Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2024 I’ll remember it all for you

Commercial vehicles were running wildly on the street. Not to mention Chen Duoduo, even the driver didn't know where he was going!

No one expected that in just a few minutes, it seemed that the entire Kyoto city police and traffic police were dispatched!

Turning into an alley, listening to the police car roaring past on the road behind, the people in the commercial car looked pale and raised their heads.

Brother Hao gritted his teeth, stared at Chen Duoduo and cursed: "Chen Duoduo, who is the rich man you are dating?"

He had worked in Guifei City before, but he was not familiar with Chen Duoduo.

Also because he left early, he didn't know how the Royal Concubine City was destroyed later.

As for Xu Dan and Lele, although they experienced the destruction of Imperial Concubine City, they were relatively familiar with Chen Duoduo.

But he has long hair and short knowledge, and he doesn’t know the cause of this matter at all.

It was just hearsay that the boss offended a big shot in Kyoto and was punished.

As for Chen Duoduo, he was taken care of by a wealthy man.

After all, rich people nowadays like schoolgirls.

They will not verify the authenticity of the information, they only need to make sure that Chen Duoduo is of value to them.

Kidnapping Chen Duoduo had another purpose besides teaching her a lesson.

What they do is not just campus loans, those are basically targeted at female students in schools.

There is also a dating service specifically for boys. You can ask boys out in the name of falling in love, and then you can make a big deal!

Chen Duoduo's conditions are very suitable for this. They want to use violence to make her surrender and make money for them.

But he never expected that as soon as he got into the car, the police began to move out, so fast that no one could react!

Chen Duoduo spat at him and cursed: "You're just a sugar daddy! How dare you, a little brat like you, know who my brother is? I won't tell you!"

Waiting for my brother to come to your door, all of you bastards will be miserable and walking around in circles! "

Xu Dan slapped Chen Duoduo on the face, gritted his teeth and cursed at her:

"If you keep talking nonsense, I'll kill you right now!

Chen Duoduo, I’m warning you not to drink wine as a penalty if you don’t eat the toast!

Being obedient can still leave a way for yourself to survive.

Otherwise, it will be difficult for us, and we will kill you before they find you! "

Chen Duoduo wiped his face with his hands, stared at Xu Dan and said, "Remember, you slap me twice!"

Xu Dan felt chilled by her look, and for a moment he didn't know how to reply.

Next to her, Lele raised her arm, slapped Chen Duoduo several times, and then punched her in the stomach!

"What's wrong with hitting you?

What a bitch!

Do you really think that a sparrow will turn into a phoenix if you hook up with a rich man?

Who are you messing with!

Let me tell you that I specialize in treating all kinds of dissatisfaction!

Believe it or not, I've messed up your face right now so that even if they find you, they won't be able to recognize you? "

She took out a fruit knife from her body and made two gestures in front of Chen Duoduo.

Chen Duoduo closed his mouth and stopped talking.

She has experienced too many things that are inappropriate for her age, and she was beaten by her parents since she was a child, so she is not afraid of this kind of threat.

But these idiots have no brains. They will be impulsive because of unnecessary stimulation, causing irreparable damage to her.

That would be really unfair!

She believed that Chen Xin'an would definitely find her.

So she is not afraid.

The car started again, and Chen Duoduo suddenly opened his mouth wide and covered his chest, looking like he was about to vomit.

"Don't let her vomit in the car!" Brother Hao, who was slightly mysophobic, cursed at Xu Dan.

Xu Dan lowered the car window, asked Chen Duoduo to stick his head out to vomit, and said fiercely: "If you dare to scream loudly, I will let Lele stab you!"

Chen Duoduo put his hands on the car window, stuck his head outside, and vomited out loudly.

Lele's punch just now was really unpleasant.

But what no one noticed was that she was holding a small hairpin in her hand.

The moment she poked her head out, she threw it to the ground.

Huang Mao covered his ears with a large ball of tissue stained red by blood, and said to Brother Hao with a cry:

"Brother Hao, hurry up and take me to the hospital. If you wait any longer, my ears will die and I will bleed to death!"

The man next to him whose arm was scratched by Xiaojiu also covered his wound and nodded vigorously to Brother Hao.

Brother Hao cursed angrily: "Be patient! If you go to the hospital now, aren't you throwing yourself into a trap?"

Mohawk, who was driving, turned around and asked, "Brother Hao, where are we going now?"

Brother Hao frowned, thought for a while and said to Mohawk: "Go to the Chengnan Hotel first. There is a small clinic there, let them bandage it."

Xu Dan pointed at Chen Duoduo who had just finished vomiting and said, "Brother Hao, how should she deal with it?"

Brother Hao looked at Chen Duoduo and said with a gloomy face: "Let her go to Xingfu Street for two days to cure her bad temper!

When she becomes honest, we will bring her out to work for us! "

The car left the alley and entered the road.

In the alley, a man in his forties came out of a small supermarket and stood at the place where the commercial vehicle had stopped.

The man bent down and picked up a small hairpin from the ground, then turned and walked into the small supermarket next to it.

In the business car, Xu Dan chuckled: "Brother Hao still has a way, this girl should treat her like this!"

Lele on the side also looked at Chen Duoduo sideways, with an expression of gloating on his face.

"Chen Duoduo, don't you know where Xingfu Street is?"

Lele raised the corners of her mouth and said to Chen Duoduo: "Do you know Pang Xingzhuang in the southern suburbs of Kyoto?

There is a construction project going on there, and there are many construction teams working there.

Xingfu Street is the living area there, with many small hair salons catering to the construction workers.

And the workers at the steel mill often go there too!

You know how to entertain, right?

Think about the look in the eyes of those workers who are stinking of sweat when they see a student girl like you?

Chen Duoduo, you will definitely earn a lot of money. It is estimated that you will not even have time to sleep at night if you work for three days!

It’s a pity that you won’t get any of the money you earn, it’s all ours! "

Looking at Chen Duoduo's expressionless face, which was not full of fear and crying as he imagined, Lele frowned.

This was not what she wanted to see.


She slapped Chen Duoduo in the face again, gritted her teeth and cursed: "Why are you staring! If you stare at me again, I will dig out your eyes!"

"Seven times!" Chen Duoduo said expressionlessly.

Xu Dan frowned and looked at her and asked, "What did you say?"

Chen Duoduo looked at her coldly and said, "You slapped me twice, and she slapped me six times and punched me once. I'll remember it for you!"

"Hey, you little bitch!" Lele was furious. He raised his arms angrily and cursed at her: "I'll beat you to death right now..."

At this moment, Mohawk said to everyone in a trembling voice: "We are being targeted! Be careful and get down!"

Everyone's expressions changed, and they looked back from the rearview mirror. Many cars appeared behind them, following them not far away, as if they were observing them!

In the Road Command and Dispatch Center of the Kyoto Transportation Department, Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo sat on the chair with a gloomy face, looking at the large surveillance wall in front of them.

Xiaojiu and the others were sitting outside and waiting. There was no point in worrying now, they could only wait for news.

The other party was very cunning and took roads with relatively little surveillance, so there wasn't much useful information.

The phone rang and Chen Xin'an took it out to answer it.

Huang Hexiang said hurriedly: "Junior brother, traces of the little girl were found in the south of the city!

My men found the hairpin she dropped! "

Chen Xin'an took her mobile phone and turned to the staff in the monitoring room and shouted:

"Near the Tongshun Gate in the south of the city! Notify the traffic police immediately to set up a traffic jam!"



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