Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2022 You are the ones lending money

Seeing Ning Xiruo walking in, Chen Duoduo and He Lijuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Ning Xiruo came over, took the hands of Chen Duoduo and He Lijuan, turned to look at the people around her and asked, "These are my two sisters, what do you want to do?"

Xu Dan didn't know Ning Xiruo, so when he saw her coming over with a few girls, he didn't take it seriously and snorted coldly:

"Does what you are doing have anything to do with you? Who are you?

What about your sister? Is your surname Chen or He?

I also said that these are our two sisters!

Go away, we have business to discuss with them and it has nothing to do with anyone else! "

Lele looked at Chen Duoduo and He Lijuan impatiently and said, "I found out why you two are a little ignorant?

Is it fun to live under someone else’s roof?

I'll show you a clear path and let you make a fortune. Why are you two so ignorant?

It's for your own good, not to harm you.

If it weren't for the sake of our previous colleagues, would I give you this good opportunity? "

Ning Xiruo frowned, turned to face Chen Duoduo and asked, "Duoduo, what's going on?"

Chen Duoduo said angrily: "They want us to help them find someone in the school, borrow money from them, and then charge interest.

Tell me and Xiaojuan, if we successfully introduce someone, we will get a commission of 500 yuan.

We both felt that this was not a good idea, so we did not agree. "

Ning Xi came over and cursed angrily: "I've been doing this for a long time, it's just a campus loan!

Duoduo, Xiaojuan, you are right to refuse.

If he really killed someone for them, he would harm a lot of people.

Back in our school, someone also borrowed this thing.

I borrowed 50,000 yuan and paid back 300,000 yuan, but it has not yet been repaid.

Then the girl’s private photos were posted online.

The girl who was harmed committed suicide by jumping off the building, but luckily she was saved in time!

However, in other schools, many people have chosen to commit suicide because they cannot pay off their debts! "

Chen Duoduo and He Lijuan had shocked looks on their faces.

Chen Duoduo looked at Xu Dan and cursed angrily: "I told you that you didn't have any good intentions. It turned out that you asked me to do such a heartless thing!"

He Lijuan also snorted and said: "Sure enough, there is no such thing as pie in the sky.

If I really help you do this kind of thing, I don’t know how many classmates will be harmed!

You people are so bad! "

Ning Xiruo looked at Xu Dan and Lele coldly and said, "Do you hear clearly now?

My two sisters don't do this kind of thing, so don't pester them anymore. "

She took the hands of Chen Duoduo and He Lijuan and said, "Let's go up!"

Xu Dan glanced at the people around him, frowned, stood in front of Ning Xiruo, pointed at Chen Duoduo and He Lijuan and said:

"Okay, since you don't want to do it, I won't force you.

But you two little prodigal hoofs are not a good thing either.

Because I was young and beautiful, and got rich, I looked down on us sisters who came out together.

But the things we told you today will rot in your stomach!

If you dare to tell others and cause trouble for us, I will never let you go. Remember? "

Ning Xiruo slapped her hand away, frowned and shouted: "You should be polite, don't be so unpleasant!

I told you, they are all my little sisters, don’t insult them with words!

Don't scare them either, or I'll be rude to you! "

Lele snorted coldly, walked up to Ning Xiruo, pushed her and said, "So what if you're welcome?"

A group of men and women gathered around, looking at Ning Xiruo with eager eyes.

A man with yellow hair came over, stretched out his hand to touch Ning Xiruo's chin, and said with a frivolous expression:

"Beauty, are you pretty? Are you Chen Duoduo's sister?

So, you also came out to do it?

Which venue is the top spot?

Let’s get to know my brother..."

"Shut your stupid mouth!" Xiaojiu came over quickly, pushed Huang Mao away, and slapped him in the face!

Huang Mao covered his face and was stunned for a moment, but he was not angry. Instead, he hugged Xiao Jiu.

Laughing and saying, "This little beauty is very hot, I like her even more!"

The others all laughed and gathered around.

Ning Xi pointed at everyone and cursed: "What do you want to do? Get out of here, or someone will deal with you!"

"I'm so scared!" A young man with a mohawk looked at her with a mean smile and said:

"Who do you think wants to deal with us? Where is he? Why didn't I see him?"

A middle-aged man in his thirties lowered his voice and said: "There are too many people here, take them to the toilet. Give them a lesson and let them know how powerful my brother Hao is!"

"Okay!" Everyone responded.

At this moment, Huang Mao screamed, covering his stomach with his hands and kneeling down!

Xiaojiu gritted her teeth and cursed angrily: "You dog-like thing dares to touch me!

You bastards are in trouble!

Get out of here! "

She flew up and kicked Lele who was standing in front of Ning Xiruo.

Lele exclaimed and almost fell into Ning Xiruo's arms.

She covered her lower back and shouted to the man: "Brother Hao, that bitch hit me!"

Brother Hao's face sank and he shouted to his subordinates: "Teach them a lesson!"

Ning Xiruo pulled Xiaojiu behind her and shouted to everyone: "How dare you do this?! My husband is..."

Before she could finish speaking, Xu Dan picked up the drink cup on the table next to her and smashed it at Ning Xiruo!

This is just a plastic cup, so it won't hurt if it hits you.

But there was still an unfinished drink inside, and it was very embarrassing to spill it on him.

"Sister-in-law, be careful!" Chen Rong stopped in front of Ning Xiruo desperately.

The drink hit her on the forehead, and the liquid inside poured all over her.

Chen Rong groaned, covering her forehead with her hands, and her eyes were red.

Ning Xiruo hugged her, glared at Xu Dan and cursed: "Don't force me!"

She has the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle on her arm, but now that her own people and the other party's people are mixed together, it's difficult to use it.

She took out her cell phone from her pocket and wanted to call Chen Xin'an, but the man with a mohawk rushed over and slapped her hand, causing the cell phone to fall to the ground!

Brother Hao said to Ning Xiruo and the girls with a gloomy face: "Follow us honestly, I'll just tell you a few things, don't resist, otherwise you will suffer!"

"You bastard, you are seeking death!" Xiao Jiu was furious.

She never imagined that there would be such a group of people in Kyoto who were not afraid of death and would dare to do this to them!

In fact, it's not surprising, these people are all people who can't get on the stage.

What they do is also side business.

Therefore, their world has no intersection with Chen Xin'an, and they did not expect that they would meet Chen Xin'an's people in the mall.

All they knew was that Chen Duoduo was hooked up with a wealthy man.

However, the person who can be with a bartender like Chen Duoduo will not be a big shot with status.

They are just some wealthy bosses who have made a little fortune in business, but can't control their lower bodies and keep schoolgirls.

Now I just feel that this rich boss has really good vision, and the girls he finds are more beautiful than the last.

As for other things, they didn't think much about it. They were not people who liked to think things over carefully.

Seeing that each of these little beauties was having a bad temper, I didn't take them seriously.

Brother Hao also became angry and winked at everyone.

He had to scare these women from going to the police.

Otherwise, I will have to spend this year at the police station again.

Also, the business of the two schools, Chen Duoduo and He Lijuan, cannot be let go.

This is a big market, and once it is done, a lot of money will be made.

Even if you use coercion and inducement, you still have to get these two girls to join the gang!



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