Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2020 No one was taken away

The contract has been negotiated, and all that remains is to complete various transfer procedures within two days.

Chen Xin'an gave An He a card with exactly one million in it.

Before the money was even warm, 400,000 yuan was transferred to Liu Jianhong.

Liu Jianhong, who received the money, did not hesitate and returned the 400,000 to Chen Xin'an.

After all, he had just received an advance payment of 1 million, and Liu Jianhong was embarrassed to ask for another 400,000.

An He's depressed face turned dark.

This is equivalent to Chen Xin'an spending 600,000 to buy his Beauty House.

Sure enough, none of these truly rich people are stupid and have too much money.

Fortunately, what he bought was just an empty shell, and he could barely make a loss for 600,000 yuan.

"Ahem, Mr. Chen, after you sign the contract, this beauty salon is yours." An He smiled and said to Chen Xin'an:

“But let’s make things clear first.

Mr. Chen must look down on these employees of mine, right?

So I will take them all away. Mr. Chen should have no objection, right? "

Chen Xin'an glanced at him, and then exchanged looks with Ning Xiruo.

The two laughed together.

Ning Xiruo said to An He, "If you can take them all away, I won't stop you.

If they are willing to stay, we will not treat them badly! "

"Haha!" An He said with a smile: "With the words of Mr. Chen and Mr. Ning, I feel relieved.

I don’t know anything else, but I know these employees very well.

They have been following me for several years. If I leave Beauty Walk, they will follow me.

I hope Mr. Chen and Mr. Ning can keep their promises! "

The mink woman curled her lips and said: "We just spent 600,000 yuan to buy our Beauty House, and we haven't passed the rent-free period yet.

This is equivalent to buying a three-story, four- to five-hundred-square-meter store for nothing.

Mr. Chen is so good at doing business, how can he still care about the people we use?

If someone just advertises, there will be a lot of people willing to come and do it! "

Ning Xiruo said to An He, "Mr. An should ask everyone what they think!"

An He curled his lips and smiled and said to the front desk next to him: "Xiao Yue, go and call everyone down!"

"Okay!" The front desk lady turned and left.

But ten minutes later, she still came down alone.

An He frowned and asked, "Didn't I ask you to call everyone down? What did you do up there?"

The mink woman scolded with a sullen face: "These workers are getting worse and worse now!

You talk to them for a long time, and they all chatter and don't look anxious at all.

If the store hadn't been fined, I would have told them to get out! "

The lady at the front desk looked embarrassed and said: "Everyone is studying on the fifth floor!

I said it, but they responded and ignored me..."

Studying art? What kind of art do you want to learn? Who is teaching?

Anhe, mother and son looked at each other.

Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo seemed to have thought of something, and their faces were happy, and they said at the same time: "Let's go up and have a look!"

In the nursing area on the fifth floor, Chen Xin'an was waiting at the stairs without going over.

However, I still saw nearly ten technicians from Lirenxing blocking the door of the box.

Beside the nursing bed, Konoha was wearing a white technician's uniform. His hands were filled with viscous liquid and he was tapping the female customer's back quickly.

The female guest lay face down on the bed, her body trembling with the rhythm of the beating, and she kept shouting:

"Comfortable! This is indeed the most comfortable!

The essential oil I just used was itchy and painful, and I felt very uncomfortable every time I used it!

Moreover, this technique is professional and much more comfortable than the previous technician! "

The technician who had cared for her before was standing nearby, blushing and looking embarrassed.

But his eyes watched Konoha's movements without blinking.

I have to admit that they are really capable.

And the techniques used were all things she had never seen before.

This is not a commercial nursing method, but it is more professional and practical.

"What are you doing!" An He walked over with a dark face.

Everyone exclaimed and covered the female guest with a blanket.

The female guest raised her head and cursed at An He: "Get out!"

In the nursing area on the fifth floor, no male is allowed to enter, not even the boss.

An He looked embarrassed, took two steps back, and said to everyone: "What about that? From today on, I am no longer the boss of Beauty Walk.

I'm going to change places and start over again.

If you are willing to come with me, you can pack your things now!

After the New Year, I will help you make a fortune! "

Everyone looked at each other and said nothing.

From now on, even if you are unemployed?

Isn't this too sudden?

You sold all the stores before you came to notify us, leaving no time for preparation!

Ning Xiruo smiled slightly and said to everyone: "Of course, we also welcome those who are willing to stay!

Salaries and benefits remain unchanged. New Year's holidays are optional. Those who want to make money can continue to work, and their salary will be tripled! "

Upon hearing this, An He's expression changed.

Sure enough, everyone said to Ning Xiruo: "I'm staying! Do I need to sign a new labor contract?

I can sign it now! "

"You ungrateful white-eyed wolves!" the mink woman was angry. She didn't expect that none of these people could be taken away!

She looked at everyone angrily and cursed: "Our family, Anhe, has taken you in these years.

Feed you and provide you with a place to stay.

I didn’t expect that you would abandon me as soon as you said I would, without even mentioning any old feelings!

It’s really a waste of money to raise you! "

One technician snorted and cursed: “What are you talking about!

We originally came to Kyoto to work and earn money.

We had already negotiated the terms of food and accommodation when we came here.

You are just fulfilling your obligations under the labor contract.

Why do I listen to you as if this is a favor to us? "

"Yes! We have enjoyed the benefits and also fulfilled our obligations!

If it weren't for our hard work, Lirenxing wouldn't have such development. Everyone is equal exchange! "

"On the contrary, you, a woman, often find trouble with us for no apparent reason and deliberately make things difficult for us.

It’s as if we are working and paying us wages is your charity.

That's what we deserve, okay? "

The technicians were talking all over the place, leaving An He and her son stunned and speechless.

For everyone, it doesn't really matter who the boss is, as long as they can work and make money.

And now that they see how powerful Konoha is and how professional she is in nursing, they also want to learn a few tricks.

What's more important is that with such a person in charge of Beauty Row, business will definitely be good!

So everyone chose to stay. It was An He who overestimated the loyalty of his employees to him.

Fortunately, although six hundred thousand is not much, it is not a total loss.

There is still a chance for a comeback.

An He winked at the woman, sighed, and prepared to leave.

Chen Xin'an stood at the top of the stairs and said to him: "By the way, Mr. An, in order to prevent those who were involved in medical disputes from coming back to cause trouble again, I have already sent out the news of the transfer of Beauty Line.

I believe those people have seen the news on the Internet and have come to visit now.

Since it was your own mistake, take responsibility for it!

It is stated in the contract that we will not be responsible for this type of disputes. You can resolve it yourself! "

Upon hearing this, An He was stunned.

Can’t you keep the 600,000 you got?

Once all the victims of several disputes are found, the 600,000 yuan will not be enough to compensate!

Only then did An He and his son realize that Chen Xin'an had no intention of letting them stay in Kyoto!

This is equivalent to driving the two of them out of Kyoto without leaving any part behind!

And the cause of all this was because his mother scolded him as a country bumpkin, a foreigner, and had no right to come to Kyoto because he tried on a pair of shoes!

At this point, everything was irreversible, and the couple walked out of the Beauty Walk in despair.

Downstairs, a group of people were jumping out of the car, including two women with gauze wrapped around their faces.

The crowd rushed into Wenlong Building aggressively and blocked the couple at the elevator entrance.

PS: On New Year's Day, Lao Qi wishes brothers a happy New Year! In good health!

Let’s talk about the update issue.

It’s close to 5 million words, and the editor won’t give a lot of updates.

It was originally supposed to be updated twice a day, but I fought for it and added one more update.

I don’t know yet whether there will be three updates in the future.

Lao Qi also wants to do more updates and earn more money, but the editors have the final say when it comes to guaranteed bottom-line updates.

Brothers, please be considerate!



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