Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1997 Not recommended for clinical use

The three people from the Pharmacy Association all had disdainful sneers on their faces.

Luo Qianhe's face was gloomy, but he remained silent.

Chen Xin'an glanced at Yu Chaoran and said expressionlessly: "How can I be someone's junior brother and rely on your consent? Who do you think you are?"

Yu Chaoran's expression changed, and he shouted at Chen Xin'an: "How do you speak? Who are you?"

Luo Qianhe whispered to Chen Xin'an: "Don't be angry with them, otherwise it will be difficult to take medicine in the future..."

Ding Baozhen said with a smile: "Director Yu, this is my junior brother Chen Xin'an!"

"Why do you seem to have heard this name before?" Yu Chaoran frowned and looked at Chen Xin'an, snorted coldly and said:

"Are you also in the pharmaceutical sales business?

Listen to me and be honest in front of me, otherwise I will look better than you!

Don't be so rude, don't speak so harshly!

Young people are too arrogant and can easily suffer big losses, do you understand? "

Chen Xin'an glanced at him sideways and said calmly: "Get away!"

"What the hell..." Yu Chaoran's face turned black with anger. Just when he was about to get angry, Lin Yuansen frowned and said:

"Stop talking nonsense!

Don’t forget why we came here!

Dean Ding, this is a special medicine we have just introduced, and it has passed various tests and tests.

It is now ready to be officially put into clinical use.

With our relationship like this, I would give priority to Zhenghe Hospital as a pilot.

Who told me and you, Lao Ding, to be old friends? "

Miao Guangxu said to Ding Baozhen with a smile: "The Pharmaceutical Association has decided that you, Director Ding, will be a member of the new drug research and development team. This is the honor of the entire Zhenghe Hospital!

If this new drug can effectively prevent the flu, it will also have a huge economic boost for Zhenghe Hospital!

If there are any shortcomings, we people will correct them immediately.

Dean Ding, hurry up and arrange for patients to try the medicine! "

Ding Baozhen took the bag handed over by Miao Guangxu and took out several boxes of medicine.

Chen Xin'an took a box and looked at the outer packaging.

It turned out to be a product of Jintai Pharmaceutical Factory!

He turned his head and said to Luo Qianhe: "Call Zhaodi over!"

"Okay!" Luo Qianhe nodded and immediately called Guo Zhaodi.

Ding Baozhen said to Lin Yuansen and the others: "Dean Lin, two directors, let's go to the small conference room and sit for a while first!"

Yu Chaoran frowned and said dissatisfiedly: "Old Ding, you can just test the medicine, why are there such ink stains!

You still can’t trust the three of us? "

Chen Xin'an looked at him with squinted eyes and said, "In such a hurry to test the medicine, can I feed it to you first?"

Yu Chaoran cursed angrily: "I'm not sick, so why should I take medicine?"

Chen Xin'an sneered and said, "It's hard to tell if you're sick?"

He suddenly walked up to Yu Chaoran and grabbed the mask off his face!

Yu Chaoran's expression changed drastically. He quickly covered his mouth and nose with his sleeves and cursed, "You are so sick!" He ran out of the ward as if running away.

In the small conference room of the hospital office, Lin Yuansen and the other three were sitting on the sofa, with their legs crossed and impatient expressions on their faces.

Not far in front of them, the medicines in the bags were placed on the conference table.

These medicines are available as tablets and capsules, as well as oral liquids.

Divided into two categories: adults and children.

Ding Baozhen and his three brothers sat across from each other, each holding a box and looking at it carefully.

Yu Chaoran said to Ding Baozhen with a dissatisfied look on his face: "Old Ding, I'm not talking about you.

After the Pharmaceutical Association held a meeting and conducted research, it was only then that the new drug research and development and launch pilot program was launched in your Zhenghe Hospital.

There are 302 tertiary hospitals in Kyoto, why did you choose Zhenghe Hospital?

Old Ding, this is a great honor for you and Zhenghe Hospital!

But look at your sloppy attitude, it’s just..."

Lin Yuansen and Miao Guangxu also showed disdain.

Chen Xin'an threw away the medicine box in her hand, looked at Yu Chaoran and said, "You don't even dare to take off the mask, how can you have the shame to say that others are dragging their feet?"

"Chen Xin'an, please don't go too far!" Yu Chaoran blushed, looked at Chen Xin'an angrily and cursed.

On the way upstairs, Miao Guangxu had already told him the identity of this guy.

No wonder this name always sounds familiar.

After working on it for a long time, this Chen Xin'an was the legendary richest man in Kyoto!

This guy is not easy to mess with!

I heard that his medical skills and kung fu were very good, but I didn’t expect that he was actually Ding Baozhen’s junior brother!

Now that he understood this guy's identity, Yu Chaoran didn't dare to speak so boldly to him.

But what if he is Chen Xin'an?

It’s not from the medical system.

And as long as it is in the pharmaceutical system, it is subject to pharmaceutical supervision.

Even your senior brother is just an ordinary member of the Pharmaceutical Association, so who do you think you are?

If you offend the Pharmaceutical Association, you will basically end up in this industry.

If you can’t even get regular medicines and you can’t build a good reputation, how can you gain a foothold in the medical field?

Back then, Luo Qianhe offended the Pharmaceutical Association because he was ignorant.

As a result, Jishitang was investigated several times and almost closed down.

This guy spent a lot of money on the Pharmaceutical Association, but he still hasn't completely lifted the blockade.

The arrival of some new drugs is always a step later than that of their peers.

If this guy hadn't pioneered herbal medicine and ancient medical physiotherapy, his Jishitang would have been closed down long ago!

Therefore, even if Chen Xin'an deliberately inherits the inheritance and wants to develop in this industry, it is definitely not a wise move to offend the Pharmaceutical Association!

Of course, there is no need to get too serious with him. This guy has a bad temper. After all, he is the richest man and his connections are scary.

It's hard to deal with if you annoy him, just ignore him.

Lin Yuansen frowned and asked Ding Baozhen, "Dean Ding, are we waiting for someone now?"

Ding Baozhen nodded, and there was a knock on the door. Ding Baozhen smiled and said, "We're already here!"

The door of the small conference room was opened, Guo Zhaodi walked in, and shouted to Chen Xin'an: "Uncle!"

Luo Qianhe scratched his head.

This beloved disciple always sees her uncle one step ahead of his master!

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to Guo Zhaodi: "Zhaodi, come and sit next to your master."

"Master, Dean!" Guo Zhaodi greeted Luo Qianhe and Ding Baozhen again.

Ding Baozhen smiled and said to her: "Zhao Di, these three are the leaders of the Pharmaceutical Association! I invite you here today to help us take a look at these new drugs."


Lin Yuansen patted the table gently, frowned, and looked at Ding Baozhen with a gloomy expression.

"Dean Ding, what do you mean?

We have been waiting here for a long time, just waiting for such a little girl?

These new drugs were developed after the efforts of countless researchers.

This is the hard work of many people!

Are you going to let us all stare at a little girl who is not yet a minor and make a final decision about it?

What does she know?

What does she do?

Dean Ding, I am very disappointed with you and Zhenghe Hospital! "

Guo Zhaodi looked at Lin Yuansen and said seriously: "Leader, I will take a look at some of Zhenghe's new drugs now, and then the dean will decide whether to put them into clinical use.

I don’t know if the medicines you sent are special medicines.

But there is a flaw in the packaging, and the toxicology label is unclear.

This leads to the lack of details on the adverse reactions of these medicines of yours.

So you have to be careful. "

She took out some medicines and capsules, took them out of the packaging, and placed them on a piece of white paper.

Then she crushed the pills into powder with a bottle, tapped them lightly with her fingernails, and put them in her mouth.

The three people from the Pharmaceutical Association looked at each other in confusion. What kind of medicine do you think they are trading?

Miao Guangxu pointed at Guo Zhaodi impatiently and said, "Can this little girl..."

Guo Zhaodi interrupted him and said: "This medicine has an effect on this flu, but it is more harmful to the liver and kidneys, and it is irreversible.

Therefore, it is not recommended to put it into clinical practice! "



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