Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2018 Give me the store plate

If it was just a dispute with Zhou Mao and his wife, Chen Xin'an would not bother with the mother and son.

He was too lazy to bother with a pair of villains who were rampant when they were successful.

But this An He was still a deadbeat who didn't pay back the money. He bought a new car and accompanied his mother to the mall to spend money.

But he was reluctant to pay the engineering money owed to Liu Jianhong, forcing him to sell the car and borrow high-interest loans to pay his brother's wages!

Chen Xin'an would certainly not let this scum go easily.

The mother and son lost face and left in despair.

Chen Xin'an took the shoes handed over by the salesperson, handed them to Huang Qihui and said, "Aunt Hui, if you like them, just buy them, no need to be polite.

Going out shopping is for fun, no need to worry about money.

There is no need to be humble to anyone.

You are my and Xiruo's family, no matter where you are, no one dares to bully you!"

"Hey!" Zhou Mao and Huang Qihui nodded.

Before their daughter wanted to marry Yue Zhihua, the two of them did not agree.

The first is that the man is too old, not much younger than the couple.

Another is that he is too ugly, with pits and scars on his face.

Although he looks good after plastic surgery, he doesn't look good next to his beautiful daughter.

But later, they saw that the man was really good to his daughter and loved her, so they didn't say anything.

Now they realized that their daughter really found a treasure.

The couple are not vain, but anyone who has relatives like Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo would not feel ashamed, but would feel honored.

Chen Xin'an said to Yue Zhihua: "Uncle, you take them to continue shopping, Xiruo and I will go out for a while.

Ah Qi, you follow uncle and them!

Buy whatever you want, you are welcome!"

"Okay!" Everyone nodded.

Chen Xinan took Ning Xiruo downstairs, and someone called out, "Uncle, Sister Xiruo!"

Guo Zhaodi pulled Mu Yezhen out of a wedding photography shop, her face still a little red.

Chen Xinan pretended not to see them holding hands, and said with a smile:

"You guys continue to play, your sister-in-law and I will go to the plastic surgery institution next door to have a look."

"I want to go too!" Mu Yezhen said while holding Guo Zhaodi's hand.

Guo Zhaodi looked at Chen Xinan and Ning Xiruo with some embarrassment.

Chen Xinan looked at Mu Yezhen, nodded and said, "Okay, let's go together!"

Since the injury, Mu Yezhen, the daughter of the phantom god, has never touched makeup again.

Even if it was the beauty salon she opened with Xiao Qin, she would never go there again.

Chen Xinan didn't want her to continue to make money.

But he wanted her to recover her memory.

It's really too painful for a person to always live without a past, in a daze.

Lirenxing Plastic Surgery Agency is located on the east side of Dayucheng Shopping Mall, on the 3rd, 4th and 5th floors of Wenlong Office Building.

There are only 14 or 15 employees, including cleaning staff, so it is not very big.

But it has just been renovated and looks quite new.

It used to be just a small beauty shop, and it only started to expand last year, contracting three floors.

Some of the renovation fees are still owed, including 400,000 yuan from Liu Jianhong.

Now a group of people are checking here.

You don’t know until you check, and you will be shocked when you check.

This Lirenxing not only evades taxes, but also has more outrageous illegal operations.

The two experts who are the main plastic surgeons do not have surgical qualifications!

The Pharmaceutical Association cancelled Lirenxing’s membership on the spot.

The Health Department directly fined Lirenxing 500,000 yuan, and even faced the risk of revoking its license!

Seeing Chen Xinan and Ning Xiruo coming up, An He angrily scolded: "Chen Xinan, are you really that serious? You have to kill us all, right?

You are such a big shot, why are you competing with us little idiots!

Can't you just let me go?"

Chen Xinan grinned, looked at An He and said: "I just don't like you, a little idiot, is there a problem?

An He, right?

I tell you, you can't run this store anymore.

These people don't just do a simple check.

As long as you violate the rules, they will find out!"

"Beast!" The mink woman yelled angrily: "We have no grudges against you, why are you so cruel?

We have worked hard for decades to earn this family business, why do you want to destroy it?

It's just that I offended your two relatives, is it necessary to do this Why are you so stubborn?

You are so unyielding, you will get retribution sooner or later! "

Chen Xinan laughed, looked at her with disdain and scolded: "I will tell you what retribution is.

Everything you are suffering now is retribution!

If you didn't hurt anyone, you don't have to worry about being investigated.

Since you have done something wrong, don't act like a victim here.

Where did your energy to bully others go?

People like you who forget their roots when they have a little money and only bully honest people are beasts and scums!

People like you will only ruin Kyoto's reputation and bring discredit to this place if you stay in Kyoto.

So go back to where you came from! "

"You..." The mink woman glared at Chen Xinan with gritted teeth.

Ning Xiruo next to her looked at her with disdain and said: "You'd better shut up!

Let me teach you a lesson, disaster comes from the mouth!

Your son is what he is today because of your mouth.

If you don't change your bad temper, you will suffer even more losses in the future! "

The mink woman gritted her teeth and cursed: "Do I need you to teach me a lesson? Who do you think you are..."

"Shut up!" An He yelled at her with red eyes.

The woman looked at him in disbelief, slapped him on the back and cursed: "What are you screaming at me? I am your mother!"

An He roared angrily: “If you weren’t my mother, I would have left you alone!

My dad couldn't stand your bad temper, so he divorced you because of his mistress!

Now that I finally have this little family fortune, I have been defeated by your bad temper!

Are you trying to force me to death?

If you offend Chen Xin'an, how can you let me continue to stay in Kyoto?

He is the richest man, and if he touches his finger, I will die! "

The woman who had never seen her son angry with her looked like she was stupid. She stared at him blankly, not daring to say a word.

A staff member from the Department of Health walked up to An He and said, "Mr. An, we found that there are still three unsolved medical disputes at Lirenxing.

Records have been filed with the Department of Health, one of which resulted in the disfigurement of the person involved.

The Department of Health is now re-opening the investigation into this dispute. Please do not leave Kyoto in the near future and please cooperate with the investigation. "

An He's face suddenly turned pale.

He spent a lot of money on this dispute and asked the Health Department to suppress it.

If the investigation is restarted now, the compensation will be astronomical, and you may even be held legally responsible!

An He knew that this was really over!

If he had known it would end like this, he would have dragged his mother along no matter what and would not have insulted the couple!

The mink woman was also dumbfounded. She didn't expect that just because she didn't keep her mouth shut, the three generations of the An family's thirty-year journey to the north would all come to nothing!

She knelt down in front of Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo with a bang, crying and saying:

"Please, please let us two go!"

Chen Xin'an squinted at An He and said, "Okay, let me help you.

Give me the store, give you one million, and leave Kyoto and go back to your hometown! "

"Only one million..." The mink woman was a little disdainful.

The annual rent here is more than this amount.

An He immediately nodded and said, "Thank you, Mr. Chen! I can handle the procedures for you as soon as possible!"



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