I didn’t expect this guy to be a big liar!

Chen Xin'an believes what he is saying now, because this coward doesn't look like he can kill more than a dozen Chinese masters!

What's more, the group of Chinese kung fu masters is really too big!

What is a kung fu master?

Guan Qi and Guan Qing are masters, but they represent two levels.

Bakun's strength can defeat either of them in a single fight!

But wanting to kill a dozen and still escape unscathed is just a dream! Even if they weren't killed together, it would still be the same.

There is only one type of Muay Thai, but there are too many sects of Chinese Kung Fu, and each sect has its own life-saving methods.

Bakun has fought against so many masters. It is impossible for him to stand here unscathed. He can no longer fight without being disabled!

So this guy is a big liar. The invincibility is just a carefully crafted design. He is not Bakun, he is Badachu!

"Want to live?" Since he has never killed anyone from the Huaxia Kingdom, Chen Xin'an doesn't have to kill this guy!

When Chen Xin'an relaxed, Ba Kun nodded quickly and said, "Yes! I have a lot of property, and I am willing to use my money to buy my life. I don't want to die yet!"

"Using money to buy your life? How much money can you have? How much do you think your life is worth?" Chen Xin'an asked him with a sneer.

Bakun quickly said to him: "I have twelve villa properties in Paya, six listed companies, and have deposited 500 million eagle dollars in an international bank..."

I suspect you are showing off!

Chen Xin'an's eyes widened. She looked down on this guy before, thinking how much money could he have as a gangster in a small Tailan country?

A small place like Tailan Country is not as big as a province in China. If you struggle to earn it, how much can you save?

I never thought that I still underestimated this world hero! This guy is really rich!

Five hundred million Eagle Yuan, that’s almost four billion Chinese coins!

With this kind of net worth, he would be a real rich man if he went to China!

But when she thought of this guy's nature, Chen Xin'an narrowed his eyes.

Okay, Ba Dachui, you are such a big liar now, and you still want to liar me?

Without saying a word, Chen Xin'an took out the cloth bag in his arms, took out the silver needle, squatted beside him, and started to inject him!

"Do you think I'm easy to fool? Do you think I'm an old hat who has never seen money? Or do you think I don't dare to kill you at the police station?"

Bakun couldn't move his body and could only lie upright, shouting:

"Don't do this! I didn't lie to you! What I said is true!

I can call now and transfer all the money I have in the international bank to you in exchange for my life! "

Chen Xin'an paused for a moment, then continued to inject more than twenty needles on his head and body.

He took his right hand again, clicked it, and forcibly reset his broken wrist!

Because his hand was kicked off rather than dislocated, even though it was reset, he still couldn't use his strength.

Chen Xin'an inserted a few more needles into his wrist and said to him: "Take out your mobile phone!"

Ba Kun hesitantly moved his right hand, and it really didn't hurt anymore. Looking at the shiny silver needles at the wound, he was even more in awe of Chen Xin'an!

This is the real Chinese Kung Fu master. The ones I have seen before are all fake!

Seeing Bakun take out a shock-proof mobile phone from his pocket, Chen Xin'an couldn't help but curse, "What a slut, the phone is actually encrusted with diamonds, it's so bright that it's blinding!"

Ba Kun started to hang up the phone. Chen Xin'an crossed her arms and looked at him. After he finished speaking, she asked coldly: "Didn't you say it was only 500 million eagle dollars? Why did you tell others it was 800 million?" "

Ba Kun's face instantly turned pale. He looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief and asked, "Can you understand Tailan?"

Chen Xin'an sneered and looked at him with squinted eyes, looking inscrutable.

In fact, he learns everything quickly, but he is not a magician who can learn foreign languages ​​​​as soon as he hears them!

He just heard some words from the mouths of the police and those gangsters, and then thought about these words of Bakun. Most of them were based on guessing, but he also bluffed Bakun!

Looking at Chen Xin'an's murderous face, Ba Kun was really frightened!

He quickly said to Chen Xin'an in a begging tone: "I just want to leave some for my family. After all, more than 20 people have to rely on me to support them..."

Chen Xin'an took out his card, handed it to him and said:

"Well, since you want to buy your life, show your sincerity. If I don't see enough money to buy your life before dawn, I will kill you!"

Bakun nodded, quickly took the bank card, and dialed the phone again. This time, his tone of voice was obviously much more cautious than before!

After talking for a full five minutes, he put the phone down and said to Chen Xin'an with a grimace:

"I'm sorry that time is too tight. The company made an emergency call to the International Bank, but we still only have 600 million eagle dollars in preparation. I..."

"That's it!" Chen Xin'an said to Ba Kun with a magnanimous look: "If you really have money in my account, I will spare your life!

But it is not easy to get away with offending me, Chen Xin'an. I have always been merciless when dealing with foreigners! "

Ba Kun trembled and said to Chen Xin'an: "Please tell me, Mr. Chen, how should I make up for my mistakes?"

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to him: "You have to do something for me!"

Ba Kun wanted to slap his chest, but he only had one arm that could move, and he was still holding a mobile phone, and there were silver needles on his chest. He was scared when he saw it, so he quickly asked honestly: "What does Mr. Chen want me to do?"

"I'll tell you later!" Chen Xin'an grinned and started to take up the needles. After all the needles were removed, he patted Bakun on the shoulder and said to him: "You can get up!"

A surge of energy that he had never experienced before surged up. Bakun jumped up from the ground, then his eyes rolled white, and with a "Bang!", he fell straight to the ground again!

I don’t know how long it took before Bakun woke up leisurely.

There was a fishy smell in the mouth, and when I licked it with my tongue, my lips were broken and swollen.

More importantly, the two front teeth are gone!

It must have been dropped when I fainted just now!

Chen Xin'an shook her head and said, "Why are you so reckless! Your body can't do such strenuous activities now!

Originally, I could give you an acupuncture to treat your injury very effectively, but your sudden movement just now caused the qi and blood to surge!

It will cause blood scab to form inside your brain. Over time, you will either have a cerebral thrombosis or be brain dead! "

Ba Kun was so frightened that he almost peed. He asked anxiously: "Mr. Chen, how could this happen? What should I do?"

Chen Xin'an patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's not a big deal! This kind of thing doesn't happen often. It only happens four or five times a year at most!"

Ba Kun turned pale and asked Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, do you mean that I will have four or five chances to faint suddenly in a year?"

Chen Xin'an nodded.

That’s a lot of fun! Isn't this waiting to die?

Think about it, I am killing people and killing people everywhere.

Suddenly his eyes rolled up and he lay down in front of the other person. What was this scene?

Isn't this just giving people's heads into their hands?

"Can it be cured?" Bakun asked with a trembling voice.

Chen Xin'an pinched the silver needle in her hand and said to him: "Okay! Remember today.

Every year on this day, come to China and find me to give you an injection!

Almost seven or eight years later, you will be fine! "

Ba Kun looked at Chen Xin'an, blinked, and said nothing.

I get an injection every year for seven or eight years. How do I feel that you are asking me to be your slave for seven or eight years?

I think you're trying to trick me, but I have no proof!

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