Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1996 Joint Ru0026D Team

In Kyoto City, there are not many people who dare to refute Yang Hongtao's face face to face, and this guy is one of them.

The secretary next to her, Gao Yuan, angrily stopped Chen Xin'an and shouted: "Chen Xin'an, what's your attitude when the leader talks to you!"

Chen Xin'an glanced at her with an unkind expression and said coldly: "What attitude do you want me to adopt?"

Gao Yuan angrily lectured: "The leader has something to discuss with you, and that is a major matter related to people's livelihood!

How could you refuse so casually?

Don’t you know that a leader’s time is precious? "

Chen Xin'an glanced at her and said coldly: "Why, your leader's time is precious, but my time is not?

Don't come to me to discuss important matters related to people's livelihood. I'm just a common man and I can't care about this!

Get out of my way! "

"You..." Gao Yuan's face turned red with anger.

Chen Xin'an ignored her and walked over with Shen Yaojia and the knife.

Gao Yuan angrily said to Yang Hongtao: "Leader, this guy is too presumptuous!

You shouldn't have let him go just now, you should have given him a good beating!

Otherwise, this guy will become more and more presumptuous! "

Yang Hongtao looked a little embarrassed and said: "Actually, it's my fault too.

He called me last night.

It was just that I was woken up as soon as I fell asleep and was in a bad mood.

So I spoke a little harder to him.

Thinking about it now, if I could have attracted enough attention at that time.

We made preparations early this morning, and maybe the consequences will not be as serious as they are now..."

Only then did Gao Yuan understand why Chen Xin'an had that attitude just now. It turned out that the guy had already communicated with the leader last night!

"Then he is fighting with the leader now?" Gao Yuan cursed angrily:

"How could he do this!

Is there anything you can’t say during working hours?

It was his fault that it affected the leader's rest!

The leader, I just can't stand his sultry look.

He thinks he knows some ancient medical skills and doesn't take anyone seriously.

Anyway, this matter can still be solved even if he is gone.

Why do you have to find him? "

Yang Hongtao coughed twice and frowned.

I don't want to find this guy either.

But now I also have symptoms, and I feel uneasy if I don’t find him!

After first arranging hospitalization for Doudou, Chen Xin'an came to the laboratory again, where Ding Baozhen and Luo Qianhe were both here.

"Let's go, accompany me to check the room first!" Ding Baozhen said to Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe:

“I have never seen such a strong flu virus this time.

There are no special medicines in the hospital.

And there are none in the city.

The Pharmaceutical Association sent a notice and someone would be sent to Zhenghe Hospital soon.

Form a joint research and development team with us to jointly develop new types of specific drugs! "

Pharmaceutical Association?

Chen Xin'an frowned, glanced at Luo Qianhe, and said nothing.

The Chinese Pharmaceutical Association is the highest organization in the pharmaceutical industry.

It is similar in nature to the Martial Arts Association and the Chamber of Commerce. The only difference is that this organization does not have branches in various places.

Ge Ge once said that at the beginning of its establishment, Jishitang also received obstruction and harassment from the Pharmaceutical Association.

Even when he wanted to join the Pharmaceutical Association, he was unreasonably made things difficult and demanded sky-high membership fees.

The angry pigeon immediately gave up the idea of ​​joining the Pharmaceutical Association.

So when Ding Baozhen said that people from the Pharmaceutical Association were coming, Luo Qianhe curled his lips with disdain.

Walk through the long bridge corridor from the outpatient building to the inpatient department.

After entering the elevator, Ding Baozhen said to Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe: "The old lady who was delivered last night passed away this morning.

From onset to death, it took less than ten hours! "

There were actually several policemen in Jiang Yu's ward.

Seeing Sun Galuo, Chen Xin'an knew that they were all from the city bureau.

But when Chen Xin'an didn't expect it, he asked Huang Hexiang to take care of Jiang Yu, and the grandson also took care of himself in the hospital bed next to him.

If it weren't for the hanging bottle on his arm, Chen Xin'an would have thought this guy was lazy.

Seeing Chen Xin'an and the dean come in, Sun Gallo stood up and explained: "I need to know about the situation of Snow Airlines flight 5881 yesterday, so..."

Chen Xin'an nodded.

His relationship with Jiang Yu was earlier and more familiar than that of Chen Xin'an, so there was no need to report to him.

Sun Gallo stood up, sighed and said: "We already understand almost everything. Mr. Chen, this may be a criminal case!"

Chen Xin'an frowned. Although he was a little shocked, he was not surprised.

He looked at Sungalo and asked, "What's the situation now?"

"It's very pessimistic!" Sungalo said to him: "Snow Air Flight 5881 has a total of 138 people on board the crew.

As of half an hour ago, feedback from major hospitals in Kyoto showed that 130 people had become ill and were hospitalized!

It can be considered that the entire army was annihilated!

Six people died and 32 were seriously ill.

Of the remaining eight people, we have verified five of them, and three more have not been found until now! "

There was a cough from the hospital bed next to him, and Huang Hexiang said feebly: "Are those three people foreigners?"

Chen Xin'an was angry and scolded him: "Didn't you take medicine? Why have you become such a virtuous person?"

Huang Hexiang said helplessly: "I don't know why it suddenly got worse..."

Sungalo looked at him and asked, "How do you know the three foreigners we want to verify are those?"

Huang Hexiang cursed angrily: "Because they are the weirdest! They cough as soon as they get on the plane, and they look like they are not healthy people.

Another one fainted right at the bathroom door, and many people went to rescue him! "

Chen Xin'an kicked the bed angrily and yelled at him: "I asked you last night if there was anything strange about you, but you bastard just didn't say anything!

Are you telling me this now? "

Huang Hexiang shrank his neck and muttered: "I don't think such a small thing is anything unusual!

Besides, no one is a prophet.

I guessed that there would be such a situation today, and felt that these things were very suspicious.

Am I right? "

Chen Xin'an was too lazy to talk nonsense to him. This bastard has become very unreliable ever since he set his sights on Jiang Yu.

But if you think about it, you can understand it.

After all, a lot of old bachelors are old, so it is understandable that they become a little stupid when they meet a woman they like.

Sun Galuo said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, I want to go back and summarize these situations and report them. If you want to check then, just call me."

"Okay Brother Luo!" Chen Xin'an nodded.

Sun Galuo said goodbye to Jiang Yu again, then nodded with Ding Baozhen and Luo Qianhe, and walked out with his two assistants.

Ding Baozhen walked up to Jiang Yu and said, "Xiao Jiang, how effective was the medicine just now?"

Jiang Yu waved his hands and said, "It doesn't work! Although the coughing is lighter, my throat is still uncomfortable, mainly because of the severe headache."

Ding Baozhen turned his head and said to Luo Qianhe: "Then let's go to the second plan and try the new medicine prepared by Zhaodi."

"Why don't you try this new one?" A voice came from the door, and then three people walked in together.

"Dean Ding, we are here!" The leader, a man in his fifties, came over with a smile on his face.

Ding Baozhen stretched out his hands and said with a smile: "President Lin came here in person?

Director Yu and Director Miao are here too?


Come, let me introduce it to you.

Peace of mind, Qianhe, this is President Lin Yuanlin of the Pharmaceutical Association.

These two are Director Yu Chaoran and Director Miao Guangxu of the Pharmaceutical Association.

Three, these are my two junior brothers, Chen Xin'an and Luo Qianhe. "

"Luo Qianhe?" Yu Chaoran curled his lips, rolled his eyes, and said with disdain:

"How come you, a counterfeit medicine dealer, suddenly transformed into Dean Ding's junior fellow apprentice?"

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