Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1995 The person I hit is not a human being

Ignoring Shen Yaojia who was crying anxiously beside him, Chen Xin'an turned around and looked at the child in the young man's arms.

This is a little girl about seven or eight years old, born with cleft lip.

At this moment, his teeth were clenched, his face was gray, his eyes were rolled up, and his whole body was twitching.

I touched her forehead and it was frighteningly hot!

This is a typical high fever convulsion!

Chen Xin'an said to the young man: "Xiao Daozi, you hold the child, I will give you an injection directly!"

Xiaodaozi nodded and said, "Okay, Brother An, come on!"

"Wait a minute!" The middle-aged man next to him shouted angrily, glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed:

"Do you have any medical ethics?

It's my turn, right?

I've been here for more than an hour, okay?

This little brat just arrived!

Is there anyone in your hospital who bullies people like this?

What do you mean, you can get in trouble if you know each other, but you can live or die if you don't?

Then just call your hospital an internal hospital!

Dear friends, do you think this is true? "

There were people all around who had registered but couldn't wait to see a doctor. I was already very anxious.

Now I am very dissatisfied when I see doctors selectively selecting people for treatment.

When they heard the middle-aged man’s encouragement, they all yelled and cursed:

"That's right, how can there be such a doctor! Your acquaintance is a human being, are we not human beings?"

"Everyone pays to see a doctor, so why should they be given priority and we can only endure the pain here?"

"We want fairness! We want to treat everyone equally!"

Shen Yaojia looked at the little girl foaming at the corner of her mouth and cried: "Doudou!"

Xiaodaozi cursed angrily: "Are you still human? This is still a child! Shouldn't we save her first?"

"Why should we save her first? What happened to the child? The child is a life, but we adults are not a life?"

The middle-aged man next to him also snorted: "That's right! Besides, this child is so ugly, why save her?

Also, I think there is something wrong with your doctor’s thinking.

You can't just shout to save the elderly and children first!

If you waste too much resources and save people, how much contribution can you make to society?

We young and middle-aged people are the main force of the social economy!

The best resources should be left to us so that we can recover as quickly as possible.

Only in this way can we continue to create greater social value..."


Before he finished speaking, Chen Xin'an kicked him to the ground without looking back!

The people around him suddenly became angry and criticized Chen Xin'an:

"What do you mean? Everyone has seen it, this doctor beat someone!"

"What he said makes sense. We are originally the main body of the economy and society!"

"No matter what, doctors are not allowed to hit people! What is your name? We are going to file a complaint against you!"

Chen Xin'an took out the silver needle, injected it into the little girl, and said calmly:

"Who told you that I am a doctor? What do you want to complain about me?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment and looked at Chen Xin'an angrily.

Do you think we are all blind?

If you are not a doctor, what are you doing now?

As if he had guessed what these people were thinking, Chen Xin'an snorted and said:

"Who told you that you must be a doctor if you know ancient acupuncture?"

Everyone looked at each other, was this guy really not a doctor in the hospital?

The middle-aged man stood up in embarrassment and cursed at Chen Xin'an angrily: "Even if you are not a doctor, you can't hit people randomly..."

Chen Xin'an cursed without looking back: "What I beat is not a human, but an animal!

Anyone who can say what I just said is a beast!

If this happened to an elderly person or a child at home, they would never say that!

If the main body of society is people like you who don't know how to respect the old and love the young, and don't know how to be grateful and humble, then this society will be over! "

Everyone was scolded so hard that they couldn't hold their heads up.

The middle-aged man also lowered his head in shame and quietly squeezed into the crowd and slipped away.

While talking, Chen Xin'an also gave Doudou a good shot.

Then he took out a steel needle and inserted a needle into Doudou's earlobes on both sides.

Facing the blood dripping out, Doudou's originally ferocious expression began to relax, and his whole body was no longer so tense.

After a while, she flattened her mouth and burst into tears.

"Doudou!" Shen Yaojia ran forward excitedly.

Doudou opened his eyes and called out: "Mom!"

Shen Yaojia hugged her and cried, "Mom is here!"

Bang bang bang!

People around were applauding, and soon there was a round of applause.

As Chen Xin'an walked, she said to Xiaodaozi: "Come with me, and I will arrange for Doudou to stay in the hospital for two days.

Observe the condition and wait until everything is fine before leaving the hospital!

Don’t worry about hospitalization expenses, the foundation provides special hospitalization support!

Jiajia, is the condition at the orphanage very serious? "

Shen Yaojia shook his head and said: "Only Doudou is the most serious! Others have mild symptoms. Aunt Tu has a fever, but she doesn't come to the hospital!

Brother Xin'an, I'm worried that Aunt Tu won't be able to survive..."

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to her: "Don't worry, I'll arrange for someone to come over right away!"

Just do what comes to mind.

Chen Xin'an took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. When the call was connected, he said in a deep voice:

"I'm going to the fifth floor now. Okay, you and Senior Brother Ding will wait for me there.

You inform Zhaodi first and go to Jishi Hall immediately to prepare a batch of medicine.

I'll arrange for someone to pick it up soon! "

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an dialed another number: "Junior sister, where are you and Shuisheng?

Jishitang? Very good!

Do me a favor. Once Zhaodi has prepared the medicine, you can rush it to Sunshine Welfare Home.

Make sure that every child and adult can drink the medicine before dark!

Okay, call me if you need anything! "

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an entered the elevator with a knife and Shen Yaojia.

Seeing Chen Xin'an staring at him with a half-smile, Xiao Daozi took a step back with a guilty conscience, coughed twice and said, "What are you looking at me for?"

Chen Xin'an laughed and asked him, "Why did your kid run away to the orphanage? Your parents don't want you anymore?"

This guy's father is Dao Qiu.

Dao Yi's nephew was just raised as a son by Dao Yi since he was a child.

Therefore, the title is also commensurate with father and son.

Even the old man has always treated the knife as his own grandson.

The biggest headache for the old man now is Dao Feng and Dao Lei.

This is like giving birth to two iron pimples!

If you don't have a woman's destiny, you know that no matter how hard you fight, you won't even lay an egg!

Xiaodaozi blushed and said, "What! I was just in a bad mood at the beginning.

In addition, I had just recovered from my injury, and my grandfather wouldn’t let me do anything.

I was just wandering around for a while, and happened to see them performing a charity show in the park.

I just played along and found it fun, so I went two more times..."

While the boy was talking, he glanced at Shen Yaojia.

Chen Xin'an looked at Shen Yaojia and found that she was also blushing and lowering her head.

He pretended to whisper to Doudou in his arms, showing a rare shy look.


Chen Xin'an was a little curious. Is there something going on between these two people?

He remembered that this boy had a girlfriend!

"Where is your little girlfriend?" Chen Xin'an asked Xiao Daozi.

Xiaodaozi cursed angrily: "We broke up! My dad and mom got mixed up!

They have never liked Hanhan! "

They don't like that girl, but they like Jiajia?

You must know that four years ago, Jiajia's intelligence was still at the age of seven or eight!

But it's hard to tell. After all, Jiajia's father is Shen Changsheng!

Dao Qiu and his snobbish couple, who climbed to the helm of the Changsheng Group, must be able to wake up laughing even in their sleep!

When the fifth floor arrived, Chen Xin'an walked out of the elevator.

He saw Yang Hongtao walking over quickly and said to him: "Mr. Chen, let's discuss what you told me last night!"

Chen Xin'an walked directly past him and said calmly: "No time!"

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