Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 203 Apart from your parents, I will only kneel to you

At this time, two words were written on Chen Xin'an's face:

I'm just trying to trick you, but do you dare to make fun of your own life?

It is true that Qi and blood rush to the top, and it is also true that cerebral thrombosis or brain death may occur over time.

But acupuncture can be used to cure the disease in one go and avoid future troubles, but Chen Xin'an just doesn't do that.

There is no reason, the power of interpretation is in your own hands, which is of course the best way to control a person!

Everyone outside is already stupid. In the surveillance footage, Ba Kun was almost tortured until he became humanoid!

This is both beating and needle stick. Once Bakun dies in the police station, not to mention others, just his few boxing champion disciples will be able to tear down the police station!

Songpa yelled and cursed at Heitantou and the other policemen. Only then did a group of policemen react and hurriedly opened the door with the keys.

As soon as the door opened, Chen Xin'an pulled one of Bakun's feet and dragged him out of the detention room as if he was dragging a corpse!

"Lord Bakun!" A group of people exclaimed.

Songpa looked sad and angry, with tears in his eyes. He stood beside Bakun and shouted: "Sir, we will avenge you! We will not let your death be in vain!"

Bakun suddenly stood up from the ground, gave him a big mouth, and then lay down again.

Songpa: "..."

What just happened? I feel like I've been slapped...

"Master Bakun is not dead! Master is still alive!" The people around him became excited and looked at Bakun lying at the door of the detention room!

With a dark face, Bakun lay on the ground and cursed: "Get away from me! I'm just taking a rest.

I just found a rare opponent in my life, and the two had a close match!

Now Mr. Chen and I have turned enemies into friends.

In Chinese language, we are heroes cherishing heroes!

You trash, you know nothing! "

People around him looked at him with strange eyes, then looked at his nose and heart, pretending not to understand anything.

Ge Qingdong ran to Chen Xin'an with excitement on his face, and shouted cautiously but also in surprise: "Master An, I..."

Chen Xin'an slowly walked towards the office hall, and immediately a young man from Waqibang brought a chair.

Chen Xin'an was not polite and sat on it. Everyone around him was standing obediently. The scene was just like when Ba Kun came just now.

"Do you want to make Waqibang bigger?" Chen Xin'an turned to look at Ge Qingdong.

Ge Qingdong's nose felt sour, he nodded vigorously and said: "Of course I want to, I have never dreamed of it!"

"Louder, you can't hear me!" Chen Xin'an asked dissatisfied.

Ge Qingdong straightened up and said loudly: "I want to!"

Chen Xin'an said: "Tell me, what is missing?"

Ge Qingdong said without hesitation: "Money! Backer!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, raised his voice and shouted: "Bakun!"

"Yes!" Bakun said in relief, and said to a group of boys around him: "Help me up, I'll go see if my friends need my help!"

Everyone helped him up. Ba Kun patted the clothes on his body and wanted to maintain his usual demeanor. When he heard Chen Xin'an shouting again with an impatient look.

He was so frightened that he stopped maintaining his image and trotted over and stood in front of Chen Xin'an.

"Mr. Chen, what are your orders?" Ba Kun asked Chen Xin'an in a low voice with a smile on his face.

Chen Xin'an pointed at Ge Qingdong and said: "From now on, you will be the protector of Waqibang.

Give them whatever they need. If they are bullied, I will bully you. Do you understand? "

Ba Kun was stunned for a moment and looked at Chen Xin'an with some embarrassment.

As soon as he came into contact with Chen Xin'an's cold eyes, Ba Kun was so frightened that the hairs on his hair stood up. He patted his chest and said:

"Understood! Don't worry, Mr. Chen, I will definitely take good care of these Wazibangs!"

Ge Qingdong explained it to a group of brothers beside him, and everyone was dumbfounded!

In the future, Wazibang’s protector will actually be Lord Bakun? This is simply something I never dare to dream of!

Chen Xin'an looked at Ba Kun and said, "How do you want to help them? Tell me!"

Ba Kun was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that Chen Xin'an was not just talking, it seemed that he really wanted to bring Wazibang into trouble!

In this way, he no longer dared to play tricks. After thinking for a while, he said to Chen Xin'an:

“I will let them go to several of my nightclubs and hotels in Paya and become familiar with all the restaurants and sites in Paya.

When the time is right, I will let them control all nightclub businesses in Baya, including cigarette and alcohol smuggling, various pills, Cowherd girls, etc..."

Chen Xin'an looked at him with squinted eyes and said: "I don't care what you do, but you must send me the financial report every quarter, and I will leave my email address later.

Don’t worry, the money you make is still yours, I just confirm that you are developing!

The most important thing is that no matter what you do, you cannot harm China.

One more thing, I want you to get through Tailan’s entire officialdom.

At all costs, let the official people give you the green light! "

Turning his head, Chen Xin'an looked at Ge Qingdong and said: "From now on, you are the boss of Waqibang! If anyone is dissatisfied, let Bakun deal with him!"

Ge Qingdong was so excited that he couldn't speak. He suddenly knelt in front of Chen Xin'an, banged his head on the ground, and said with tears: "Ge Qingdong is willing to swear allegiance to Master An to the death!"

Chen Xinan smiled and asked him, "I will return to China tomorrow. If you have anything to say, you can contact me online."

"Master An!" Ge Qingdong suddenly called out, hesitating.

Chen Xinan frowned and said, "If you have something to say, just say it!"

Ge Qingdong whispered, "To be honest, my parents fled to Tailan Country because they committed a crime in China. They have never dared to go back all these years!

I have a younger sister in Haidong, China. She was adopted by my uncle as a daughter since she was a child. Her name is Shi Chunyu.

I would like to ask Master An, can you take some time to find my sister? My mother misses her so much. She always wants to see her again. She is willing to die..."

"It's a small matter!" Chen Xinan nodded and said, "Actually, I am from Dongshan. Please write me your hometown address later. I will help you find her when you go back!"

"Thank you, Master An!" Ge Qingdong kowtowed to Chen Xinan again excitedly.

Chen Xinan scolded him: "Get up! Now you are the boss, don't kneel down to others all the time!

Once you develop this habit, you will be a coward for the rest of your life!"

Ge Qingdong said sincerely: "In the future, I, Ge Qingdong, will kneel down to Master An alone besides my parents!"

It was already early in the morning. After tossing around in the police station all night, it was time to leave.

"Let's go back to the hotel!" Chen Xinan stood up and walked out swaggeringly, not caring whether the police would stop him.

In fact, none of the police dared to stop him!

Even Lord Bakun obeyed his orders, so what was a small policeman like me?

The only thing that made me unhappy was that I lost too much money to that Chinese man. After working all night, several policemen went bankrupt!

After Chen Xinan left, Bakun said with a look of lingering satisfaction: "Mr. Chen, your kung fu is still very good!

It's a pity that you didn't see our wonderful fight just now. Only people with equal strength can force each other to exert their greatest potential!

Although I won a small victory, I still have to say that Chen Xinan is worthy of being the most powerful opponent I have ever seen!

What are you doing? Why do you always grab me? Do you want to die?"

Bakun angrily scolded Songpa beside him.

Songpa covered his face with one hand and pointed to the surveillance screen not far away with one hand.

Looking at the surveillance screen, Bakun was stunned, and then stared at the screen without blinking, and fell into deep thought.

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