Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2023 Stirring a hornet’s nest

The ice room was in chaos.

All the people brought by Brother Hao took action.

What they do in this business is ruthlessness.

If they meet a few young girls who dare to be hard on them, they will naturally not get used to it.

They are too experienced in dealing with this kind of woman.

Violently subdue them directly to let them know that no one here will support them and spoil them.

Make sure they are honest and obedient!

Only this time, they seemed to have encountered a tough problem!

These girls, unlike the schoolgirls they met before, would become more obedient after just two slaps, but the more they were slapped, the more they resisted!

"Go to hell!" With an angry shout, a cold light flashed in Xiao Jiu's hand, and Huang Mao in front of him screamed, covering his right ear with his hand!

Blood flowed from the gaps between Huang Mao's fingers, and soon it was all over his neck!

Seeing Lele grabbing Ning Xiruo's hair, Xiaojiu rushed over desperately.

But Chen Duoduo was one step faster than her, rushed in front of Ning Xiruo, hugged Lele's arm, opened his mouth and took a hard bite on it!

Lele screamed loudly in pain and let go of Ning Xiruo.

Xu Dan rushed over and kicked Chen Duoduo in the stomach, trying to knock her down.

But Chen Duoduo hugged her leg.

Lele pounced on Chen Duoduo and wanted to tear her apart. He Lijuan on the side pounced on her and grabbed her clothes and tore them hard while shouting!

Ning Xiruo's disadvantage was that the people here were all women, and they were in the minority.

Fortunately, Xiaojiu was so good at playing with the knife between his fingers that he cut two men one after another, greatly weakening each other's fighting power.

It's just that Xiaojiu has little combat experience. Even if his combat power is not weak, he doesn't know how to maximize his combat power.

Once he saw his friend in danger, he became confused and tied up, feeling a little stretched.

Ning Xiruo tried to use the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle several times, but it was difficult to launch due to angle and timing issues.

The cell phone was on the ground. No calls could be made, and no one else had time to make calls.

Chen Xin'an and her family were shopping above, but Ning Xiruo, Xiao Jiu and the others were trapped in the Mixue Ice Room on the fifth floor.

Although it was very noisy, the mall was too big to hear it from above.

The people around them just watched the excitement and didn't care. Instead, Ning Xiruo and others were put in danger, and they were a little upset.

In the boutique fashion resale counter on the eighth floor, Chen Xin'an was on the phone with Liu Jianhong.

"The day after tomorrow, in the afternoon of the day after tomorrow, we will send a car directly to the Four Seasons Flower City.

Don't let people in my family see it, I will take you directly to the main square when the time comes.

There will be a light fountain in the main square the night after tomorrow, and it can’t be past six o’clock at the latest. I leave this matter to you!

Okay, the requirements are what I said before, the most important thing is that you must be beautiful..."

At the escalator, several people came up, still chatting.

"It's so inhumane for a group of men to bully a few women! It makes me angry just looking at it. How could there be such a scumbag!"

"There's no smoke without fire. These women must be beaten because they are so mean-mouthed and make people anxious!"

“I seem to have heard that all of them used to be young ladies!

What a pity that all of them are so beautiful, but they are actually chickens!

But that little girl was so ruthless, she was so good at playing with knives that she even cut off people's ears! "

Chen Xin'an frowned and said to Liu Jianhong on the other side of the phone: "Let's do this for now. If anything happens, please notify me immediately!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an stopped the men and women who had just come up from the escalator and asked them, "What are you talking about?"

A young man in a sweatshirt said: "Didn't you hear any noise from above? There was a fight in the Mixue Ice Room on the fifth floor, and a bunch of beauties got into it..."

Before he could finish his words, Chen Xin'an had already jumped off the escalator!

After running down for a long time, Chen Xin'an also discovered that this was going up.

He jumped to the side while holding on to the handrail, and landed on the two-meter-high descending escalator with a bang.

After several leaps in succession, Chen Xin'an rushed to the fifth floor.

But the sound of shouting came from below.

A mall employee blocked him and shouted: "Sir, don't do such dangerous actions..."

Chen Xin'an ignored him, ran to the railing next to it, and looked down from the large patio.

"Xi Ruo!" With a loud shout, Ning Xiruo, who had already run to the first floor, raised her head and took a look, then shouted something.

It's just that the distance is too far and I can't hear it at all!

Chen Xin'an turned over and stepped out of the railing.

The people around him exclaimed.

The staff shouted to him: “Sir, calm down!

Never do anything stupid!

Although there are unsatisfactory places in life, there are more beautiful things!

Be more open……"

Chen Xin'an was speechless. This guy thought he committed suicide by jumping off the building!

Hearing the commotion, Li Qi also poked his head down from the eighth floor and shouted: "Boss!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and shouted: "Follow Aunt Guilan and the others and ask Huang Hexiang to come down!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Xin'an loosened his hands and fell down!


The people around shouted loudly and rushed to the patio.

Everyone looked down, but they didn't see anyone lying in a pool of blood on the first floor.

Like a gecko, Chen Xin'an grabbed the railing on the fourth floor with both hands.

Amid everyone's exclamations, he fell down from the fourth floor to the third floor, holding the railing firmly with both hands.

While everyone was stunned, Chen Xin'an jumped down to the first floor one by one and chased towards the door!

"Daughter-in-law!" Chen Xin'an hugged Ning Xiruo and examined her body up and down.

His hair was a little messy, but his eyes were still bright and alert, with no signs of injury.

Ning Xiruo pointed to the roadside anxiously and shouted: "They took Duoduo away!"

A commercial vehicle rushed through the intersection and roared away!

Ning Xiruo looked guilty and panicked, grabbed Chen Xin'an's arm and said, "Go and save Duoduo!

Sorry, I didn't protect Duoduo! "

After all, we were in a shopping mall. Seeing more and more people watching around him, Brother Hao was also afraid that the crowd would distract him and cause trouble, so he ordered everyone to retreat and take Chen Duoduo away!

There's something strange about today, these women don't look like ordinary people.

Moreover, Huang Mao was seriously injured and must go to the hospital now.

With a hostage in hand, even if you provoke a bad person, the other party will use a trap to give them a chance to make amends.

Chen Xin'an turned around, looked at Xiaojiu and Ning Xi and asked loudly: "Are you injured?"

There were blood stains on the corners of Chen Rong and Ning Xi's mouths. They must have been beaten, but they were fine and they shook their heads.

"Brother An!" He Lijuan ran back from the roadside and cried to Chen Xin'an: "I remember the license plate!"

"Good job!" Chen Xin'an nodded towards her.

Huang Hexiang also ran out and asked Chen Xin'an, "What's going on?"

Chen Xin'an said to He Lijuan: "Xiaojuan, tell me and your brother Xiang the license plate number!"

He Lijuan named a set of numbers, and Chen Xin'an said to Huang Hexiang:

"Mobilize all your people in the entire Kyoto city to track down the whereabouts of this car!"

He took out his mobile phone and made a call: "The Department of Transportation, right? Help me pick up Leader Yang Zhilin.

Leader Yang, my sister has been kidnapped. I need Skynet to track and monitor her throughout the city! "

On the other side, Xiaojiu took out his mobile phone, also made a call, and whispered:

"Hua Youlin, something happened to my sister.

He was kidnapped in Dayu City in broad daylight. Can you help me investigate? "

Half an hour later, sirens rang throughout the city, and police cars roared past on almost every main road!

In the commercial car, Chen Duoduo didn't show the slightest panic about being kidnapped. He just sneered and said to Brother Hao and the others:

“You have stirred a hornet’s nest today!

If you provoke someone you don’t dare to provoke, none of you will be able to escape, you will all be dead! "



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