Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2016 A smiling face is worse than a rich family

The house was filled all of a sudden!

Both the Ning family and the Chen family were here. Fortunately, the room was quite sufficient and it didn't feel crowded.

Chen Huang and Mu Jinrong came back with Yao Zhifeng to celebrate the New Year with Chen Xin'an and his wife.

For Chen Huang and Mu Jinrong, the main thing is to worry about their daughter and see if it is possible to bring Mu Yezhen to Chenjiacun.

Also following them back were Chen Zhou and Chen Li's grandson, Uncle Qiang and Aunt Qiang, Aunt Guilan and Chen Yang.

The Ning family's uncle and aunt, Ning Ze, Ning Ke and Liu Xiaoyun, Ning Chen and Ning Xi are brothers and sisters.

There are also Meng Fei and Aunt Ru, and uncles Yue Zhihua and Zhou Connie.

Even Connie Zhou’s parents were picked up together.

It's just that Aunt Ru's daughter Han Bing didn't come over. I heard that she is now in a hot relationship with Tan Jiahui, and the two of them are spending this year together.

Guan Qing took Guan Fei and Guan Du back to Guanbei and would come back immediately after the New Year.

Du Yunyan also returned home to celebrate the New Year with his family.

Wang Yi took Yu Zetao back to Dongshan, and it is estimated that the relationship between the two will be settled after the year.

The thirty-sixth floor, which was originally a little deserted, suddenly became lively again because of the arrival of people from home.

Chen Xin'an asked Xiaojiu to take Chen Duoduo over. Chen Zhou and Chen Yan chatted all afternoon, and they actually talked about relatives.

Chen Yan's branch is really a lineage of people who came out of the Chenjia Village when they invaded Kyoto seventy years ago. Chen Yan's grandfather is also named in the Chenjia Village's genealogy.

In this way, Chen Duoduo's call to Chen Xin'an, brother, was even more justified.

However, this little girl is not close to the people in Chenjia Village. Instead, she and He Lijuan have become inseparable besties.

After a night's rest, the next morning, the family had breakfast and drove out to go shopping to prepare New Year's goods.

Now there will be no more traffic jams.

At the end of the year, all units were on holiday, and the entire city of Kyoto was almost half empty!

There are many fewer vehicles on the street than usual, the most obvious one is the subway, which is empty every time.

At the Dayucheng Shopping Mall in Kyoto, Chen Xin'an gave everyone the specially prepared consumer cards, and they split up and bought whatever they wanted, and he paid for it.

They are all supplementary cards. No matter how much you spend, you can overdraw and deduct it from the main card, which is very convenient.

He found a drink shop at the door and sat down to drink and wait for everyone.

Li Qi sat opposite him, looked around and said, "Boss, Liu Jianhong called just now. He found the person he was looking for and asked you when you would come over and have a look.

He warned me that the price is a bit expensive, but the quality is no problem!

The key is to accept customization. "

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "He said it's no problem, then it's no problem, I don't have to go see it.

Send him the request I just gave you, and be sure to achieve the effect I want.

Tell Liu Jianhong and ask him to supervise the work for me. I will produce millions of effects! "

"Understood!" Li Diding nodded, smiled and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, you are really willing.

Spending millions of dollars just to light a fire, it’s really..."

He didn't even know how to describe it.

Chen Xin'an curled her lips and smiled and said to him: "If your sister-in-law likes it, it's worth it!

It’s useless to talk to someone like you, you’ll understand when you have someone you love!

The wealth of the Wan Guan family is nothing more than a series of numbers.

What can really haunt you is the heartfelt smile of your loved one..."

"But this smile is too expensive..." Li Qi clicked his tongue and shook his head.

Chen Xin'an smiled and cursed: "Get out! It ruins the scenery!"

The phone rang, and Chen Xin'an took it out to answer: "What's wrong, wife? Where is she? Okay, I'll be right over!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an stood up and said to Li Qi: "Let's go up and have a look. Someone is looking for trouble!"

At the shoe and hat counter on the fourth floor, Zhou Connie's father Zhou Mao and mother Huang Qihui stood at the counter at a loss, with awkward and nervous expressions on their faces.

In front of them, a woman wearing a mink coat pointed at their noses and cursed:

"If you don't have money, don't rob me. It's just this pair. If you don't want it after trying it, are you sick?

I've been watching for more than a month, and I came right after I arrived today.

I didn’t even have time to try it on, and you got it dirty! "

Huang Qihui said awkwardly: "I thought it was one hundred and eighty, but I didn't realize it was eighteen thousand!

Why is a pair of shoes so expensive?

If I had known that it cost tens of thousands to buy a pair of shoes, I would not have tried them! "

Zhou Mao on the side also said with a smile: "I tried it on with socks and shoe covers on, and it didn't get dirty. The salesperson said so..."

"Do you two country bumpkins understand this?" the mink woman scolded angrily:

“Whatever clothes or shoes I want to wear, I can’t let others wear them!

Don't touch it!

Now that you have worn it, why should I want it?

It looks a bit rustic, but you still want me to wear it home, is that possible? "

A fat man came over and said to the mink woman: "Mom, what's wrong?"

The mink woman scolded: "An He, you came just in time! The shoes I told you about last time have arrived here today.

Unexpectedly, when I arrived, this country bumpkin was trying it on!

I thought she was robbing me, but she misread the price and thought it was more than 100 yuan for shoes.

Don’t you think it’s irritating if you ask me to buy something she has worn? "

An He glanced at Zhou Mao and Huang Qihui, and said disdainfully: "You can tell at a glance that this kind of country bumpkin just came out of the mountains and went to Beijing to join his relatives!

They are only qualified to buy things from street stalls. How can they be qualified to come to such a counter? "

"What did you say!" Zhou Connie walked over, walked quickly to her parents, and asked them, "Are you okay?"

Zhou Mao and Huang Qihui shook their heads, and just as they were about to say something, the mink-skinned woman snorted coldly and said, "What do you mean you can't hear me?

They say you are old haters and country bumpkins!

Go to Dayucheng to buy shoes worth one or two hundred dollars?

Aren't you swearing?

Slippers are more than this price!

If you can't afford it, don't come to a place like this. Do you think anyone can come to this place? "

Seeing that his father-in-law and mother-in-law were being humiliated, Yue Zhihua cursed angrily:

"What's wrong?

Not everyone can come to the mall, so do we still have to check tickets and household registration?

Is this mall owned by your family? "

An He sneered and scolded: "You don't need to check the tickets and household registration, but you have to check whether you have financial strength.

You foreigners really think that the shopping mall in Kyoto is the canteen in your village, and anyone can go inside?

A group of country bumpkins ran to Kyoto for no reason.

I met two relatives from Kyoto and came here to play with them for two days. It was considered that I had seen the world.

Are you annoyed?

For people like you, even wearing mink can't hide your rusticity!

Don't come to Kyoto for nothing, the air is polluted by you! "

"Why can't you come to Kyoto? This city of Kyoto belongs to your home?" Ning Xiruo, who heard the noise, came over and squinted her eyes and said to An and her son:

"Isn't it just a pair of shoes? Why are you so stubborn here?

If you really are a rich person, you don’t want shoes costing tens of thousands of dollars, so why worry about it so much!

You want it but feel dirty about it, you don’t want it but you can’t let it go, it seems you are not rich people, so why are you pretending! "

Upon hearing Ning Xiruo speak like this, both An He and her son became angry.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Who is pretending? I just don't want to buy used shoes that others have worn. Do you think I can't afford them like you?"

"Do you know the Lirenxing Plastic Surgery Clinic next to you? I run it!

I have no money? If I have too much money, I could kill you! "

Chen Xin'an walked in, looked at An He with disdain and said, "Haha! Do you think you have enough money to kill people when you open a plastic surgery hospital? Have you never seen money?"

He has already recognized that this guy named An He is the Mr. An who Liu Jianhong stopped his car on the road and asked him to pay back the money!

Chen Xin'an didn't have the slightest good impression of this person.

He turned his head and said to the counter salesperson: "Wrap those shoes.

Remember these two people from now on. Whenever they come in, I will kick them out!

Otherwise, don’t even open this store! "



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