
Bakun seemed to hear the crisp sound of his ribs being broken, and severe pain immediately spread throughout his body!

He staggered back two steps and looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief.

The guy who had been beaten back by him just now and had no power to fight back suddenly became so agile and hit him hard with one punch!

How did you do it?

"Damn it, I want your life!" Bakun roared angrily, kicked his right foot on the ground, and rushed out with a fierce attack like a violent storm!

Chen Xin'an changed her steps quickly, dodged, and circled to avoid Bakun's attack.

Ba Kun wanted to take revenge and break Chen Xin'an's ribs, so he didn't give Chen Xin'an a chance to fight back and hit him harder and harder.

It was as if the broken ribs were not his at all, and he couldn't feel the pain!

Chen Xin'an seemed to have stepped on something, and her body suddenly staggered.

The opportunity has come! A sneer appeared on the corner of Bakun's mouth.

The body flew up in the air, and another flying knee hit Chen Xin'an's head!

Chen Xin'an suddenly turned around so fast that no one could see him!

Bakun's flying knee barely missed Chen Xin'an, but Chen Xin'an turned around and punched Bakun in the waist!

The so-called chisel punch means that when punching, the middle finger joint protrudes outward, and all the strength of the whole body is concentrated on this point, like a chisel, concentrating on the enemy's body!

"Plop!" Ba Kun fell heavily to the ground as if his bones had been taken away, and huddled together. His facial features were distorted and deformed by the unbearable pain, and his body was trembling violently!

Chen Xin'an curled her lips, shook her head and said, "You are weaker than I thought. You can't bear two punches. I'm really disappointed!"

While talking, Chen Xin'an suddenly rushed over and kicked out. Bakun's body of more than 200 kilograms flew up and hit the wall next to him heavily!

"Ah!" Ba Kun roared like a beast, resisting the severe pain in his body, rolled twice from the ground, and wanted to hug Chen Xin'an's legs!

Chen Xin'an raised his foot, then stepped down like lightning, crushing Ba Kun's right hand with a click!

Before Bakun could scream, Chen Xin'an kicked him in the face again. Bakun's body spun and slid several meters away on the ground!

In front of the surveillance screen, everyone was staring at the screen.

They couldn't hear the people inside talking, but judging from the momentum at first, it was Master Bakun who was still controlling the Chinese!

Everyone can't wait to see that Chinese man stain the whole screen with blood!

At this moment, Songpa saw Ge Qingdong's group of people quietly trying to sneak away, and he snorted and shouted: "Hey, Wazibang!"

Ge Qingdong's body stiffened, and he stopped with a group of brothers behind him. Looking at SVG who turned his head and glared at them, he nodded and bowed and said, "Hello, brothers!"

Songpa waved him over, patted his face with his hand and said:

"Waqibang, I said last time, don't let me see you again!

Now it appears in front of me again, what do you think I should do? "

Ge Qingdong thought for a while and said to him with a flattering smile: "Pretend not to see?"

"Bang!" Songpa kicked him in the stomach and cursed through gritted teeth:

"Are you kidding me? Do you think this is funny?

I said I would break your legs when I saw you, do you think I was joking? "

The group of SVG thugs behind them gathered around and looked at Ge Qingdong and others with eager eyes.

Why, when I faced Mr. An just now, everyone was treated like a grandson!

Now facing us, he pretends to be an uncle!

Have you forgotten how miserable your accomplices who have lost their hands are? When I go to the hospital, I always run there with my severed hand. Everyone deserves it!

Ge Qingdong took a deep breath, remembered what Chen Xin'an said to him just now, straightened his back and said, "Don't mess around! Master An will not let you go!"

"Master An?" Songpa was stunned for a moment, glanced at the surveillance camera, and said with sudden realization: "You mean the Chinese guy who was taken care of by Lord Bakun?

Is he your backer?

Hahaha! No wonder you, Wazibang, have never been able to get ahead, you are all a bunch of losers! Even if I look for a backer, I still find a short-lived one!

Can't you see that he will die here soon? "

Ge Qingdong mustered up his courage, looked at Songpa and said, "Master An will not die. You don't know how terrifying the Chinese kung fu master is! He will defeat Ba Kun!"

"Hahaha!" A group of SVG thugs laughed. Looking at Ge Qingdong's eyes full of ridicule, Songpa slapped his face and cursed:

“Will he defeat Lord Bakun?

Do you know how many Chinese Kung Fu masters Master Ba Kun has killed!

Your backer can't last more than a few minutes, he will be beaten to death! "

Ge Qingdong looked at him and said, "It's been more than five minutes now!"

Upon hearing this, Songpa's expression changed. He said that Chen Xin'an could last ten minutes, which was very generous.

I didn't expect that I could hold on for so long and break through for five minutes. It's really a bit of a mystery whether Lord Bakun can defeat him within ten minutes!

Just when he was about to teach Ge Qingdong a lesson, there was a sudden exclamation from behind him. Songpa quickly turned his head and saw Lord Bakun being punched down by the Chinese man on the surveillance camera!

In front of the surveillance camera, everyone was silent. Not to mention the police and SVG, even Ge Qingdong was dumbfounded!

He knew that this compatriot was very powerful, but he didn't expect that he was so powerful. Even Ba Kun, the legendary figure of Tailan Kingdom, was no match for him!

I found a treasure this time!

Ge Qingdong was ecstatic in his heart. If there really was such a terrifying person as his backer, it would be difficult for Waqibang not to rise!

"I just didn't pay attention for a moment. Lord Bakun will still stand up and defeat that guy!" Songpa said comforting everyone.

He didn't believe that the invincible Lord Bakun would be defeated by others, not to mention that his opponent was a Chinese who was shorter than him!

As soon as he finished speaking, a scene of Master Bakun being beaten appeared on the surveillance camera.

Just like a sandbag, it was knocked away or kicked away, hitting the wall from time to time, and blood sprayed everywhere!

This Chinese is simply a devil!

"Stop fighting! Please, I give up!" Ba Kun hugged Chen Xin'an's left leg and kept begging.

He already felt that he couldn't hold on any longer and the other party would really beat him to death!

Chen Xin'an lowered her head and looked at him coldly and said, "Didn't you want to beat me and beg for mercy? Didn't you want me to die? Why did you beg for mercy first now?"

Anyway, there is no one here, and no one else can see it. Who can I show my heroic spirit to?

Ba Kun humbly said to Chen Xin'an: "I have offended you! I am willing to compensate you, as much as you want!"

"Haha!" Chen Xin'an sneered, kicked his arm away, stepped on his head with her foot and said: "I have plenty of money, do you think I will care about it?

Let you go? Why don't you ask those Chinese masters who were killed and wounded by you on the border? Don’t worry, I will send you to see them personally! "

Bakun shouted loudly: "No! It's all false! It's a story I made up more than ten years ago just to get Tailan officials to give me an identity!

I did go to the border with the Tailan military, but we met smugglers from Jinshajiao. We killed more than a dozen people. The military also suffered heavy losses. In the end, I was the only one who came back!

In order to establish an image, I made up that story. I have only been beaten by a Chinese master like you in my life, and I was beaten so badly..."

As he spoke, Bakun burst into tears! After all, he was also the former Tailan Muay Thai champion and a recognized master in the Tailan world. He didn’t expect to be beaten so badly!

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