Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2015 You have to start from the grassroots level

When I bought the entire thirty-sixth floor of the ring building, it wasn't just five large rooms.

Instead, there are five units, with at least two or even three houses in each unit.

Each house has a structure of three bedrooms and two living rooms.

Nowadays, the whole family basically lives in one big house, and there are many empty rooms.

They are all renovated and the bedding is brand new.

You can live in it on the bunk, which is more comfortable than a hotel.

It can accommodate twenty or thirty people, no problem at all.

Ning Xiruo likes the atmosphere where the family stays together to eat and chat.

This is also her best childhood memory.

But later, his parents died tragically and the family betrayed each other.

Scenes like this would only exist in her dreams.

So this time she proposed to let people from her hometown come to Beijing to celebrate the New Year, Chen Xin'an knew what she was thinking.

Immediately call the people in my hometown to discuss this matter.

Everyone will come over tomorrow, and Ning Xiruo is still excited until she goes to bed.

I was still a little worried and wanted to look at each room, fearing that I might have missed something.

The sword has been repaired.

Last time at Luo Xiaoman's wedding, Zhan Dao almost died in order to avoid being chased.

Later, Xiao Zhang was sent for repairs, repainted, and some parts replaced. The cost cost Chen Xin'an hundreds of thousands!

But it’s worth the money!

The sword is now a domineering black, like lightning in the dark night.

And when it starts, the sound is deep and thick, which sounds extraordinary.

Chen Xin'an gave the car to her family and rode the Saber herself. This thing is still convenient and there is no need to worry about traffic jams.

The Kyoto Exhibition Center, even the best nightclub, doesn't have many people in broad daylight now.

Chen Xin'an asked for a box, and there were more than 20 people sitting next to her.

The person serving is Sister Wen, the owner of the convention and exhibition center.

All the waiters looked shocked.

Sister Wen is the big boss, so it’s hard to see her usually.

Even if a big star came to play and wanted to see Sister Wen by name, she was left alone all night, leaving her disappointed.

Now he is standing outside the box, worthy only of being a waiter!

Because even if one of the guests in this box comes out, their identities are scary to death.

The biggest prince in Kyoto City is this group of people!

Sister Wen is just a distant relative of the Long family.

The young master of the Long family is sitting in the box now!

Chen Xin'an threw a document bag on the coffee table and said to everyone: "There is a contract inside. Take a look at it and then sign and fingerprint it."

Everyone looked at each other in confusion. Hua Youlin took out a contract and took a look at it, his eyes widened:

"Boss, Anhao International Equity? What do you mean?"

Chen Xin'an looked at everyone and said, "You already know that Maoping New District will have a big project next year.

It includes shopping, food and accommodation, culture, entertainment and many other items.

This is Anhao International.

I said some time ago that I wanted to do something with you, and I was talking about this project.

Let's put it this way, I want to make this place a new landmark in Kyoto City.

Let people come here whenever they think of shopping.

Whenever I think of staying in a hotel, I come here.

When you think of delicious food, come here!

I am working on this project with everyone.

I will pay for it, and you will only enjoy the dividends! "

Everyone looked at each other, Xia Hongfeng smiled bitterly and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, is this unnecessary? We don't lack this little money, and we don't need this to maintain our relationship."

Chen Xin'an grinned, turned to look at him and said, "Read the contract first and then talk!"

Everyone was a little surprised, so everyone took a copy of the contract and read it carefully.

"I'll go! Boss, what do you mean, you want us to be ordinary waiters for six months? Only after we pass the assessment can we get the equity?"

"How can we not have this time! We all have a lot of things to do, okay!"

"When I first joined the Black Mountain Tigers, it was only a month of training. Now it's better, half a year!"

A group of people complained, and everyone refused.

Chen Xin'an grinned and said: "I'm sorry, your objections are ineffective. It was all agreed upon with your family. Even if you don't want to do it, you have to do it.

And you all have to change your name, use the latest identity, and start from the most basic waiter or salesperson.

If you pass the assessment after half a year, you can become the boss of Anhao International.

You can take whatever revenge you want on the person who has made things difficult for you in the past six months. It doesn't matter if you fire him.

If you fail the assessment, you will have to do it for another half year.

If you are still unqualified, you will be expelled. In the future, even if you are in the family, you will not be reused! "

Long Sheng scratched his head and grimaced, and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, aren't you deliberately trying to mess with us?"

Chen Xin'an laughed, nodded and said, "You can say that! But you are free to sign this contract or not.

You can refuse, but I can guarantee that you will still be forced to sign this contract after you go back.

Listen to me, I personally think it's best for you to sign.

Because I regard you as my biological brothers!

It is worth delaying half a year to do something that is good for you! "

This plan was jointly proposed by Mr. Hua, Mr. Long, and Mr. Xia, and they all called Chen Xin'an.

According to them, just one or two months of military training has had an impact on these boys, but the changes are still limited.

It was impossible for Chen Xin'an to spare a few more months to lead them in military training.

If Chen Xin'an wasn't with him, they wouldn't be worried.

So Chen Xin'an came up with this trick.

The job that can truly change a person's personality is service.

And it is the most basic service industry.

It's enough for these guys who were born with golden keys in their mouths to learn how to get along with others.

This will be of great benefit to their entire lives in the future!

Of course, the reward conditions were imposed by Chen Xinan himself.

The so-called friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, which is pure nonsense.

Chen Xin'an would not think that since he had saved them in the Black Mountain Tiger, they would be brothers of life and death for the rest of their lives.

The only way to maintain a relationship longer is to have common interests.

Even for Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi, who are real brothers of life and death, Chen Xin'an has never been greedy or greedy when it comes to interests.

Never be stingy when it comes to giving.

Otherwise, no one owes anyone anything, and it is impossible for people to work for you for free all their lives.

Upon hearing that it was the old man's arrangement again, the guys from Hua Youlin scratched their heads hard.

They don't have to listen to what their parents say, but no one dares to stop listening to what the old man says.

So it's work.

And you have to do it well, because if you fail to pass the exam, you won’t be able to get the shares, and the family will also be rated as unusable!

That means they are useless for the rest of their lives!

Being born into this kind of family is indeed enviable.

However, the pressure they bear is unimaginable for children growing up in ordinary families.

Once abandoned, the fate will be much more miserable than that of children from ordinary families.

There is no way, this contract still has to be signed.

There isn't much time left for them to play.

Fortunately, there are many benefits. Not to mention anything else, this dividend alone can allow them to earn no less than one million more pocket money every year.

It is still very tempting to change the current tight situation.

After everyone signed the contract, Chen Xin'an waved to Hua Youlin with an ambiguous smile.

Hua Youlin felt furious, forced a smile and hugged Chen Xin'an's arm and said:

"Boss, if you don't like me, you can punch me twice. Don't smile at me like that. I'm afraid..."

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly and said: "Hua Youlin, whether I beat you or not depends on you.

You and Xiaojiu are in a normal relationship, and I won’t interfere.

As long as you are sincere to her, I wish you both the best.

But you know she is my sister, if you dare to lie to her and make her sad, haha..."

He picked up a glass and crushed it with a click!

Hua Youlin was so frightened that his legs tightened and his face turned pale.



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