Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2019 She just has amnesia and is not a fool

Others don't know the current situation of Li Renxing, but An He knows it well.

After the expansion, he could no longer afford more money for turnover.

Moreover, several incidents occurred, and although they were suppressed, they were still a hidden danger.

Even if the Health Department doesn't investigate, patients may come to your door at some point.

And these things also have a great impact on the reputation of the institution.

Originally, An He wanted to take advantage of the New Year holiday to take a breather, and then find a way to borrow some money, make a big publicity after the New Year, and apply for more memberships.

But in fact, he was not confident that he could borrow the money.

Moreover, the reputational impact cannot be eliminated in two or three years.

Therefore, it is difficult to expand the membership. The organization does not have two or three years to slow down.

An He knew very well that it would be difficult for him to survive these two years.

Of course, he has no intention of selling the institution. As long as he can survive, he can make a lot of money.

But now someone wants to buy it and offers a high price of one million more than expected. Of course he is willing to sell!

And what was sold was just an empty shell.

It’s not so easy to come across such a wealthy and stupid customer!

He immediately stopped his mother's talk and said to Chen Xin'an:

"If Mr. Chen really wants to take over, we can go through the formalities now.

But these troublesome things..."

He pointed to the prosecutors surrounding him.

Chen Xin'an nodded to his wife, and Ning Xiruo walked over to talk to the prosecutors, and soon everyone left.

After glancing at Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo who were inspecting the institution not far away, the mink-skinned woman asked An He angrily:

"Son, are you really going to sell them this place we worked so hard for?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of An He's mouth, and he whispered: "Mom, don't worry!

It was just a matter of selling a place and a license.

This place already stinks, and it will take us several years to get over it.

Now someone has taken over, and it's just for him.

Let’s take the money, open a new one somewhere else, and start all over again.

People here will not stay, they all started with me.

If I leave, they will follow.

By then, the couple would have bought an empty shell.

We have something to gain! "

The mink woman grinned and gave Anhe a thumbs up.

Several people came outside. When An He saw Liu Jianhong, he frowned and cursed: "What are you doing here?"

"I asked him to come." Chen Xin'an said calmly: "Old Liu is now the power manager of Anhao Real Estate Company.

I heard him say that you still owe him 400,000 yuan.

I want to sell a store, so you have to pay off the debt first to save yourself trouble later! "

An He was dumbfounded. He didn't expect Chen Xin'an to play such a trick.

Mou Pingxuan, who was following behind, walked up and said, "I am Mou Pingxuan, the legal affairs officer of Anhao Group.

Before signing the transfer contract, I have a few more points to make to both of you.

Debts and disputes will not be transferred and need to be handled by the seller himself.

Of course, you can also ask Anhao Group to help with it, but it is a paid service..."

Listening to Mou Pingxuan's detailed explanation of the transfer rules, An He's heart sank again and again.

He originally thought that he could cheat Chen Xin'an, but he never expected that the other party would come prepared!

At this time, if you even think about not selling, it is impossible.

Just one word can bring back those prosecutors who were sent away just now!

It is very likely that I will get nothing in the end and lose a store in vain!

What’s even more frightening is that you might even be held legally responsible!

Fortunately, even after paying off Liu Jianhong's payment, there is still 600,000.

There is still a chance for a comeback!

Walking from the third floor to the fifth floor, Konoha looked at the beauty and body equipment and seemed to think of something.

Guo Zhaodi held her hand and asked in a low voice: "Have you been here before?"

Konoha shook his head and said: "I don't remember! But I feel like I have used all these things..."


A technician who was doing skin care for a female customer closed the curtain.

Even though men are not allowed to come up to this floor, it still makes the guests feel very awkward to be stared at by two girls.

Unexpectedly, Konoha actually pulled Guo Zhaodi in without any scruples, and stood by the bed, watching intently.

The technician frowned, looked at the two of them strangely and said, "What projects do you two work on? Do you have any members?"

What happened below, the people above did not know.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and prices are rising in all walks of life, but business here is good, and women have time to come here for nursing care.

Guo Zhaodi quickly shook her head, took Konoha's hand and said, "Just taking a look, you are busy with your business, don't worry about us!"

What does this mean? Where do you think this is? Are you just here to visit?

The technician winked at the colleague next to him.

During the companion meeting, he walked over with a smile and said to Konoha Zhen and Guo Zhaodi:

"You two beauties, if you are curious, I will accompany you around and introduce our project."

In a place like this, the most profitable project is to attract members to recharge.

So if they can successfully recruit a member, the commission will be much higher than if they do several projects!

Unexpectedly, Konoha didn't listen to what his companion was saying. He just pointed at the technician who was doing care and said: "You are wrong, this thing cannot be used by her."

The technician looked at the essential oil in his hand and frowned.

The customer lying on the nursing bed raised his head and asked Konoha: "Are you also a technician?"

Konoha really didn't answer, but looked straight at her and said, "Your skin is too bad, you can't use this!"

The woman had a lot of acne on her back, so she took advantage of the annual vacation to get some care.

There is no woman who doesn't love beauty. When someone criticizes her poor skin to her face, the female guest's face suddenly turns red, and her eyes are full of anger when she looks at Konoha.

"What are you two doing? What nonsense are you talking about here!"

When the technician saw the guest's expression change, he became angry. He waved his hands to Konoha and Guo Zhaodi and said:

"No visitors allowed here!

If you want to apply for a card, just follow Yaoyao.

If you want to do a project, just go to the bar and check it out. Don't wander around here, okay? "

Guo Zhaodi quickly pulled Konoha to apologize.

"I'm sorry, my friend suffered a head injury and sometimes can't control himself and doesn't know what he is doing.

I've caused you trouble, I'll take her away now! "

The technician sneered coldly and said with a look of disdain: "You are a fool after doing this for a long time! Get out of here quickly, don't delay our work!"

Guo Zhaodi said with some dissatisfaction: "Ye Zhen is not a fool, she was just injured and had some amnesia.

There is nothing wrong with her intelligence! "

The technician said impatiently: "I don't care if you have any problems!

Don't talk nonsense here, okay?

Do you know about skin care?

Do you know what skin care products I use?

This is imported essential oil, which has a whitening and delicate effect on women’s skin!

You just open your mouth and say this is not good and that is not good. A layman is too talkative. It’s good that I won’t cause you trouble! "

Guo Zhaodi's face was red and her neck was thick. She pulled Konoha and really wanted to leave.

However, Konoha Zhen changed his usual obedience and just looked at the female guest in front of him and said:

“She has sensitive skin and reacts heavily to chemicals.

The brand you are using is Dongchao skin care brand.

It is said to be pure herbal essence, but in fact it contains a lot of chemical synthetic agents.

It cannot be used on skin prone to allergies.

You can try aloe vera water, it is more effective than this essential oil! "

She walked to the customer, pushed the technician away, and said: "Your method is wrong too!

Essential oil care should be done with Sanshou Shibapai, otherwise the essential oil will not be absorbed by the skin! "



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