, right?

She quickly made way for Chen Xin'an and said, "Then I'll trouble Dr. Chen!"

A middle-aged man’s voice came from the side: “Nurse, stop here!

I'm so sick, I've been in the hospital for so long, I've been waiting for registration for a long time, and I still can't see!

Please help me find a doctor to take a look, I'm almost dead! "

The nurse said helplessly: "Sir, don't worry, there are many patients today and there are not enough medical staff.

I'll definitely call you when it's your turn! "

The middle-aged man cursed furiously: "I can't wait until then!

I feel like I'm going to die now!

I need to see a doctor now!

It’s not like I can’t afford the money! "

The nurse couldn't move away as he grabbed her arm, and said anxiously: "Sir, please let go!

I still have many patients waiting!

Forget it, I'll be honest with you.

The more you do this, the less likely doctors will pay attention to you.

Because you still have enough confidence, nothing will happen for a while.

The real danger is the old lady next to you.

My whole body was resisting the pain, and I had no strength to cry out! "

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment and cursed angrily: "What kind of bullshit theory are you talking about!

Don’t I know whether I feel uncomfortable or not? "

The little nurse didn't have time to give him these instructions, so she broke free from his hand, turned around and ran away.

Chen Xin'an injected three needles into the old lady's head and said to the woman beside her:

"Rent a wheelchair and immediately push the old lady to the eighth floor to find Director Feng Xueqin of the Cardiovascular Department.

Let her arrange for heart bypass surgery immediately!

If you say my surname is Chen, she will understand! "

The woman nodded and kept saying, "Yes!"

The middle-aged man on the side quickly said to Chen Xin'an: "Doctor, show me quickly!"

Chen Xin'an said without raising her head: "No time!"

At this moment, a sturdy young man ran in from outside the outpatient clinic building with a child in his arms.

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and was stunned for a moment, just about to say hello.

A fat girl rushed in immediately behind.

Chen Xin'an quickly walked over and waved.

Before he could speak, the fat girl had already seen him and cried loudly:

"Brother Xin'an, save Doudou!"

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