Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2014 I would rather you be a scumbag

When Chen Xin'an left, Liu Jianhong didn't even recover.

He also remembered that he had seen this person more than once today.

I saw him when I blocked Mr. An on the road and when I went to the orphanage.

I just didn't expect that he turned out to be a big boss!

The entire Maoping New District project belongs to him!

Finally, his fortune turned around, and he was favored by such a big boss.

Not only did he no longer have to worry about project problems in the future, but he also received an advance payment of one million yuan in advance, which directly solved his urgent need!

"Liu Tou, I..." The tall and thin young man looked ashamed and stood in front of Liu Jianhong with his head lowered and at a loss.

Liu Jianhong laughed and patted his shoulder and said: "Okay, silly boy, continue to follow Brother Liu from now on!

But if you want to make quick money, you can't do it. Brother Liu has always worked slowly and carefully.

We have to be worthy of the big boss’s trust, right?

Only when you do your job well can you feel at ease. Brothers, are you right?

Okay, Brother Liu is treating us tonight, and we won’t go home until we get drunk.

Withdraw the money tomorrow and everyone can buy whatever they want and go home and celebrate the Chinese New Year! "

"Ouch!" Everyone shouted excitedly.

But Da Jinya was miserable. He knew that he had no place in Maoping New District.

Moreover, the projects that have been done before are subject to random inspections, and some of them are really unable to get through, and they may even have to pay money!

If he loses money on such a big project, it will make him bankrupt!

But he didn't dare to run because the boss, Chen Xin'an, had spoken personally.

Unless he never comes to Kyoto for the rest of his life, there is no way he can escape Chen Xin'an's pursuit!

It was almost dark, and Chen Xin'an asked Li Qi to send Li Niandong back first.

Sitting in the car, Chen Xin'an closed her eyes and listened to Li Niandong repeat what happened today in a foreign language.

Obviously, most of them still don’t understand.

But Chen Xin'an needs to put herself in an atmosphere similar to that of a foreign country. Everything and everything she hears is in a foreign language.

When the car arrived at Dahongmen, Chen Xin'an opened her eyes and said to Li Niandong: "Miss Li, thank you for today. Let's continue tomorrow!"

Li Niandong snorted and said, "Chen Xin'an, you agreed to take me with you. It doesn't matter whether you learn a foreign language or not!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "It's different! I have to be able to listen and speak a few simple words. Only then will I be able to let go!"

Can you let go?

That's Eagle Flag Country, what do you want to do?

Li Niandong looked at Chen Xin'an with a puzzled expression.

This guy really makes a difference wherever he goes.

But after all, we are in China, and no matter how loud the noise is, there are always people taking care of it.

After going to the Eagle Flag Country, how dare you be dishonest?

In other people's territory, if you dare to mess around, no one can protect you!

But there was no need for her to say this to Chen Xin'an.

Grandpa and the big leaders above will definitely explain to him when the time comes.

Of course, it's up to this guy to decide whether to listen or not.

After Li Niandong got off the car and left, Li Qi drove back to Four Seasons Flower City.

"Boss, I'm going to prepare something now and find a way to get it out?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said with a smile: "No, it's too dangerous.

Besides, it's much easier to get those things abroad than in China.

If you have money, you can even buy a tank!

And since Ji'an is outside, he will get all these things done in advance.

So, that's the guys to worry about, right? "

Li Qi thought for a while and laughed.


There are too many scruples in China and cannot be used.

Once you go to Eagle Flag Country, you can do whatever you want!

"Really take her there?" Li Qi said with a smile: "If I don't take Brother Man and the others, they will probably be pissed to death!"

Chen Xin'an laughed and shook her head: "Li Niandong will definitely go. Even if I don't take her, she will go by herself.

This girl is preparing to be a diplomat, and it will be good for her to run out more.

Since Mr. Li has already spoken, I will satisfy her.

As for Aman and the others, they are all people with families.

Qianxue's due date is just a few days before and after the Chinese New Year.

The baby is just born, why is he following me?

The same goes for Lao Xiao and Dalei Zi. They are both raising families. I can't take risks with them.

This trip to the Eagle Flag Country is full of dangers as you can imagine with your toes.

If it weren't for Xi Ruo, I wouldn't even want you to follow me. "

Li Qi smiled bitterly and said: "Boss, you might as well hang me on a tree as a bell!

I have to follow you when there is danger, otherwise what use would I have!

I am alone and have no family..."

"Okay, you think I'm stupid!" Chen Xin'an laughed and scolded: "You think I can't see Lijuan's feelings for you?"

Li Qi's face turned red, and he said to Chen Xin'an in a panic: "Boss, you can't say this nonsense!

Xiaojuan is only sixteen and still a student. What does she know? "

Chen Xin'an said: "That's why I've been watching her for three years. If she still treats you like this after graduating from high school, I will help you two match up.

Even if it's not Lijuan, Xia Ruixue has been in contact with you, right?

She is a flight attendant, and her conditions are very good in all aspects. You have no idea? "

Li Qi was shaking while driving, his face turned red as if he had been drinking, and he said to Chen Xin'an:

"Boss, there's really nothing between me and her. I don't even reply to her messages!"

"Get lost, don't explain this to me!" Chen Xin'an angrily scolded:

"I'm not your girlfriend. What's the point of you saying you're innocent?

I wish you were flirting with everyone, being a scumbag and having more girlfriends!

I didn't bring you out of the Sky Patrol Eagle to make you a monk!

You're so good, you're pure and unselfish every day, and there's nothing but men around you!

Da Leizi knows how to pick up foreign girls, but you're so good, you're so plain all day long!

You're so useless!"

Li Qi blushed and didn't dare to refute.

Chen Xin'an also looked helpless.

He could help his brother arrange everything, but he couldn't intervene in emotional matters as the boss.

Of course he wanted his brother to find a good girl and fall in love seriously.

Because only when you know how to love others can you love yourself better.

You don't have to fight with others all the time!

Li Qi positioned himself as his bodyguard and his loyal warrior.

But in Chen Xinan's heart, this is his brother!

Real brother!

Knowing that this kind of thing depends on fate, Chen Xinan did not force Li Qi to make a decision.

He rubbed his eyebrows and said to Li Qi: "Tomorrow you and Lao Xiao will go to the airport together.

The uncle's family is coming, and people from Chenjiazhuang are coming.

Bring everyone home, and we will have a lively New Year.

By the way, Xia Ruixue will also come to play for two days, you are responsible for accompanying her!"

"Ah?" Li Qi was startled, and said to Chen Xinan with a bitter face: "Boss, there is no need for me to accompany her, right?"

Chen Xinan said gloatingly: "She said she came to find you, if I don't let you accompany her, should I go?

It just so happens that Li Niandong gave me a few tickets to Happy Valley Amusement Park, you can take Aunt Fang and Lijuan, as well as Xia Ruixue and others to play together!"

Close your eyes and lean back in the back seat to rest.

Chen Xinan showed a smile at the corner of his mouth. It must be very lively tomorrow, right?

It was Ning Xiruo who proposed that everyone come to Kyoto for the New Year, and everyone agreed.

Even grandpa, grandma and master are coming back, and they are bringing a bunch of Chen family members with them.

The rooms are ready.

The house is completely livable, and when the whole family celebrates the New Year together, the happiest person is my wife!


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